
This is a four phase enveloppe generator like used in the Yamaha TX802 FM synthesizer. Most important feauture is that the end levels of the different phases can be set. This is the version with modulation inputs.
Author: Albert van der Zee
License: GPL
Github: azaxo/ctrl/EnvTX802Mod.axo


frac32.positive Level1

frac32.positive Level2

frac32.positive Level3

frac32.positive Level4

bool32.risingfalling Trigger

bool32 EnvOn

frac32.bipolar Duration1

frac32.bipolar Duration2

frac32.bipolar Duration3

frac32.bipolar Duration4


frac32.positive o


int32.label stage

int32.label cycles

int8_t stage = 1;
int ntrig;
int32_t val;
int64_t rate;
int32_t cycles;
Control Rate
if (!inlet_EnvOn) { // Enveloppe can be switched off
  stage = 1;
  ntrig = 0;
} else {
  if ((inlet_Trigger > 0) &&
      !ntrig) { // pressing a key will start the enveloppe
    stage = 2;
    ntrig = 1;

  if (!(inlet_Trigger > 0) && ntrig) { // releasing the key will start the final
                                       // (release) phase of the enveloppe
    stage = 9;
    ntrig = 0;

switch (stage) {
case 1:
  val = (inlet_Level4 << 4); // phase 1: key is off, release is finnished
case 2: // phase 2: key is on, start of move to Level1 at Rate1
  cycles = (inlet_Duration1 + 134217728) >>
           21; // read duration and transfer to value range 0-127
  cycles = (11 * cycles * cycles - 234 * cycles) /
           10; // number of cycles is calculated based on the positive side of
               // parabolic formula y = 1.1*X^2 - 23.4 * x (-64 = 0 sec, 0 = 1
               // sec, +64 = 5 sec)
  rate = ((((inlet_Level1 << 4) - val)) /
          (cycles)); // the adjustment per cycle of the output value during this
                     // phase is calculated
  stage = 3;         // set the next stage and do not break
case 3:              // phase 2: key is on, moving to level1 at Rate1
  val += rate;       // the output value is adjusted
  cycles -= 1;       // opne cycle finnished
  if (cycles < 0) {
    stage = 4;
    val = (inlet_Level1 << 4);
  } // out of cycles move to the next phase
case 4: // phase 3: key is on, start of move to Level2 at Rate2
  cycles = (inlet_Duration2 + 134217728) >> 21;
  cycles = (11 * cycles * cycles - 234 * cycles) / 10;
  rate = ((((inlet_Level2 << 4) - val)) / (cycles));
  stage = 5;
case 5: // phase 3: key is on, moving to level2 at Rate2
  val += rate;
  cycles -= 1;
  if (cycles < 0) {
    stage = 6;
    val = (inlet_Level2 << 4);
  } else
case 6: // phase 4: key is on, start of move to Level3 at Rate3
  cycles = (inlet_Duration3 + 134217728) >> 21;
  cycles = (11 * cycles * cycles - 234 * cycles) / 10;
  rate = ((((inlet_Level3 << 4) - val)) / (cycles));
  stage = 7;
case 7: // phase 4: key is on, moving to level3 at Rate3
  val += rate;
  cycles -= 1;
  if (cycles < 0) {
    stage = 8;
    val = (inlet_Level3 << 4);
  } else
case 8: // phase 5: key is on, staying at Level3
  val = (inlet_Level3 << 4);
case 9: // phase 6: key is off, start of move to Level4 at Rate4
  cycles = (inlet_Duration4 + 134217728) >> 21;
  cycles = (11 * cycles * cycles - 234 * cycles) / 10;
  rate = ((((inlet_Level4 << 4) - val)) / (cycles));
  stage = 10;
case 10: // phase 6: key is off, moving to level4 at Rate4
  val += rate;
  cycles -= 1;
  if (cycles < 0) {
    stage = 1;
    val = (inlet_Level4 << 4);
  } else
} // end switch

outlet_o = val >> 4;


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