frac32.bipolar speed modulation
bool32.rising trigger playback
bool32.rising stop playback
frac32.positive offset inside the table
frac32.positive length of the area to index,or loop end
frac32.positive tansposition in semi-notes
bool32 playback-state
frac32buffer.positive position inside table
spinner forward or reverse
objref table to index
uint8_t shift;
uint8_t scale;
uint32_t lrange;
int32_t t_speed;
uint32_t inc;
int32_t index;
bool play;
bool stop;
bool trig;
shift = (27 - attr_wave.LENGTHPOW);
scale = (attr_wave.LENGTHPOW < 6) ? 0 : 4;
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_transpose + (1 << 22) + 512000, inc);
t_speed = ((___SMMUL(inc, inlet_direction + (attr_direction << 21))) << 5) >>
(attr_wave.LENGTHPOW - (scale + 2));
lrange = inlet_range << scale;
if (inlet_trigger && (!trig)) {
play = 1;
index = (t_speed > 0) ? 0 : lrange;
trig = 1;
if (!inlet_trigger)
trig = 0;
if (inlet_stop && !stop) {
play = 0;
stop = 1;
if (!inlet_stop)
stop = 0;
outlet_play = play;
if (t_speed > 0) {
if (index >= lrange)
play = 0;
} else if (index <= 0)
play = 0;
outlet_phase = __USAT(((index >> scale) + inlet_offset), 27) * play;
index += t_speed;