hard 2

Pseudo-tanh (hyperbolic tangent) waveshaper distortion. It can go from soft to hard clipping. Powerful enough signals can leak over. Antialiased.
Author: Sputnki
License: BSD
Github: sptnk/effect/hard 2.axo


frac32buffer Input


frac32buffer Output, not saturated to normal range. You should attenuate it!


frac32.s.map gain

 * int32_t fast_log2( float number )
        return (( * ( int32_t * ) &number ) >> 23)-127 ;	///log2
approximation, vaguely based on the fast inverse square root algo (see it on
wikipedia! it's A W E S O M E )

float fast_log2_f( float number )	//a little more precise than the
previous one.. But still not precise enough
        int32_t i = ( * ( int32_t * ) &number );
        float fractional = logt[(i & 0x7FFFFF)>>15]/16384.f;
        float integer = ( i  >> 23)-127 ;
        return (fractional + integer);

float log2_f(float number) {
  int32_t i = (*(int32_t *)&number);
  int32_t t_i = (i & 0x7FFFFF) >> 15;
  int32_t t_ii = t_i + 1;
  int32_t y1 = logt[t_i];
  int32_t y2 = t_ii <= 0xFF
                   ? logt[t_ii]
                   : 16384; // i worked my ass hard to get this number.. Like
  int32_t percent = (i & 0x7FFF) << 15;
  float fractional = ((float)___SMMLA(percent, y2 - y1 << 2, y1)) / 16384.f;
  float integer =
      (i >> 23) -
      127; // log2 approximation, vaguely based on the fast inverse square root
           // algo (see it on wikipedia! it's A W E S O M E )
  return (fractional + integer);

// remember you can change base of a logarithm. In this case ln(x) =
// log2(x)/log2(e) = log2(x)/1.4426 = log2(x)*0.6931 the hyperbolic tangent is
// approximated as x*(27 + x^2)/(27 + 9x^2)  -  it's a cheap approximation.
// therefore it sounds good! the integral of our approximation is equal to
// 1/18(x^2 + 24ln(x^2+3) )       *  * *  * (see where i need the logarithm?)

typedef struct {
  float x_old = 0;
  float Y_old = 0;
  float gain = 0;
} waveshaper_state;

float waveshaper_update(float input, waveshaper_state *wss) {
  float x = (wss->gain) * input; // x
  float x2 = x * x;              // x^2

  float y = x * (27 + x2) / (27 + 9 * x2);
  float Y = 0.05555f * (x2 + 16.6344f * log2_f(x2 + 3.f));

  float dY = Y - (wss->Y_old);
  float dx = x - (wss->x_old);
  float dx_abs = dx > 0 ? dx : -dx;

  float mean = dY / dx;
  (wss->x_old) = x;
  (wss->Y_old) = Y;
  return dx_abs > 0.01f ? mean : y;

void waveshaper_gain(int32_t param, waveshaper_state *wss) {
  (wss->gain) = 1.0f + ((float)(param > 0 ? param << 4 : param)) / 134217728.0f;

waveshaper_state satu;
float out_old = 0;
Control Rate
waveshaper_gain(param_gain, &satu);
Audio Rate
outlet_out =
    134217728.0f * waveshaper_update((((float)inlet_in)) / 134217728.0f, &satu);


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