lrec multi fade_new

records audio to a table with nice fade-ins and -outs. the table can be divided into 1,2,4 or 8 slots. when 'sync' is enabled,recording will be synced to phase of the signal connected to 'pos', and after 'rec' is zero,recording will continue until the starting point is reached. after recording is done,the length if the recording in samples is sent out, as well as the length of the recording (in fraction of the table's size). meanwhile,the input signal is overdubbed and faded out ,so NO CLICKS! set the length of the fade-out/overdub period with 'release', the length of the fade-in of the recording with 'attack'.
Author: Robert Schirmer
License: BSD
Github: rbrt/testing/lrec multi fade_new.axo


frac32buffer audio in

frac32.positive phase

bool32.risingfalling record,set tempo

int32 select slot to record to

bool32 sync on/off


frac32.positive offset

frac32.positive length of recording in fraction of the slot

frac32 recording offset when recording in sync

int32 length of recording in samples

bool32 record state

bool32 state

Parameters sets the fadein-time of the recording

bool32.tgl if 'hard' is on,there will be NO fade-in

bool32.tgl nofade sets the fadeout-time of the overdub


combo number of slots in the table

objref table to record to

bool rec;
uint32_t recpos;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t rec_offset;
uint32_t rec_max;
uint8_t shift;
uint32_t start;
bool mode;

bool recstate;
uint32_t shold;
int32_t env;

int rtrig;

int syncshift;
recpos = 0;
rec = 0;
start = 0;
rec_max = attr_table.LENGTH >> attr_slots;

syncshift = 1 << 14;

// set 'shift factor' for storing the recording length/the sync output
shift = (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
Control Rate
if ((inlet_rec) && !rec) {
  rec = 1;
  recstate = 1;
  recpos = 0;
  start = inlet_phase;
  shold = 0;
  outlet_startpoint = 0;
  mode = inlet_sync;
  offset = (((inlet_slot) << 21) >> attr_slots) << 6;
  rec_offset = (__USAT(offset, 27) >> (27 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW));
if (!param_nofade) {
  if (rec)
    env = (param_hard)
              ? -(1 << 27)
              : (1 << 27) - (___SMMUL((1 << 27) - env, param_attack) << 1);
    env = ___SMMUL(env, param_release) << 1;
  if (env == 0)
    recstate = 0;
} else {
  recstate = rec;
  env = 1 << 27;

// rec stopped-> wait for rollover
if ((!inlet_rec) && rec) {
  if (mode) {
    if ((inlet_phase > (start - syncshift)) &&
        (inlet_phase < (start + syncshift))) {
      rec = 0;
      rtrig = 1;
  } else {
    rec = 0;
    rtrig = 1;

// rec done
if (rtrig) {
  shold = recpos;
  if (mode)
    outlet_startpoint = start;
    outlet_startpoint = 0;
  rtrig = 0;
  recpos = 0;

outlet_rec = rec;
outlet_state = recstate;
outlet_offset = offset;
outlet_range = shold << shift;
outlet_smps = shold;
Audio Rate
// record

if (recstate) {
  if (recpos >= rec_max)
    recpos = 0;
  if (rec)
    attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] =
        __SSAT((___SMMUL((inlet_wave), env) << 5), 28) >> attr_table.GAIN;
    attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] =
        (__SSAT((___SMMUL((inlet_wave), env) << 5), 28) +
         (attr_table.array[recpos + rec_offset] << attr_table.GAIN)) >>


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