
auduino port to axoloti, auduloti
Author: Simon Iten
License: BSD
Github: lokki/osc/auduloti.axo


frac32.bipolar pitch

frac32.positive grainfreq

frac32.positive graindecay

frac32.positive grainfreq2

frac32.positive graindecay2


frac32buffer.positive phasor wave


bool32.tgl 8bit pitch grainfreq graindecay grainfreq2 graindecay2

uint16_t syncPhaseAcc;
uint16_t syncPhaseInc;
uint16_t grainPhaseAcc;
uint16_t grainPhaseInc;
uint16_t grainAmp;
uint8_t grainDecay;
uint16_t grain2PhaseAcc;
uint16_t grain2PhaseInc;
uint16_t grain2Amp;
uint8_t grain2Decay;
uint16_t antilogTable[64] = {
    64830, 64132, 63441, 62757, 62081, 61413, 60751, 60097, 59449, 58809, 58176,
    57549, 56929, 56316, 55709, 55109, 54515, 53928, 53347, 52773, 52204, 51642,
    51085, 50535, 49991, 49452, 48920, 48393, 47871, 47356, 46846, 46341, 45842,
    45348, 44859, 44376, 43898, 43425, 42958, 42495, 42037, 41584, 41136, 40693,
    40255, 39821, 39392, 38968, 38548, 38133, 37722, 37316, 36914, 36516, 36123,
    35734, 35349, 34968, 34591, 34219, 33850, 33486, 33125, 32768};
uint16_t mapPhaseInc(uint16_t input) {
  return (antilogTable[input & 0x3f]) >> (input >> 6);
syncPhaseInc = 0;
Control Rate
uint32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, freq);
syncPhaseInc = freq >> 16;

grainPhaseInc = mapPhaseInc((inlet_grainfreq + param_grainfreq) >> 18) >> 1;
grainDecay = (inlet_graindecay + param_graindecay) >> 21;
grain2PhaseInc = mapPhaseInc((inlet_grainfreq2 + param_grainfreq2) >> 18) >> 1;
grain2Decay = (inlet_graindecay2 + param_graindecay2) >> 21;
Audio Rate
uint8_t value;
uint16_t output;

syncPhaseAcc += syncPhaseInc;
if (syncPhaseAcc < syncPhaseInc) {
  // Time to start the next grain
  grainPhaseAcc = 0;
  grainAmp = 0x7fff;
  grain2PhaseAcc = 0;
  grain2Amp = 0x7fff;

// Increment the phase of the grain oscillators
grainPhaseAcc += grainPhaseInc;
grain2PhaseAcc += grain2PhaseInc;

// Convert phase into a triangle wave
value = (grainPhaseAcc >> 7) & 0xff;
if (grainPhaseAcc & 0x8000)
  value = ~value;
// Multiply by current grain amplitude to get sample
output = value * (grainAmp >> 8);

// Repeat for second grain
value = (grain2PhaseAcc >> 7) & 0xff;
if (grain2PhaseAcc & 0x8000)
  value = ~value;
output += value * (grain2Amp >> 8);

// Make the grain amplitudes decay by a factor every sample (exponential decay)
grainAmp -= (grainAmp >> 8) * grainDecay;
grain2Amp -= (grain2Amp >> 8) * grain2Decay;

// Scale output to the available range, clipping if necessary

if (param_8bit) {
  output >>= 9;
  if (output > 255)
    output = 255;
  outlet_phasor = output << 20;
} else {
  if (output > 1 << 17)
    output = 1 << 17;

  outlet_phasor = output << 11;


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