demux_sh 2

demultiplexer with sample and hold.connect inlet in to outlet number s. the output value of output number s will be held until the value of inlet in changes. when s changes,the output value of the previous outlet number s will be held.
Author: robert schirmer
License: who cares
Github: rbrt/control/demux_sh 2.axo


frac32 in

int32.positive s


frac32 o0

frac32 o1

int32_t hold0;
int32_t hold1;
int32_t prev;
hold0 = 0;
hold1 = 0;
prev = 0;
Control Rate
if ((inlet_s == 0) && (inlet_in != prev)) {
  hold0 = inlet_in;
  outlet_o0 = inlet_in;
} else {
  outlet_o0 = hold0;

if ((inlet_s == 1) && (inlet_in != prev)) {
  hold1 = inlet_in;
  outlet_o1 = inlet_in;
} else {
  outlet_o1 = hold1;

prev = inlet_in;


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