
Sequencer clock controller, midi/24ppq sync
Author: Are Leistad
License: BSD
Github: drj/seq/seq_clk_sync.axo


frac32.bipolar Clock frequency mod

frac32.bipolar Gate length mod

bool32 Run/stop

bool32 Play backwards

bool32 Play steps counting up and down

bool32 Repeat end steps for upndown mode

int32 First step number, 0..N

int32 Last step number, 0..N

int32 Override clocksource attribute, 0,1,2,3,4 = attr,int,ext,midi,midi-omni

int32 Override clockdiv parameter, values above 0 overrides clockdiv

bool32.rising Reset to step 0 synved to next clock

bool32.rising Reset to step 0 immediately

bool32.rising External 24 PPQ clock


bool32.pulse Step clock output

bool32.pulse Pulse when step 1 starts

bool32.pulse 24 PPQ clock output

int32 Step number out

bool32 Gate/clock out

Parameters Clock frequency modulation Gate length

int32 clockdiv

int32 seqlength

bool32.tgl Obey MIDI transport messages


combo clocksource

combo device

//#define DEBUGF LogTextMessage
#define DEBUGF(...)                                                            \


enum {
  CLOCK_SOURCE_internal = 0,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_external = 1,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_midi = 2,
  CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni = 3

uint32_t start_sequence;
uint32_t first_run; // To catch first iteration for startup conditions
uint32_t sync_count;
uint32_t ktimer; // 3kHz timer
uint32_t phase;
uint32_t old_phase;
uint32_t old_24ppq;
uint32_t old_reset_sync;
uint32_t old_reset_imm;
uint32_t reset_sync;
uint32_t reset_imm;
uint32_t supress_trig; // Avoid new gate on current step for stop -> run
uint32_t enforce_trig; // Ensure that we get a retrigger on reset immediate if
                       // pressed when gate was on
int32_t first_step;
int32_t last_step;
int32_t step_count;      // The step counter
int32_t next_step_count; // Pending new step number, or -1
int32_t old_step_count;
int32_t step_direction;
int32_t clock_source;
int32_t clock_divider;
uint32_t midi_last_ktime; // MIDI/24PPQ clock capture
uint32_t midi_clock_24;
int32_t midi_clock_freq;
int32_t midi_clock_run;
int32_t midi_clock_count;
int32_t midi_transport;

float midi_last_period;
__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE int
midi_device_test(midi_device_t dev, uint8_t port, int selected_dev,
                 uint8_t selected_port) {
  if ((selected_dev == MIDI_DEVICE_OMNI) ||
      (selected_dev == dev && selected_port == port))
    return 1;
  return 0;

void on_sync_clock(void) {
  if (midi_clock_run == 1) {

    // Find noof sample periods since last time;
    float period = (ktimer - midi_last_ktime) * 16 * clock_divider;
    midi_last_ktime = ktimer;
    // Leaky integrator to avoid spiky clock on tempo changes
    period = period + 0.5f * (midi_last_period - period);
    midi_last_period = period;
    if (sync_count < 2) {
    } else {
      if (period < 1.0f) {
        period = 1.0f;
      // Using slightly lower frequency (63.99 vs 64.0) so we avoid leading edge
      // spikes from late phase resets.
      float f_clock = SAMPLERATE / period;
      double freq = 63.99 * (double)(1 << 30) * f_clock / (SAMPLERATE * 1.0);
      midi_clock_freq = (uint32_t)freq;
      midi_clock_24 = 1;
      if (midi_clock_count >= clock_divider) {
        phase = 0;
        midi_clock_count = 0;
start_sequence = 0;
first_run = 1;
sync_count = 0;
ktimer = 0;
phase = 0;
old_phase = 0;
old_24ppq = 0;
old_reset_sync = 0;
old_reset_imm = 0;
reset_sync = 0;
reset_imm = 0;
supress_trig = 0;
enforce_trig = 0;
first_step = 0;
last_step = 7;
step_count = 0;
next_step_count = -1;
old_step_count = 0;
step_direction = 1;
clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_internal;
clock_divider = 12;
midi_last_ktime = 0;
midi_clock_24 = 0;
midi_clock_freq = 0;
midi_clock_run = 1;
midi_clock_count = 0;
midi_transport = 0;
midi_last_period = 0.0f;
Control Rate
int32_t freq;
int32_t gatelength;

first_step = inlet_firststep;
last_step = param_seqlength == 0 ? inlet_laststep : param_seqlength - 1;

// Reset output pulses
outlet_clock = 0;
outlet_24ppq = 0;
outlet_start = 0;

// Need some variable copies to resolve scope...
midi_transport = param_miditransport;

// Prevent MIDI sync from starting without a MIDI start message
if (start_sequence < 2) {
  if (param_miditransport == 1) {
    midi_clock_run = 0;

  if (inlet_reverse) {
    // step_count     = param_seqlength - 1;
    step_count = last_step;
    step_direction = -1;


// Live overrides for the clock source and clock divider parameters.
// Allow clock selection without restarting the patch is good :)
// (The int32 spinbox is not CC assignable...(bug?))
// Starting to get a bit much - look into amortizing the less urgent stuff like
// this?

if (inlet_clkoverride > 0) {
  clock_source = inlet_clkoverride - 1;
  if (clock_source > CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni) {
    clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni;
  } else if (clock_source < CLOCK_SOURCE_internal) {
    clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_internal;
} else {
  clock_source = attr_clocksource;

if (inlet_divoverride > 0) {
  clock_divider = inlet_divoverride;
  if (clock_divider < 1) {
    clock_divider = 1;
} else {
  clock_divider = param_clockdiv;

// 24 PPQ sync input
if (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_external) {
  // Must keep the clock sync process running for external clock
  // unless we obey the MIDI transport messages.
  if (param_miditransport == 0) {
    midi_clock_run = 1;

  if (inlet_24ppq && !old_24ppq) {

// Catch counter reset requests, with immediate reset taking priority

if (inlet_rstimm && !old_reset_imm) {
  reset_imm = 1;
} else if (inlet_rstsync && !old_reset_sync) {
  reset_sync = 1;

if (inlet_run == 1 &&
    (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_internal || midi_clock_run == 1)) {
  if (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_internal) {
    MTOFEXTENDED(param_tempo + inlet_tempo, freq);
    phase += freq >> 2;
  } else {
    // Reclocking the internal LFO
    phase += midi_clock_freq;

    // Maintain 24 PPQ clock pulse
    if (midi_clock_24) {
      outlet_24ppq = 1;
      midi_clock_24 = 0;

  if (first_run) {
    DEBUGF("%d : FIRST RUN", ktimer);
    // Need to force a start pulse the very first run, since no count++ will
    // trigger before the second step
    outlet_start = 1;
    first_run = 0;
  } else if (phase < old_phase) {
    // Clock! Update counter, taking any queued song position into account.

    if (next_step_count >= 0) {
      step_count = next_step_count;
      next_step_count = -1;
    } else {
      if (inlet_upndown) {
        step_count += step_direction;
        // if( step_count < 0 )
        if (step_count < first_step) {
          step_direction = 1;
          if (inlet_endrep) {
            // step_count = 0;
            step_count = first_step;
          } else {
            // step_count = 1;
            step_count = first_step + 1;
        // else if( step_count >= param_seqlength )
        else if (step_count > last_step) {
          step_direction = -1;
          if (inlet_endrep) {
            // step_count = param_seqlength - 1;
            step_count = last_step;
          } else {
            // step_count = param_seqlength - 2;
            step_count = last_step - 1;
      } else {
        step_direction = 1;
        if (inlet_reverse) {
        } else {

    if (!inlet_upndown) {
      // if( step_count < 0 )
      if (step_count < first_step) {
        // step_count = param_seqlength - 1;
        step_count = last_step;
      // else if( step_count >= param_seqlength )
      else if (step_count > last_step) {
        // step_count = 0;
        step_count = first_step;

    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    // 05.05.2016 02:39 - continue with the first_step/last_step paradigm!
    //                    done below, continue upwards!
    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    // if( step_count == 0 )
    if (step_count == first_step) {
      outlet_start = 1;

    outlet_clock = 1;

    DEBUGF("%d : COUNT: count = %d,  next = %d", ktimer, step_count,

  // Handle sequencer reset, either immediate or synchronized to the next step

  if (reset_imm) {
    phase = 0;
    reset_imm = 0;
    reset_sync = 0;
    enforce_trig = 1;
    if (inlet_reverse) {
      // step_count     = param_seqlength - 1;
      step_count = last_step;
      step_direction = -1;
    } else {
      // step_count     = 0;
      step_count = first_step;
      step_direction = 1;
  } else if (reset_sync) {
    if (phase < old_phase) {
      phase = 0;
      reset_imm = 0;
      reset_sync = 0;
      if (inlet_reverse) {
        // step_count     = param_seqlength - 1;
        step_count = last_step;
        step_direction = -1;
      } else {
        // step_count     = 0;
        step_count = first_step;
        step_direction = 1;

  // The gate length is variable from 0% to 100%

  gatelength = param_gatelength + inlet_gatelength;
  if (gatelength > (1 << 27)) {
    gatelength = (1 << 27);
  } else if (gatelength < 0) {
    gatelength = 0;

  // Handle the gate correctly for all cases
  //   Supressed trigger : avoids new gate on current step for stop -> run
  //   Enforced trigger  : force a new gate on reset immediate if pressed when
  //   the gate was on Normal trigger    : running gate pulse with variable gate
  //   length

  if (supress_trig) {
    outlet_gate = 0;
    if (step_count != old_step_count) {
      supress_trig = 0;
  } else if (enforce_trig) {
    outlet_gate = 0;
    enforce_trig = 0;
  } else {
    if ((phase >> 5) > gatelength) {
      outlet_gate = 0;
    } else {
      outlet_gate = 1;

  outlet_step = step_count;
  old_step_count = step_count;
  old_phase = phase;
} else {
  outlet_step = step_count;
  outlet_gate = 0;
  supress_trig = 1;

old_24ppq = inlet_24ppq;
old_reset_sync = inlet_rstsync;
old_reset_imm = inlet_rstimm;
Midi Handler

if (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_midi_omni ||
    (clock_source == CLOCK_SOURCE_midi &&
     midi_device_test(dev, port, attr_device) == 1)) {
  if (status == MIDI_TIMING_CLOCK) {
  } else if (midi_transport) {
    if (status == MIDI_START) {
      // Start on the first incoming clock.
      // 25.04.2016 00:24 - Start is not bang on? Resync clock?
      midi_clock_run = 1;
      midi_clock_count = clock_divider; // Start on first midi clock to arrive!
      step_count = first_step;
      next_step_count = 0;
    } else if (status == MIDI_STOP) {
      midi_clock_run = 0;
    } else if (status == MIDI_CONTINUE) {
      midi_clock_run = 1;
    } else if (status == MIDI_SONG_POSITION) {
      midi_clock_count = 0; // ...or not?
      next_step_count = 6 * ((data2 << 7) + data1);
      next_step_count =
          first_step + (next_step_count % (last_step - first_step + 1));


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