
Preset save/load manager, threaded version. This is the presetmanager drj/patch/preset_manager_t developped by Are Leistad (DrJustice). I only ammended the channel attribute to run from 0-15.
Author: Are Leistad / Albert van der Zee
License: BSD
Github: azaxo/patch/preset_manager_t.axo


int32 Preset number

bool32.rising Trigger to load preset

bool32.rising Trigger to save preset

charptr32 File name prefix


frac32.positive Volume for avoiding glitches on save/load

int32 The current preset number

bool32.pulse Pulse signals loading

bool32.pulse Pulse signals saving


int32 Preset number to save or load Click to load preset Click to save preset


combo volfade

combo savemode

combo pgmchange

spinner channel

spinner presetcc

spinner loadcc

spinner savecc

spinner autoload


int32.label current

 *  The preset manager saves and loads the parameters in the
 *  patch/subpatch it appears in or all parameters in all sub patches
 *  depending on the selected save mode, "Global" or "SubPatch".
 *  In SubPatch mode, each sub patch may need their own preset manager
 *  object to handle its parameters. Choose save mode and placement
 *  of preset manager objects depending on what you want saved.
 *  There are 4 ways to load and save presets:
 *    1 - Using MIDI by sending standard program change messages.
 *    2 - Using MIDI by sending designated CCs set the preset number
 *        and trigger load and save operations.
 *    3 - Using the preset number spinbox and load and save buttons
 *        on the module for managing presets from the patch windows.
 *    3 - Using the preset, load and save inputs to set
 *        the preset number and trigger load and save operations.
 *  The savemode menu select the scope of the save opration.
 *  The pgmchange menu enables or disables MIDI program changes.
 *  The channel spinbox sets the MIDI channel that will
 *  be used for MIDI control.
 *  The presetcc, loadcc and savecc spinboxes selects the MIDI CC
 *  numbers used for controlling the preset manager. The preset number
 *  to load or save is set with presetcc, the load action is triggered
 *  by loadcc and the save action is triggered by savecc. Set the CC
 *  numbers to -1 to disable their corresponding functions.
 *  The autoload spinbox selects a preset number which will be loaded
 *  automatically when the patch starts. Set autoload to -1 for no preset
 *  to be loaded.
 *  The preset spinbox, and load and save buttons control the
 *  load and save operations directly from a patch window.
 *  The preset output and the save and load pulse outputs can
 *  be used to chain save/load actions to sub patches by connecting
 *  to the corresponding inputs of other preset managers.
 *  If managing presets by MIDI only, the preset managers
 *  (in the various sub patches) that listens to MIDI does
 *  not need to be chained together. When a preset manager gets
 *  a change message via MIDI, it will not send save/load pulses
 *  to avoid multiple load/save triggers.
 *  The filenames are constructed of a prefix, taken form the prefix
 *  string input, a three digit zero padded preset number and a file
 *  extension. The preset files are saved in the SD card directory of
 *  the current patch. So a preset filename looks like e.g.:
 *    0:/my_patch/foo001.pst
 *  This means there are 1000 preset slots, although only the first 128
 *  can be accessed via MIDI (for now).
 *  If a patch has multiple preset managers throughout its sub patches,
 *  each preset manager needs a unique string for the prefix. This allows
 *  each sub patch to save its parameters to separate files that can be
 *  reloaded later by the same sub patch in a different context.
 *  As an example, saving preset number 123 for "my_patch",
 *  containing two preset managers with the prefixes "syn" and "echo",
 *  results in the following files being created:
 *    0:/my_patch/syn123.pst
 *    0:/my_patch/echo123.pst
 *  The file format consist of a string of 32 bit words, with a 3 word header:
 *    word 0   =>  header, "PRSx", file type identifier string, where x is the
 * version word 1   =>  header, save mode, 0 = global mode and 1 = sub patch
 * mode word 2   =>  header, number of parameters word 3   =>  first parameter
 * name hash word 4   =>  first parameter value
 *    ..
 *    word N   =>  last parameter name hash
 *    word N+1 =>  last parameter value
 *  Possible workaround for global parameter access (see macro
 * USE_PATCHES_FILE): When using a patch parent table (in an SD card file if it
 * has to be so, using a preset_manager master with preset_slave modules in the
 * sub patches), the parameters will be grouped by sub patch:
 *    word 0   =>  header, "PRSx", file type identifier string, where x is the
 * version word 1   =>  header, save mode, 0 = global mode and 1 = sub patch
 * mode, 2 = patch-parent-table? word 3   =>  header, number of patches word 4
 * =>  first patch header, patch id word 5   =>  first patch header, number of
 * parameters for this patch word 6   =>  first patch, first parameter name hash
 *    word 7   =>  first patch, first parameter value
 *    ..
 *    word N   =>  first patch, last parameter name hash
 *    word N+1 =>  first patch, last parameter value
 *    word N+2 =>  second patch header, patch id
 *    word N+3 =>  second patch header, number of parameters for this patch
 *    ...
 *  Possible TBIs:
 *   - Avoiding audio glitches by providing a gain coefficiant outlet with fade
 * in/out before and after save/load operations (DONE, SEE: attr_volfade)
 *   - Much faster loading by scanning the directory and pre-loading all presets
 * into DRAM on module startup and preset save operations. Challenges: memory
 * mamangement, sparse preset sets.
 *   - Polyphonic parameter access, ref. methods from xpatch.cpp:
 *     (Subpatch V1 works with poly patches and saves any visible patameters
 * including "show on parent" ones, Global only loads the first voice
 * repeatedly... hits the first instance of the same named param)
 *        static voice * getVoices(void){
 *             static voice v[3];
 *            return v;
 *        }
 *        static void PropagateToVoices(ParameterExchange_t *origin) {
 *              ParameterExchange_t *pex = (ParameterExchange_t
 * *)origin->finalvalue; int vi; for (vi = 0; vi < 3; vi++) {
 *                PExParameterChange(pex,origin->modvalue,0xFFFFFFEE);
 *                  pex = (ParameterExchange_t *)((int)pex + sizeof(voice)); //
 * dirty trick...
 *              }
 *        }
 *        int vi; for(vi=0;vi<3;vi++) {
 *           voice *v = &getVoices()[vi];
 *           v->polyIndex = vi;
 *           v->common = this;
 *           v->Init(&getVoices()[vi]);
 *           notePlaying[vi]=0;
 *           voicePriority[vi]=0;
 *           for (j = 0; j < v->NPEXCH; j++) {
 *              v->PExch[j].value = 0;
 *              v->PExch[j].modvalue = 0;
 *           }
 *        }

//#define LogTextMessage(...) {}
//#define DEBUGF LogTextMessage
//#define DEBUGF_THREAD LogTextMessage
#define DEBUGF(...)                                                            \
#define DEBUGF_THREAD(...)                                                     \

// Can save some space by leaving out console messages


#define PRESET_LOAD th_preset_load
#define PRESET_SAVE th_preset_save
#define PRESET_LOAD preset_load
#define PRESET_SAVE preset_save

// Subpatch v1 may be deprecated (28.09.2017 05:00 - found out that it works
// with poly patches...)


int32_t start_sequence;
int32_t preset_no;
int32_t preset_candidate;
int32_t midi_preset_no;
int32_t old_inlet_save;
int32_t old_param_save;
int32_t old_inlet_load;
int32_t old_param_load;
int32_t load_pulse;
int32_t save_pulse;
const char *magic_v2;
const char *suffix;
const char *prefix_copy;
int32_t gain_coeff;
#if attr_volfade < (1 << 27)
int32_t fade_rate;
int32_t save_load_state;

const char *patches_filename;

typedef struct _PresetFileHeader {
  char magic[4];
  int32_t savemode;
  int32_t n_params;
} PresetFileHeader;

enum {
  PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch_v1 = 2

enum {

 *  Constructs a filename to use

void prepare_filename(char *filename, int buflen, const char *prefix,
                      int preset_no) {
  int offset = 0;
  if (prefix != NULL) {
    strncpy(filename, prefix, buflen);
    offset = strlen(filename);
  if (buflen >= offset + 4) {
    filename[offset++] = '0' + (preset_no / 100) % 10;
    filename[offset++] = '0' + (preset_no / 10) % 10;
    filename[offset++] = '0' + preset_no % 10;
    filename[offset] = 0;
  strncpy(filename + offset, suffix, buflen - offset);
  filename[buflen - 1] = 0;

 *  Handle file errors by reporting an clsing the file

int file_error(FIL *FileObject, FRESULT err, const char *filename) {
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, filename);
  if (FileObject != NULL)
  return -1;

 *  Determines the number of global parameters to save or load.

int get_noof_global_IPVP_params(void) {
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  int n_params = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; i++) {
    if (ObjectKvps[i]->kvptype == KVP_TYPE_IPVP) {
  return n_params;

 *  Determines the number of patch parameters to save or load.
 *  These are the parameters that has a matching PExch[] address
 *  at both patch and global level.
 *  Some parameters may be skipped bacuse of an xpatch.cpp bug
 *  where some parameters don't get registered in the global table.

int get_noof_patch_IPVP_params(void) {
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  int n_params = 0;
  for (int patch_i = 0; patch_i < parent->NPEXCH; patch_i++) {
    for (int global_i = 0; global_i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; global_i++) {
      if (&parent->PExch[patch_i] == ObjectKvps[global_i]->ipvp.PEx)
      // if( ObjectKvps[global_i]->kvptype == KVP_TYPE_IPVP &&
      // &parent->PExch[patch_i] == ObjectKvps[global_i]->ipvp.PEx )
  return n_params;

 *  Find the parameter in the global ObjectKvps table which matches the given
 * name hash.

int get_global_param_index(uint32_t name_hash) {
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  for (int i = 0; i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; i++) {
    if (ObjectKvps[i]->kvptype == KVP_TYPE_IPVP) {
      if (name_hash == CalcCRC32((uint8_t *)ObjectKvps[i]->keyname,
                                 strlen(ObjectKvps[i]->keyname))) {
        return i;
  return -1;

 *  Writes the preset file header to the SD card

FRESULT preset_save_header(FIL *FileObject, const char *magic, int32_t savemode,
                           int32_t n_params) {
  unsigned int bytes_written;
  FRESULT err;
  PresetFileHeader header;

  memcpy(header.magic, magic, sizeof(header.magic));
  header.savemode = savemode;
  header.n_params = n_params;
  return f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(PresetFileHeader),

 *  Saves a preset to the SD card

int preset_save(const char *prefix, int preset_no) {
  FRESULT err;
  FIL FileObject;
  char filename[64];

  prepare_filename(filename, 64, prefix, preset_no);
  err = f_open(&FileObject, filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return file_error(NULL, err, filename);

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save(): file open OK, name = '%s'", filename);

#if attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_global
  err = preset_save_global(&FileObject);
  if (err == FR_OK)
    LogTextMessage("Global saved to '%s'", filename);
#elif attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch
  err = preset_save_subpatch(&FileObject);
  if (err == FR_OK)
    LogTextMessage("Sub patch saved to '%s'", filename);
#elif attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch_v1
  err = preset_save_subpatch_v1(&FileObject);
  if (err == FR_OK)
    LogTextMessage("Sub patch v1 saved to '%s'", filename);

  if (err != FR_OK) {
    return file_error(&FileObject, err, filename);

  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    return file_error(NULL, err, filename);

  return 0;

#if attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_global
FRESULT preset_save_global(FIL *FileObject) {
  FRESULT err;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  unsigned int bytes_written;
  int n_params;

  n_params = get_noof_global_IPVP_params();
  preset_save_header(FileObject, magic_v2, PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_global,
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return err;

      "preset_manager::preset_save_global(): header written OK, n_params = %d",

  // Generate a hash of each parameter name and store (hash,value) pairs.
  for (int i = 0; i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; i++) {
    uint32_t pair[2];
    if (ObjectKvps[i]->kvptype == KVP_TYPE_IPVP) {
      if (ObjectKvps[i]->keyname != NULL) // Should probably never be NULL
        pair[0] = CalcCRC32((uint8_t *)ObjectKvps[i]->keyname,
        pair[0] = 0;
      pair[1] = ObjectKvps[i]->ipvp.PEx->value;

      DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_global(): name = '%s', hash= 0x%08x, "
             "value = 0x%08x",
             ObjectKvps[i]->keyname != NULL ? ObjectKvps[i]->keyname : "NULL",
             pair[0], ObjectKvps[i]->ipvp.PEx->value);

      err = f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_written);
      if (err != FR_OK)
        return err;
  return FR_OK;

#if attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch
FRESULT preset_save_subpatch(FIL *FileObject) {
  FRESULT err;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  unsigned int bytes_written;
  int n_params;
  int n_saved_params = 0;

  n_params = get_noof_patch_IPVP_params();
  err = preset_save_header(FileObject, magic_v2,
                           PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch, n_params);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return err;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_subpatch(): header written OK, n_params "
         "= %d",

  for (int patch_i = 0; patch_i < parent->NPEXCH; patch_i++) {
    for (int global_i = 0; global_i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; global_i++) {
      if (&parent->PExch[patch_i] ==
              .PEx /*&& ObjectKvps[global_i]->kvptype == KVP_TYPE_IPVP*/) {
         *  At this point we can save parent->PExch[patch_i] since it has a name
         *  in ObjectKvps[global_i] that we can take a hash of and store.
         *  On loading, we need to do this again, I.e. ensure thar the named
         * parameters PEx has an address that's a match in both the global
         * ObjectKvps[] and the sub patch parent->PExch[]
        uint32_t pair[2];

        if (ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname != NULL)
          pair[0] = CalcCRC32((uint8_t *)ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname,
          pair[0] = 0;
        pair[1] = ObjectKvps[global_i]->ipvp.PEx->value;

        DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_subpatch(): name = '%s', hash= "
               "0x%08x, value = 0x%08x",
               ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname != NULL
                   ? ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname
                   : "NULL",
               pair[0], pair[1]);

        err =
            f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_written);
        if (err != FR_OK)
          return err;

  if (n_saved_params < parent->NPEXCH) {
    // Non registsred params thet were skipped
    LogTextMessage("%d params skipped!", parent->NPEXCH - n_saved_params);
  return FR_OK;

#if attr_savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch_v1
FRESULT preset_save_subpatch_v1(FIL *FileObject) {
  FRESULT err;
  unsigned int bytes_written;
  int32_t value;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_subpatch_v1(): file open OK, name = '%s'",

  // Write header word 1: type and version identifier
  err = f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)"PRS1", 4, &bytes_written);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return err;

  // Write header word 2: number of parameters
  value = parent->NPEXCH;
  err = f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(int32_t), &bytes_written);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return err;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_subpatch_v1(): header written OK");

  for (int i = 0; i < parent->NPEXCH; i++) {
    value = parent->PExch[i].value;
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_save_subpatch_v1(): 0x%08x", value);
    err =
        f_write(FileObject, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(int32_t), &bytes_written);
    if (err != FR_OK)
      return err;
  return FR_OK;

 *  Loads a preset from the SD card

int preset_load(const char *prefix, int preset_no) {
  FRESULT err;
  FIL FileObject;
  PresetFileHeader header;
  unsigned int bytes_read;
  char filename[64];

  prepare_filename(filename, 64, prefix, preset_no);
  err = f_open(&FileObject, filename, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return file_error(NULL, err, filename);

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load(): file opened OK, name = '%s'",

  err = f_read(&FileObject, (uint8_t *)&header, sizeof(PresetFileHeader),
  if (err != FR_OK)
    return file_error(&FileObject, err, filename);

  // Check id and version, call the right loader.
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    if (header.magic[i] != magic_v2[i]) {
      LogTextMessage("Preset file id mismatch");
      return file_error(&FileObject, FR_OK, filename);
  int32_t file_version = header.magic[3];

  if (file_version == '1') {
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load(): loading file version 1");
    err = preset_load_subpatch_v1(&FileObject, &header);
    if (err == FR_OK)
      LogTextMessage("V1 Sub patch loaded from '%s'", filename);
  } else
      if (file_version == '2') {
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load(): loading file version 2");
    if (header.savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_global) {
      err = preset_load_global(&FileObject, &header);
      if (err == FR_OK)
        LogTextMessage("Global load from '%s'", filename);
    } else if (header.savemode == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_MODE_subpatch) {
      err = preset_load_subpatch(&FileObject, &header);
      if (err == FR_OK)
        LogTextMessage("Sub patch loaded from '%s'", filename);

  if (err != FR_OK) {
    file_error(&FileObject, err, filename);
    return -1;

  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    file_error(&FileObject, err, filename);
    return -1;

  return 0;

 *  This is the intial simple test implentation.
 *  This support will be ditched soon since we have better use for the SRAM.
FRESULT preset_load_subpatch_v1(FIL *FileObject, PresetFileHeader *header) {
  FRESULT err;
  unsigned int bytes_read;
  int n_params;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch_v1(): header n params = %d, & "
         "NPEXCH = %d",
         n_params, parent->NPEXCH);

  // Yeah... This is messy, but teh V! loadin WILL be ditched ASAP!
  f_lseek(FileObject, 8);
  n_params = header->savemode;

  if (n_params != parent->NPEXCH) {
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch_v1(): n params mismatch");
    return FR_DENIED;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch_v1(): n params match OK");

   *  Read the parameters from the file and write them to the patch
   *  PExParameterChange() signaling mask:
   *    0x00000001 -> USB parameter exchange
   *    0x00000002 -> DIN MIDI port
   *    0x00000004 -> Display
   *    0x00000008 -> buttons and dials
   *    0x00000010 -> polling readback enabled (never clear this) (OBSOLETE)
  for (int param_i = 0; param_i < n_params; param_i++) {
    int32_t value;
    err = f_read(FileObject, (uint8_t *)&value, sizeof(int32_t), &bytes_read);
    if (err != FR_OK)
      return err;
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch_v1(): param_i = %d, 0x%08x",
           param_i, value);
    PExParameterChange(&parent->PExch[param_i], value,

  return FR_OK;

FRESULT preset_load_global(FIL *FileObject, PresetFileHeader *header) {
  FRESULT err;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  unsigned int bytes_read;
  int n_params;

   *  This is the global name/value pair loading.
   *  We may get name clashes with this if there are identically named
   * parameters in different sub patches.
  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_global(): loading file saved with global "

  n_params = header->n_params;
  int n_global_IPVP_params = get_noof_global_IPVP_params();
  if (n_params != n_global_IPVP_params) {
        "preset_manager::preset_load_global(): noof params mismatch %d vs %d",
        n_params, n_global_IPVP_params);
    LogTextMessage("Noof params mismatch, %d vs %d", n_params,
    return FR_DENIED;

   *  Read each parameter (hash,value) pair from the file and find a matching
   * ObjectKvps[] entry

  for (int param_i = 0; param_i < n_params; param_i++) {
    uint32_t pair[2];

    err = f_read(FileObject, (uint8_t *)pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_read);
    if (err != FR_OK)
      return err;

    // ISSUE: For poly voices, we get the params for the first voice repeated N
    // times,
    //        probably since the names are the same and get_global_param_index()
    //        returns the first one every time.
    //        For now Sub ptatch V1 format works for poly patches.

    int global_index = get_global_param_index(pair[0]);
    if (global_index >= 0) {
      // Too much logging messages causes a disconnect in large patches !!!
      ////LogTextMessage( "param %d, %d", global_index, pair[1] );
      PExParameterChange(ObjectKvps[global_index]->ipvp.PEx, pair[1],
      // Is it possible to propgate the (now repeated) parameters to all voices?
      ////PropagateToVoices( ObjectKvps[global_index]->ipvp.PEx );
    } else {
      DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_global(): parameter name mismatch");
      return FR_DENIED;
  return FR_OK;

FRESULT preset_load_subpatch(FIL *FileObject, PresetFileHeader *header) {
  FRESULT err;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
  extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
  unsigned int bytes_read;
  int n_params;
  int n_loaded_params = 0;

  DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch(): loading file saved with sub "
         "patch mode");

  n_params = header->n_params;
  int n_patch_IPVP_params = get_noof_patch_IPVP_params();
  if (n_params != n_patch_IPVP_params) {
    DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch(): noof params mismatch");
    return FR_DENIED;

   *  Read each parameter (hash,value) pair from the file and search for a
   * matching ObjectKvps[] entry to find the right one in case the same param
   * name appears several times in different subpatches. Since some parameters
   * aren't registered globally, we must skip those sub patch params which we
   * can't match with a registered one.
  bool param_found = true;
  for (int patch_i = 0; patch_i < parent->NPEXCH; patch_i++) {
    uint32_t pair[2];

     *  If the previous parameter in the sub patch was not found in the global
     * registry, that means it was skipped on save, and so the last parameter we
     * read from file is still "the next one" and so we must retry that
     * parameter again.
    if (param_found == true) {
      err = f_read(FileObject, (uint8_t *)pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_read);
      if (err != FR_OK)
        return err;

    param_found = false;
    for (int global_i = 0; global_i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; global_i++) {
      if (&parent->PExch[patch_i] == ObjectKvps[global_i]->ipvp.PEx &&
          pair[0] == CalcCRC32((uint8_t *)ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname,
                               strlen(ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname))) {
        DEBUGF("preset_manager::preset_load_subpatch(): PARAM LOADED OK => "
               "name = '%s', value = 0x%08x",
               ObjectKvps[global_i]->keyname, pair[1]);
        PExParameterChange(&parent->PExch[patch_i], pair[1],
        param_found = true;
  if (n_loaded_params < parent->NPEXCH) {
    // Less params than in current sub patch
    LogTextMessage("%d to few params!", parent->NPEXCH - n_loaded_params);
  return FR_OK;

 *  Threaded wrapper for load and save operations

WORKING_AREA(waThreadX, 1024);
Thread *Thd;
const char *th_prefix;
int th_preset_no;
int th_mode;

msg_t ThreadX2() {
  if (th_mode == 0) {
    preset_load(th_prefix, th_preset_no);
    DEBUGF_THREAD("Load done");
  } else {
    preset_save(th_prefix, th_preset_no);
    DEBUGF_THREAD("Save done");

static msg_t ThreadX(void *arg) { ((attr_parent *)arg)->ThreadX2(); }

void th_start(int mode, const char *prefix, int preset_no) {
  if (Thd != NULL) {
  th_prefix = prefix;
  th_preset_no = preset_no;
  th_mode = mode;
  Thd = chThdCreateStatic(waThreadX, sizeof(waThreadX), NORMALPRIO, ThreadX,
                          (void *)this);
  DEBUGF_THREAD("Thread started...");

int th_preset_load(const char *prefix, int preset_no) {
  DEBUGF_THREAD("Load, waiting...");
  th_start(0, prefix, preset_no);
  return FR_OK;

int th_preset_save(const char *prefix, int preset_no) {
  DEBUGF_THREAD("Save, waiting...");
  th_start(1, prefix, preset_no);
  return FR_OK;

 *  Creates the patches.ppp file where all (sub)patches will register their
 *  parent rootc structure and the number of parameters (NPEXCH is static!).
 *    word 0:   first patch parent->PExch
 *    word 1:   first patch parent->NPEXCH
 *    ..
 *    word N:   last patch parent->PExch
 *    word N+1: last patch parent->NPEXCH
void preset_create_patches_file(void) {
  FRESULT err;
  FIL FileObject;
  unsigned int bytes_written;

  LogTextMessage("preset_manager: creating %s", patches_filename);

  err = f_open(&FileObject, patches_filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);
  } else {
    int32_t pair[2];
    pair[0] = reinterpret_cast<int32_t>(parent);
    pair[1] = parent->NPEXCH;

    f_lseek(&FileObject, 0);
    err = f_write(&FileObject, (uint8_t *)&pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_written);
    if (err != FR_OK) {
      report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);
    } else {
          "preset_manager: registered parent patch 0x%08x with %d params",
          parent, parent->NPEXCH);
    if (err != FR_OK) {
      report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);

 *  Dump the contents of the patches.ppp file for diagnostics
void preset_dump_patches_file(void) {
  FRESULT err;
  FIL FileObject;
  unsigned int bytes_written;

  LogTextMessage("preset_manager: checking %s for registered patches:",

  err = f_open(&FileObject, patches_filename, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);
  } else {
    int32_t pair[2];
    rootc *parent_patch;
    int32_t n_patches = f_size(&FileObject) / sizeof(pair);
    unsigned int bytes_read;
    for (int i = 0; i < n_patches; i++) {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, (uint8_t *)&pair, sizeof(pair), &bytes_read);
      if (err != FR_OK) {
        report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);
      parent_patch = reinterpret_cast<rootc *>(pair[0]);
      LogTextMessage("preset_manager: patch %d: PExch = 0x%08x with %d params",
                     i, parent_patch->PExch, pair[1]);
    if (err != FR_OK) {
      report_fatfs_error(err, patches_filename);
start_sequence = 0;
preset_no = 0;
midi_preset_no = 0;
old_inlet_save = 0;
old_param_save = 0;
old_inlet_load = 0;
old_param_load = 0;
load_pulse = 0;
save_pulse = 0;
magic_v2 = "PRS2"; // The file header magic word, version 2
suffix = ".prs";   // The file extension
prefix_copy = "";  // Need the inlet_prefix pointer in the MIDI handler
gain_coeff =
    (1 << 27); // Current volume output, used for fade out/in on save/load
#if attr_volfade < (1 << 27)
fade_rate = 0;
save_load_state = PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_idle;
patches_filename = "patches.ppr"; // The "Patch Preset Registry" file

Thd = NULL;
th_prefix = NULL;
th_preset_no = 0;
th_mode = 0;
Control Rate
if (start_sequence < 3) {
   *  We need to wait one k-rate iteration for signal driven startup actions.
   *  At start_sequence == 0 we do nothing, but wait for signals to propagate in
   * the patch. At start_sequence == 1 we can reliably read inputs, parameters
   * and attributes, and we perform the optional autoloading of a preset.
  // LogTextMessage("preset_manager: start_sequence = %d", start_sequence );

  if (start_sequence == 0) {

#if 0
              // This is only for diagnostics, listing all parameters in all sub patches
                extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvpRoot;
                extern struct KeyValuePair *ObjectKvps[];
                DEBUGF( "preset_manager::krate(): ObjectKvpRoot = 0x%08x, ObjectKvps[%d] = 0x%08x",
                        ObjectKvpRoot, ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length, ObjectKvps );
                for( int i = 0; i < ObjectKvpRoot->apvp.length; i++ )
                    switch( ObjectKvps[i]->kvptype )
                        case KVP_TYPE_IPVP :
                          DEBUGF( "KVP_TYPE_IPVP: .keyname = '%s', .value = 0x%08x",
                            ObjectKvps[i]->keyname != NULL ? ObjectKvps[i]->keyname : "NULL",
                            ObjectKvps[i]->ipvp.PEx->value );
                        case KVP_TYPE_IVP :
                          DEBUGF( "KVP_TYPE_IPVP: .keyname = '%s', .value = 0x%08x",
                            ObjectKvps[i]->keyname != NULL ? ObjectKvps[i]->keyname : "NULL",
                            ObjectKvps[i]->ivp.value );
                        default :
                          DEBUGF( "KVP_TYPE_ = %d", ObjectKvps[i]->kvptype );
  else if (start_sequence == 2) {
    // The master preset_manager can pick up the patches file here.
    // This is just for diagnostics - we'll pick up the file when save/load is
    // triggered the apropriate loader will be called by preset_load().
  else if (start_sequence == 1) {
     *  Check for autoload.
    prefix_copy = inlet_prefix;
    preset_no = param_preset;
    midi_preset_no = preset_no;

    if (attr_autoload >= 0) {
      DEBUGF("preset_manager::krate(): preset autoload");
      if (PRESET_LOAD(inlet_prefix, attr_autoload) == FR_OK) {
        load_pulse = 1;
        preset_no = attr_autoload;
} else if ((old_inlet_load != inlet_load && inlet_load != 0) ||
           (old_param_load != param_load && param_load == 0)) {
   *  Load triggered
  DEBUGF("preset_manager::krate(): load_triggered");
  if (old_param_load != param_load && param_load == 0) {
    preset_candidate = param_preset;
  } else {
    preset_candidate = inlet_preset;

#if attr_volfade < (1 << 27)
  // Start fade out
  fade_rate = -attr_volfade;
  save_load_state = PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_load;
  // Use immediate switching
  if (PRESET_LOAD(inlet_prefix, preset_candidate) == FR_OK) {
    load_pulse = 1;
    preset_no = preset_candidate;
} else if ((old_inlet_save != inlet_save && inlet_save != 0) ||
           (old_param_save != param_save && param_save == 0)) {
   *  Save triggered
  DEBUGF("preset_manager::krate(): save_triggered");
  if (old_param_save != param_save && param_save == 0) {
    preset_candidate = param_preset;
  } else {
    preset_candidate = inlet_preset;

#if attr_volfade < (1 << 27)
  // Start fade out
  fade_rate = -attr_volfade;
  save_load_state = PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_save;
  // Use immediate switching
  if (PRESET_SAVE(inlet_prefix, preset_candidate) == FR_OK) {
    // 12.04.2016 17:02 - No save pulse on global saves?
    //                    One more savemode = "GobalNoTrig" for this
    //                    or just skip the pulse?
    //                    or let users do "responsible patching" to avoid
    //                    trigger loops and such.
    save_pulse = 1;
    preset_no = preset_candidate;

#if attr_volfade < (1 << 27)
 *  Waits for the volume to ramp down before performing deferred saving or
 * loading then ramps the volume back up when save or load is done. We save this
 * codespace if immedate presetc switching is used.
if (fade_rate < 0) {
  // Fading out before save/load
  gain_coeff += fade_rate;
  if (gain_coeff <= 0) {
    gain_coeff = 0;
    fade_rate = 0;
    if (save_load_state == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_load) {
      if (PRESET_LOAD(inlet_prefix, preset_candidate) == FR_OK) {
        load_pulse = 1;
        preset_no = preset_candidate;
    } else if (save_load_state == PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_save) {
      if (PRESET_SAVE(inlet_prefix, preset_candidate) == FR_OK) {
        save_pulse = 1;
        preset_no = preset_candidate;
    // Start fade in after save/load
    fade_rate = attr_volfade;
    save_load_state = PRESET_MANAGER_SAVE_LOAD_STATE_idle;
} else if (fade_rate > 0) {
  // Fading in after save/load
  gain_coeff += fade_rate;
  if (gain_coeff >= 1 << 27) {
    gain_coeff = 1 << 27;
    fade_rate = 0;

outlet_volume = gain_coeff;
disp_current = preset_no;
outlet_preset = preset_no;
outlet_load = load_pulse;
outlet_save = save_pulse;
old_inlet_load = inlet_load;
old_param_load = param_load;
old_inlet_save = inlet_save;
old_param_save = param_save;
load_pulse = 0;
save_pulse = 0;
if (Thd != NULL) {
Midi Handler
 *  The MIDI code is untested!
 *  Include listening for program/bank change messages, CC 0 (MSB) and 32 (LSB)?
if (status == attr_channel + MIDI_PROGRAM_CHANGE) {
  if (attr_pgmchange == 1 && PRESET_LOAD(prefix_copy, data1) == FR_OK) {
    preset_no = data1;
} else if (status == attr_channel + MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE) {
  if (data1 == attr_presetcc) {
    midi_preset_no = data2;
  } else if (data1 == attr_loadcc &&
             PRESET_LOAD(prefix_copy, midi_preset_no) == FR_OK) {
    preset_no = midi_preset_no;
  } else if (data1 == attr_savecc &&
             PRESET_SAVE(prefix_copy, midi_preset_no) == FR_OK) {
    preset_no = midi_preset_no;


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