fold 1

Polynomial waveshaper with mild wavefolding happening. Useful for dank memes
Author: Sputnki
License: BSD
Github: sptnk/effect/fold 1.axo


frac32buffer input

frac32 shape parameter

frac32 "rule" for m parameter in chained units

frac32 global feedback


frac32buffer output

Parameters shape parameter "rule" for m parameter in chained units global feedback


spinner amount of individual waveshaper units chained together

// see init code for some info on the object

// defining some data structures and functions for the object. Hackable.
typedef struct {
  int32_t k0 = 0;
  int32_t k1 = 0;
  int32_t k2 = 0;
  int32_t k0_2 = 0;
  int32_t k1_4 = 0;
  int32_t k2_6 = 0;
  int32_t mul = 0;
} wavefolder_coefs;

typedef struct {
  int32_t x_old = 0;
  int32_t Y_old = 0;
} wavefolder_state;

void wavefolder_setcoefs(wavefolder_state *state, wavefolder_coefs *coefs,
                         int32_t m) {

  // k in Q25 format. This way i can go up to k = 64 (massive wavefolding)
  int32_t k0 = m;
  int32_t k1 = 83886080 - (k0 << 1); //////   5/2 -2k0
  int32_t k2 = k0 - 50331648;        /// k0 -3/2
  int32_t k0_2 = k0 >> 1;
  int32_t k1_4 = k1 >> 2;
  int32_t k2_6 = k2 / 6;

  int32_t max = 1 << 22;
  int32_t kdiff = k0 - 62914560; // 15/8 in Q25 format
  if (kdiff > 0) {
    max = ___SMMLA(18770000 << 3, kdiff, max);

  int32_t mul = 2147483647.f * 4194304.f / ((float)max); // Q31
  // 2^27 = 134217728

  (coefs->k0) = k0;
  (coefs->k1) = k1;
  (coefs->k2) = k2;
  (coefs->k0_2) = k0_2;
  (coefs->k1_4) = k1_4;
  (coefs->k2_6) = k2_6;
  (coefs->mul) = mul;

  int32_t x_old = (state->x_old);

  int32_t x1 = x_old;
  int32_t x2 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x1 << 3);
  int32_t x4 = ___SMMUL(x2 << 2, x2 << 3);
  int32_t x6 = ___SMMUL(x2 << 2, x4 << 3);

  // x_n are in Q27 format. k_m are in Q25 format. I want to come out in Q24
  // format

  int32_t Y =
      ___SMMUL(x2 << 3, k0_2) + ___SMMUL(x4 << 3, k1_4) +
      ___SMMUL(x6 << 3, k2_6); // 0.5*k0*x2 + 0.25*k1*x4 + 1.f/6.f*k2*x6;

  (state->Y_old) = Y;

int32_t wavefolder_process(wavefolder_state *state, wavefolder_coefs *coefs,
                           int32_t input_Q27) {
  int32_t x1 = __SSAT(input_Q27, 28);
  int32_t x2 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x1 << 3);
  int32_t x3 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x2 << 3);
  int32_t x4 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x3 << 3);
  int32_t x5 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x4 << 3);
  int32_t x6 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, x5 << 3);

  int32_t k0 = (coefs->k0);
  int32_t k1 = (coefs->k1);
  int32_t k2 = (coefs->k2);
  int32_t k0_2 = (coefs->k0_2);
  int32_t k1_4 = (coefs->k1_4);
  int32_t k2_6 = (coefs->k2_6);

  int32_t mul = (coefs->mul);

  int32_t x_old = (state->x_old);
  int32_t Y_old = (state->Y_old);

  // x_n are in Q27 format. k_m are in Q25 format. I want to come out in Q24
  // format

  int32_t y = ___SMMUL(x1 << 3, k0) + ___SMMUL(x3 << 3, k1) +
              ___SMMUL(x5 << 3, k2); // x1*k0 + x3*k1 + x5*k2;
  int32_t Y =
      ___SMMUL(x2 << 3, k0_2) + ___SMMUL(x4 << 3, k1_4) +
      ___SMMUL(x6 << 3, k2_6); // 0.5*k0*x2 + 0.25*k1*x4 + 1.f/6.f*k2*x6;

  int32_t dx = x1 - x_old;
  int32_t dY = Y - Y_old;

  int32_t dx_abs = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx;

  (state->Y_old) = Y;
  (state->x_old) = x1;

  int32_t dY_dx = dY * 134217728.0f / ((float)dx);
  int32_t out;

  if (dx_abs > 1 << 8)
    out = ___SMMUL(dY_dx << 2, mul) << 3;
    out = ___SMMUL(y << 2, mul) << 3;

  return out;

wavefolder_coefs wf_c[attr_chain];
wavefolder_state wf_s[attr_chain];
int32_t buffer[attr_chain + 1];
 * Hey, it's me, Sputnki. If you're reading this, it means you're interested in
 * hacking this object: I'm totally not okay with that, go away. Really. Don't
 * even try to hack this object, because it's copyrighted in Italy under
 * Waveshaper Act, art.11 . I mean it. Go steal someone else's work.
 * Still here?
 * Ok, so here's how it works:
 * This object is no more than a polynomial waveshaper. The function i'm using
 * is y = ax + bx^3 + cx^5 The implementation is in fixed point format (i
 * started with floating point, but it was 10x more cpu intensive. I used
 * several fixed point formats, it was a big trial and error process until i got
 * a decent result. The object also uses pre integration as a way to reduce
 * aliasing (it's a big topic and you should read Thierry Rochebois articles,
 * they're very didactic in this sense.
 * How are coefficients calculated? Why a 5th order polynomial?
 * y = k0x + k1x^3 + k2x^5
 * The user is allowed to operate on the "k0" coefficient, that represents the
 * angular coefficient at x=0 I want the function to output 1 (or -1) when the
 * input is 1 (or -1) (normalized, ofc) I want the derivative to be 0 when the
 * input is 1 or -1
 * Solving this system of equations gives k1 = 5/2 - 2k0
 * 							   and k2 = k0 - 3/2
 * I also wish to have a function that stays bound inside -1 , 1 when the input
 * is inside -1 , 1 Unfortunately i don't have any more degrees of freedom to
 * work on. Doing some clever math i've calculated the range of k0 in which
 * y=f(k0,x) satisfies the condition That range is k = [0,15/8]
 * (if you want to know how i got that number: i calculated y = f'(x)
 * (derivative). The points of local maximum will have f'(x) = 0. That's a 4th
 * order polynomial, there's not a formula to calculate roots of 4th order
 * polynomial. But since i defined the function this way, i know that
 * (x-1),(x+1) are two roots for the polynomial. I divided f'(x)/(x-1)(x+1) in
 * wolfram alpha and found a 2nd order polynomial. Again, setting such
 * polynomial to 0 (in wolfram alpha) allowed me to find the values of x that
 * satisfied the condition of local maximum. xmax = g(k0) should be >1 in order
 * to keep the function bound in the -1 , 1 range.
 * The waveshaper limited to such range sounded pretty dull. So, again, i
 * calculated the value of f(x) at x=xmax, as a function of k. This function is
 * pretty nonlinear, as it's a rational function with square roots and stuff.
 * However, luckily, it can be approximated as h = ax.
 * I should say more about the object, but i seriously doubt people will read
 * this. Farewell.
Control Rate
int32_t feed = __SSAT(param_feed + inlet_feed, 28);
int32_t chain = param_chain + inlet_chain;
for (int i = 0; i < attr_chain; i++)
  wavefolder_setcoefs(&wf_s[i], &wf_c[i],
                      __USAT(param_m + inlet_m + (i * (chain / attr_chain)), 27)
                          << 3);
Audio Rate
buffer[0] = inlet_in + ___SMMUL(feed << 2, buffer[attr_chain] << 3);
for (int i = 0; i < attr_chain; i++)
  buffer[i + 1] = wavefolder_process(&wf_s[i], &wf_c[i], buffer[i]);
outlet_out = buffer[attr_chain];


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