
drives a phasor (saw-wave) for reading/writing data
Author: robert schirmer
License: BSD
Github: rbrt/testing/splay_interp.axo


int32.positive offset

int32.positive range

frac32.bipolar direction

frac32.positive tansposition in semi-notes

bool32.risingfalling toggle playback

bool32.rising reset to 'offset'


frac32buffer.positive position inside table


objref table to index

int32_t index;
uint8_t i_shift;
int32_t i_inc;
uint16_t l_div;
bool play;
bool rro;
uint8_t shift;
uint8_t t_length =
    ((22 - attr_wave.LENGTHPOW) > 2) ? 2 : 22 - attr_wave.LENGTHPOW;
l_div = 1428 >> t_length;
i_shift = 9 + t_length;
shift = 27 - attr_wave.LENGTHPOW;
Control Rate
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_transpose - (1 << 27), i_inc);
i_inc = ___SMMUL(i_inc, inlet_direction) << 5;
i_inc = i_inc / l_div;

if (inlet_play && !play) {
  play = 1;
  index = 0;
if (!inlet_play)
  play = 0;

if (inlet_reset && (!rro)) {
  index = 0;
  rro = 1;
if (!inlet_reset)
  rro = 0;
if (!inlet_range)
  play = 0;
Audio Rate
int32_t pos = index >> i_shift;
uint32_t outpos = pos + inlet_offset;

// play recording interpolated
uint32_t asat = outpos << shift;
int32_t y1 = attr_wave.array[outpos & attr_wave.LENGTHMASK] << attr_wave.GAIN;
int32_t y2 = attr_wave.array[(outpos + 1) & attr_wave.LENGTHMASK]
             << attr_wave.GAIN;
int frac = (asat - (outpos << shift)) << (attr_wave.LENGTHPOW + 3);
int32_t rr;
rr = ___SMMUL(y1, (1 << 30) - frac);
rr = ___SMMLA(y2, frac, rr);
outlet_wave = (play) ? rr << 2 : 0;

// range-limiting
index += i_inc;
if (i_inc > 0) {
  if (pos >= inlet_range)
    index = 0;
} else if (pos <= 0)
  index = inlet_range << i_shift;


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