
Syncable delay read, non-interpolated, proportional time modulation
Author: Are Leistad
License: BSD
Github: drj/delay/read_sync.axo


frac32 Delay time bias

frac32 Delay time modulation

int32 Override clocksource attribute, 0,1,2,3,4 = attr,int,ext,midi,midi-omni

int32 Override clockmul parameter, values above 0 overrides clockmul

int32 Override clockdiv parameter, values above 0 overrides clockdiv

bool32.rising Clock input


frac32buffer Delay output

frac32 Delay time, fraction of the referenced delay writer's time


int32 clockmul

int32 clockdiv Internal delay time


objref delayname

combo clocksource

combo device

combo smooth

//#define DEBUGF LogTextMessage
#define DEBUGF(...)                                                            \

enum {
  CLOCK_SOURCE_internal = 0,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_external = 1,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_midi = 2,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni = 3

int32_t start_sequence;
int32_t clock_source;
int32_t clock_multiplier;
int32_t clock_divider;
uint32_t sync_count; // At least N clocks before deriving synced time
uint32_t sync_time;  // Synced time expressed in fractional delay length
uint32_t ktimer;     // 3kHz timer
uint32_t last_ktime;
float delay_length_cpl; // cache result of  1.0 / lenght of delay line
uint32_t old_24ppq;

__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE float Q27ToF(int32_t op1) {
  float fop1 = *(float *)(&op1);
  __ASM volatile("VCVT.F32.S32 %0, %0, 27" : "+w"(fop1));
  return (fop1);

__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE int32_t FToQ27(float fop1) {
  __ASM volatile("VCVT.S32.F32 %0, %0, 27" : "+w"(fop1));
  int32_t r = *(int32_t *)(&fop1);
  return (r);

__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE int
midi_device_test(midi_device_t dev, uint8_t port, int selected_dev,
                 uint8_t selected_port) {
  if ((selected_dev == MIDI_DEVICE_OMNI) ||
      (selected_dev == dev && selected_port == port))
    return 1;
  return 0;

#if attr_smooth > 0
#define FIFO_EXP attr_smooth
#define FIFO_LEN (1 << FIFO_EXP)
#define FIFO_MASK (FIFO_LEN - 1)
typedef struct _AveragerContext {
  int32_t fifo[FIFO_LEN];
  int32_t fifo_i;
  int32_t acc;
} AveragerContext;
AveragerContext avg;
__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE int32_t
moving_average(AveragerContext *avg, int32_t new_value) {
  avg->fifo_i = (avg->fifo_i + 1) & FIFO_MASK;
  avg->acc -= avg->fifo[avg->fifo_i];
  avg->acc += new_value;
  avg->fifo[avg->fifo_i] = new_value;
  return avg->acc >> FIFO_EXP;

void on_clock(void) {
  float period;
  int32_t kperiod;
#if attr_smooth > 0
  kperiod = moving_average(&avg, ktimer - last_ktime);
  kperiod = ktimer - last_ktime;
  last_ktime = ktimer;
  period = kperiod * 16 * clock_divider;
  period = period / clock_multiplier;

  if (period < 1.0f) {
    period = 1.0f;

  if (sync_count < 1) {
  } else {
    sync_time = FToQ27(period * delay_length_cpl);
#if attr_smooth > 0
for (avg.fifo_i = 0; avg.fifo_i < FIFO_LEN; avg.fifo_i++) {
  avg.fifo[avg.fifo_i] = 0;
avg.fifo_i = 0;
avg.acc = 0;
start_sequence = 0;
clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_internal;
clock_multiplier = 1;
clock_divider = 12;
sync_count = 0;
sync_time = 0;
ktimer = 0;
last_ktime = 0;
delay_length_cpl = 1.0f / attr_delayname.LENGTH;
old_24ppq = 0;
Control Rate
// Use preset time until synced
if (start_sequence == 0 && clock_source != CLOCK_SOURCE_internal) {
  sync_time = param_time;

// If too long between clocks (likely absence of clock), require two successive
// clocks to resync. Use max delay time as the minimum clock interval (using 5
// seconds for now)?
if (ktimer - last_ktime > (5 * 3000)) {
  sync_count = 0;

// Live overrides for the clock source and clock divider and multiplier
// parameters. Allow clock selection without restarting the patch is good :)
// (The int32 spinbox is not CC assignable...(bug?))
if (inlet_clkoverride > 0) {
  clock_source = inlet_clkoverride - 1;
  if (clock_source > CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni) {
    clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni;
  } else if (clock_source < CLOCK_SOURCE_internal) {
    clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_internal;
} else {
  clock_source = attr_clocksource;

if (inlet_divoverride > 0) {
  clock_divider = inlet_divoverride;
  if (clock_divider < 1) {
    clock_divider = 1;
} else {
  clock_divider = param_clockdiv;

if (inlet_muloverride > 0) {
  clock_multiplier = inlet_muloverride;
  if (clock_multiplier < 1) {
    clock_multiplier = 1;
} else {
  clock_multiplier = param_clockmul;

if (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_external && inlet_24ppq && !old_24ppq) {

int32_t tmp_time;
if (clock_source != CLOCK_SOURCE_internal) {
  tmp_time = sync_time;
} else {
  tmp_time = param_time;

// tmod is scaled to cover the delay range
int32_t time_mod = ___SMMUL((tmp_time + inlet_time) << 3, inlet_tmod << 2);
int32_t total_time = __USAT(tmp_time + inlet_time + time_mod, 27);
uint32_t length = total_time >> (27 - attr_delayname.LENGTHPOW);

if (length > attr_delayname.LENGTHMASK - BUFSIZE) {
  length = attr_delayname.LENGTHMASK - BUFSIZE;

uint32_t delay = attr_delayname.writepos - length - BUFSIZE;

outlet_time = total_time;
old_24ppq = inlet_24ppq;
Audio Rate
outlet_out = attr_delayname.array[(delay++) & attr_delayname.LENGTHMASK] << 14;
Midi Handler
if (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni ||
    (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_midi &&
     midi_device_test(dev, port, attr_device) == 1)) {
  if (status == MIDI_TIMING_CLOCK) {


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