bool32.risingfalling arm the recorder or stop recording
bool32.rising a pulse will start a recording a sample in the selected slot if 'arm' is 1 and the selected slot doesn't already contain a sample
bool32.rising delete the current slot
bool32.rising defragment the sample-table
bool32.rising clear
bool32.rising re-initialize 'sb rec' after loading a 'set'
frac32buffer audio in
int32.positive select a slot to record into (0 - 127)
bool32 '1' if a slot already contains a sample
bool32 recording status
bool32.pulse issues a pulse when a new slot is recorded
frac32.positive remaining recording-time
objref table to record to
bool rec;
uint32_t recpos;
uint32_t rec_max;
uint8_t shift;
static const uint32_t LENGTHPOW = 8;
static const uint32_t LENGTH = 1 << 8;
static const uint32_t LENGTHMASK = (1 << 8) - 1;
static const uint32_t BITS = 32;
static const uint32_t GAIN = 0;
uint32_t array[LENGTH];
int8_t preslot;
uint8_t chunks;
uint8_t chunk[128];
uint32_t lchunk[128];
uint32_t del[256];
uint8_t delcount;
bool rtrig;
bool ntrig;
bool full;
bool ctrig;
uint32_t sstart;
uint32_t send;
uint32_t slength;
uint32_t end;
bool dtrig;
bool gtrig;
rec_max = attr_table.LENGTH;
shift = (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
preslot = -1;
full = array[(inlet_slot << 1) + 1];
if (inlet_arm && !full) {
if ((inlet_rec && !ntrig) && (inlet_slot < 127)) {
ntrig = 1;
array[inlet_slot << 1] = recpos;
if (preslot > -1) {
lchunk[preslot] = recpos;
array[(preslot << 1) + 1] = 1;
chunk[chunks] = inlet_slot;
preslot = inlet_slot;
chunks += 1;
rec = 1;
if (!inlet_rec)
ntrig = 0;
if (!inlet_arm) {
if (rec) {
rec = 0;
lchunk[preslot] = recpos;
array[255] = recpos;
preslot = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < chunks; i++)
array[(chunk[i] << 1) + 1] = lchunk[chunk[i]];
chunks = 0;
// clear
if (inlet_clear && !rtrig) {
rtrig = 1;
recpos = 0;
preslot = -1;
delcount = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
array[i] = 0;
if (!inlet_clear)
rtrig = 0;
// delete
if (inlet_delete && !dtrig) {
if (array[(inlet_slot << 1) + 1]) {
dtrig = 1;
del[delcount] = array[inlet_slot << 1];
del[delcount + 1] = array[(inlet_slot << 1) + 1];
array[inlet_slot << 1] = 0;
array[(inlet_slot << 1) + 1] = 0;
delcount += 2;
if (!inlet_delete && !ctrig)
dtrig = 0;
// compact
if (inlet_defrag && !ctrig) {
ctrig = 1;
int ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < delcount; ii += 2) {
sstart = del[ii];
send = del[ii + 1];
slength = (del[ii + 1] - del[ii]);
int shift_index;
for (shift_index = 0; shift_index < 256; shift_index += 2)
if (array[shift_index] >= send) {
array[shift_index] -= slength;
array[shift_index + 1] -= slength;
int move_samples;
for (move_samples = send; move_samples < recpos; move_samples += 1)
attr_table.array[move_samples - slength] = attr_table.array[move_samples];
int shift_chunks;
for (shift_chunks = 0; shift_chunks < delcount; shift_chunks += 2)
if (del[shift_chunks] >= send) {
del[shift_chunks] -= slength;
del[shift_chunks + 1] -= slength;
recpos -= slength;
delcount = 0;
array[255] = recpos;
if (!inlet_defrag && !delcount)
ctrig = 0;
// re-init
if (inlet_reinit && !gtrig) {
preslot = -1;
delcount = 0;
recpos = array[255];
gtrig = 1;
if (!inlet_reinit)
gtrig = 0;
outlet_rec = ntrig;
outlet_active = full;
outlet_remain = (rec_max - recpos) << shift;
outlet_state = rec;
// record
if (rec) {
attr_table.array[recpos] = __SSAT(inlet_wave, 28) >> attr_table.GAIN;