click hold

detect how long a momentary button is held down; 3 stages,no hold,short hold,long hold. outputs a pulse at the respective outlet on release of the button and the current stage (1 - short hold , 2 - long hold , 0 - no hold or cancel) out of 'stage'
Author: Robert Schirmer
License: BSD
Github: rbrt/control/click hold.axo


bool32.risingfalling gate


bool32.pulse < short (if gate == 0)

bool32.pulse > short and < long

bool32.pulse > long and < cancel

int32 current stage


spinner short hold start,k-ticks

spinner long hold start and short hold end,k-ticks

spinner cancel and long hold end,k-ticks

int tc;
Control Rate
outlet_no = 0;
outlet_short = 0;
outlet_long = 0;

if (inlet_gate) {
  if (tc < attr_short)
    outlet_stage = 0;
  if ((tc >= attr_short) && (tc < attr_long))
    outlet_stage = 1;
  if ((tc >= attr_long) && (tc < attr_cancel))
    outlet_stage = 2;
if (!inlet_gate) {
  if ((tc > 0) && (tc < attr_short))
    outlet_no = 1;
  if ((tc >= attr_short) && (tc < attr_long))
    outlet_short = 1;
  if ((tc >= attr_long) && (tc < attr_cancel))
    outlet_long = 1;
  tc = 0;
  outlet_stage = 0;


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