
A Granulator that plays samples from a table using grains. It allows pitch shifting and time stretching. Uses 5 grains and linear interpolation. Works well together with sptnk/table/slicer.
Author: Joren Six
License: BSD
Github: js/granulator.axo


bool32.rising Start the granulator

bool32.rising Stop the granulator

frac32.bipolar Time stretch factor (-64 = -2x, 64=2x)

frac32.bipolar Pitch shift factor (-64 = -2x, 64=2x)

frac32.positive Position in the table


frac32buffer out

frac32.positive The current playback position expressed in fractional samples


objref The table with sound information to granulate

spinner The size of grains in ms

spinner The time interval in ms between the start of grains

spinner Defines how much is added to the size of each grain randomly (percentage)

// The definition of an audio grain
struct Grain {
  /* Position within the delay line (in fractional samples) */
  float position;
  /*  The age (in samples) */
  int age;
  /* The size of a grain (in samples) */
  int size;
  /* Is the grain currently active? */
  bool active;

// start-stop status
int pstart = 0;
int pstop = 1;

//  The array of grains
Grain grains[5];

// The position in the audio buffer in fractional samples
float position_in_samples = 0.0f;

float prev_position_in_samples = 0.0f;

// default grain size (in samples)
int default_grain_size = (float)100 * 48; // 100*10^-3s * 48*10^3samples/s

// default interval between start of grains (in samples)
int grain_interval = (float)20 * 48;

// time since last grain was started (in fractional samples)
int time_since_last_grain = 0;

// Hanning window of 512 elements
int32_t hanning_window[512];

// In percentage, defines how much is randomly __added__ to the length of a
// grain
float randomness_factor = 0.1f;

// Defines how much pitch is changed
// 2.0 means one octave higher (double), 0.5 one octave lower.
float pitch_shift_factor = 1.0f;

// Defines how much faster or slower audio is played
// 2.0 means double tempo, 0.5 half.
float time_stretch_factor = 1.0f;

int current_index = 0;

int sample_count = 0;
// ramp up with hanning
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
  hanning_window[i] =
      (int32_t)(0.5f * 2147483647.0f * (1.0f - cosf(2.0f * PI * i / 256.0f)));

// stable state
for (int i = 128; i < 384; i++) {
  hanning_window[i] = 2147483647;

// ramp down with hanning
for (int i = 384; i < 512; i++) {
  float multiplier = 0.5f * (1.0f - cosf(2.0f * PI * (i - 256) / 256.0f));
  hanning_window[i] = multiplier;
  hanning_window[i] = (int32_t)(0.5f * 2147483647.0f *
                                (1.0f - cosf(2.0f * PI * (i - 256) / 256.0f)));

// results in a window similar to this:
//     _____________       1.0
//    /             \ 
//  _/               \_    0.0

default_grain_size = (float)attr_size * 48; // 100*10^-3s * 48*10^3samples/s

// default interval between start of grains (in samples)
grain_interval = (float)attr_interval * 48;

// In percentage, defines how much is randomly __added__ to the length of a
// grain
randomness_factor = attr_rand / 100.0f;
Control Rate
if ((inlet_start > 0) && !pstart) {
  pstart = 1;
  pstop = 0;
} else if (!(inlet_start > 0)) {
  pstart = 0;
if ((inlet_stop > 0) && !pstop) {
  pstop = 1;
  pstart = 0;
  position_in_samples = 0;

int direction = 1;
if (inlet_time == 0) {
  time_stretch_factor = 1.0f;
} else {
  // maps axoloti int to -2,2
  time_stretch_factor = ((float)inlet_time) / (float)(2 << 26) * 2.0f;
  direction = time_stretch_factor >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (inlet_pitch == 0 && inlet_position == 0) {
  pitch_shift_factor = 1.0f;
} else {
  // maps axoloti int to -2,2
  pitch_shift_factor = ((float)inlet_pitch) / (float)(2 << 26) * 2.0f;
  if (direction == -1 && pitch_shift_factor > 0) {
    pitch_shift_factor = pitch_shift_factor * direction;

if (inlet_position != 0) {
  // the table (sample) index from the inlet
  int table_index = __USAT(inlet_position, 27) >> (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
  position_in_samples = (float)table_index;
  time_stretch_factor = 0.0f;
  if (prev_position_in_samples > position_in_samples) {
    direction = -1;

if (!pstop) {

  for (int j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
    outlet_out[j] = 0;

    // Is a new grain needed?
    if (time_since_last_grain > grain_interval) {
      // Find the first inactive (free) grain
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        if (!grains[i].active) {
          float grain_size =
              (default_grain_size + GenerateRandomNumber() / 2147483647.0f *
                                        default_grain_size * randomness_factor);
          grains[i].size = (int)grain_size;
          grains[i].position =
              position_in_samples - grain_size / pitch_shift_factor;
          grains[i].age = 0;
          grains[i].active = true;
      // We just enabled a new grain, so the time since last grain is zero
      time_since_last_grain = 0;

    // gather the output from each grain
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if (grains[i].active) {
        int window_index =
            (int)(grains[i].age / (float)grains[i].size * 512.0f);
        int32_t window_multiplier = hanning_window[window_index];

        // uint32_t asat = (uint32_t) (grains[i].position /
        // time_for_one_audio_sample);
        int table_index = (int)(grains[i].position);
        float fraction = grains[i].position - table_index;

        // read linearly interpolated value from table
        // see code from the table/readinterp patch
        int32_t y1 = attr_table.array[table_index & attr_table.LENGTHMASK]
                     << attr_table.GAIN;
        int32_t y2 = attr_table.array[(table_index + 1) & attr_table.LENGTHMASK]
                     << attr_table.GAIN;

        int32_t frac = ___SMMUL(y2, fraction * (2 << 27));
        int32_t sample = y1 + frac;
        // int32_t sample =
        // attr_table.array[(table_index)&attr_table.LENGTHMASK]<<attr_table.GAIN;

        // apply window multiplier
        sample = ___SMMUL(sample, window_multiplier);
        outlet_out[j] = outlet_out[j] + sample;

    // Hack: this prevents clipping (the output is amplified by some small
    // factor)
    outlet_out[j] = ___SMMUL(outlet_out[j], hanning_window[64]);

    // increment time in the audio buffer, can be negative!
    position_in_samples = position_in_samples + time_stretch_factor;

    // increment the time since last grain counter

    // age each active grain
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if (grains[i].active) {
        grains[i].position =
            grains[i].position + ((float)direction * pitch_shift_factor);

        // finally, see if the grain should be deativated
        if (grains[i].age >= grains[i].size) {
          grains[i].active = false;

   * Debug messages
     if(sample_count == 1000 ){
             LogTextMessage("position: %d ", (int) (position_in_samples));
             int actives = 0;
             for(int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){
             LogTextMessage("Active grains: %d ", actives);
             LogTextMessage("Ts factor: %d ",  (int) (time_stretch_factor*100));

             sample_count = 0;
} else {
  // If the granulator is disabled output zeroes (not sure if needed..)
  for (int j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
    outlet_out[j] = 0;

prev_position_in_samples = position_in_samples;

int32_t val = __USAT(position_in_samples, 27);
outlet_position = val;
Audio Rate
// The S-rate code can be found in the K-rate code block:
// Subersive! Rebellion! Anarchy! CHaoS!!111
// It seemed more readable to me since there is
// a mix of K and S rate


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