Dynamic Counter 1

Dynamic up / down counter. As each stage count is completed, the next stage count begins in the opposite direction. Numstage - will determine how many stages will be select from stage 1 only to all 8 stages. retfirst - will return to the very beginning of count 1 in forward direction when the last count of the last selected stage is complete, if not on, then the direction is changed and count continues fromm last point. restart - will return to the very beginning stage 1 count 1 in forward direction, toggle parameter was added so a midi cc could be nominated. The purpose opf this object is to create length when connected to a sequence so it is percieved a less or even non-repetitive pattern.
Author: Gavin
License: BSD
Github: gav/Logic/Dynamic Counter 1.axo


bool32.rising increment trigger

bool32 retfirst

bool32 restart


int32 output


int32.hradio numstage

int32 p0

int32 p1

int32 p2

int32 p3

int32 p4

int32 p5

int32 p6

int32 p7

bool32.tgl retfirst

bool32.tgl restart

int ntrig;
int count;
int scount;
int pval;
int vdir;
int cstep[8];
count = -1;
ntrig = 0;
scount = 0;
pval = 0;
vdir = 1;
Control Rate
cstep[0] = param_p0;
cstep[1] = param_p1;
cstep[2] = param_p2;
cstep[3] = param_p3;
cstep[4] = param_p4;
cstep[5] = param_p5;
cstep[6] = param_p6;
cstep[7] = param_p7;

if (param_restart > 0 || inlet_restart > 0) {
  count = -1;
  ntrig = 0;
  scount = 0;
  pval = 0;
  vdir = 1;

if (scount >= cstep[pval]) {
  if (param_numstage <= pval) {
    if (param_retfirst > 0 || inlet_retfirst > 0) {
      count = -1;
      vdir = -1;
    pval = 0;
  } else {
    pval = pval + 1;
  scount = 0;
  vdir = vdir * -1;

if ((inlet_inc > 0) && ntrig == 0) {
  if (vdir == 1)
    count = count + 1;
  if (vdir == -1)
    count = count - 1;
  if (count < 0)
    count = 15;
  if (count > 15)
    count = 0;
  scount = scount + 1;
  ntrig = 1;

if (inlet_inc < 1)
  ntrig = 0;

outlet_o = count;


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