int32 select slot to record into
frac32buffer audio in
frac32.positive position inlet for sync-mode
bool32.risingfalling record,set tempo
bool32.risingfalling sync
frac32 startpoint when recording in sync
int32 length of recording in samples
bool32 recording state,pre - fadeout
bool32 recording state,post - fadeout
frac32.positive offset inside the table
frac32.positive length of recording in fraction of the table
frac32.positive remaining recording-time for the selected slot fade-in time fade-out time
bool32.tgl if 'hard' is on,there will be NO fade-in
bool32.tgl disable fades
objref table to record to
combo number of slots in the table
bool rec;
uint32_t recpos;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t rec_offset;
uint32_t rec_max;
uint8_t shift;
uint32_t start;
uint32_t starthold;
bool mode;
bool recstate;
uint32_t shold;
uint32_t rhold;
int32_t env;
int32_t _ap;
int32_t phase;
rec_max = attr_table.LENGTH >> attr_slots;
shift = (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
if ((inlet_rec) && !rec) {
recpos = 0;
rec = 1;
recstate = 1;
start = inlet_phase;
shold = 1 << 27;
rhold = 1 << 27;
starthold = 0;
mode = inlet_sync;
offset = (((inlet_slot) << 21) >> attr_slots) << 6;
rec_offset = (__USAT(offset, 27) >> (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW));
// fades
if (!param_nofade) {
if (rec)
env = (param_hard)
? (1 << 27)
: (1 << 27) - (___SMMUL((1 << 27) - env, param_attack) << 1);
env = ___SMMUL(env, param_release) << 1;
recstate = env;
} else {
recstate = rec;
env = rec << 27;
// rec stopped-> wait for rollover if sync is on
if ((!inlet_rec) && rec) {
if (mode) {
phase = (inlet_phase - start) & ((1 << 27) - 1);
if ((phase - _ap) <= 0) {
rec = 0;
shold = recpos - 16;
rhold = shold << shift;
recpos = 0;
starthold = start;
_ap = phase;
} else {
rec = 0;
shold = recpos;
rhold = shold << shift;
recpos = 0;
starthold = 0;
outlet_rec = rec;
outlet_fade = recstate;
outlet_offset = offset;
outlet_range = rhold;
outlet_smps = shold;
outlet_startpoint = starthold;
if (rec)
outlet_remain = ((rec_max - recpos) << shift) << attr_slots;
// record
if (recstate) {
if ((recpos >= rec_max) || (recpos >= shold))
recpos = 0;
if (rec)
attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] =
__SSAT((___SMMUL((inlet_wave), env) << 5), 28) >> attr_table.GAIN;
attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] =
(__SSAT((___SMMUL((inlet_wave), env) << 5), 28) +
(attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] << attr_table.GAIN)) >>