
Mandelbrot based iterator: generates a sequence of numbers iterating the fundamental mandelbrot equation z' = z^n +c , where z is the "old" number, n is an integer (>1) and c is a complex constant.
Author: Sputnki
License: BSD
Github: sptnk/sequencer/mandelbrot.axo


bool32 Compute a new iteration

bool32 Reset

frac32 Imaginary part of the complex number c

frac32 Real part of the complex number c


frac32 Imaginary part of the complex number z'

frac32 Real part of the complex number z'

Parameters Imaginary part of the complex number c Real part of the complex number c

int32 Power of the complex number z

int32_t Im_old = 0;
int32_t Re_old = 0;
int32_t a = 0;
int32_t b = 0;
int32_t c = 0;
int32_t d = 0;

bool rtrig = 0;
bool ttrig = 0;
Control Rate
// main iterator block

//(ai + b)^n
//(ai + b)*(ci + d) = (ad+bc)i + (bd-ac)
// a_new = ad + bc
// b_new = bd - ac

if (inlet_trig && !ttrig) {
  a = Im_old; // these two will be iterated
  b = Re_old; // these two will be iterated
  c = Im_old; // these two are constant through the cycles
  d = Re_old; // these two are constant through the cycles

  for (int i = 1; i < param_power; i++) {
    a = ___SMMLA(b << 2, c << 3, ___SMMUL(a << 2, d << 3));
    b = ___SMMLS(a << 2, c << 3, ___SMMUL(b << 2, d << 3));

  Im_old = a + param_Im + inlet_Im;
  Re_old = b + param_Re + inlet_Re;

  ttrig = 1;
} else if (!inlet_trig)
  ttrig = 0;

if (inlet_reset && !rtrig) {
  rtrig = 1;
  Im_old = 0;
  Re_old = 0;
} else if (!inlet_reset)
  rtrig = 0;

outlet_Im = Im_old;
outlet_Re = Re_old;


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