int32 provides an endpos value for looper/pos object
int32 quarters outlet (for click generation purposes)
int32 length in quarters of the loop
int32 speed in bpm (coarse) fine adjustement for bpm speed
objref 32b table in which the 4 tracks are stored
int32.label displays the length in seconds of the specified loop
bool32 endpos exceeds the size of the table
float length = 288000000.0f * param_quarters /
(100 * param_bpm + param_fine); // f(bpm v, fcamp ^, nbeats ^)
disp_length = length / 48000.0f;
if (length > attr_table.LENGTHMASK)
disp_warning = 1;
disp_warning = 0;
outlet_length = length;
outlet_quarters = param_quarters;