frac32 releasetime for compressor
frac32 sets delaytime (use mtod delay-conversion module to use audio-frequencies)
frac32 sets feedback amount, a level of 20 is often enough
frac32 sets center frequency of the LP/HP filters
frac32 sets the bandwidth between the LP/HP filters
frac32 sets the timing difference caused by the square modulator
frac32 sets the rate of the square modulator
bool32 When high, modulates the delaytime with a squarewave. The size is set by the timemod and rate is set with rate input
frac32buffer audio input
frac32buffer use a coefficient generator to control the FIR filter
frac32buffer out adds gain to incoming signal when input is not loud enough sets limiter/compressor treshold or expander goal sets gain reduction/addition ratio sets amount of expansion makes the expander exponential, causing a quicker rise and more distortion at low release settings sets bandwidth between LP/HP filters sets release time set center frequency of LP/HP filters
combo size
static const uint32_t LENGTHPOW = (attr_size);
static const uint32_t LENGTH = (1 << attr_size);
static const uint32_t LENGTHMASK = ((1 << attr_size) - 1);
int16_t *array;
uint32_t writepos;
arm_fir_instance_q31 f1;
arm_fir_instance_q31 f2;
q31_t state1[BUFSIZE + BUFSIZE - 1];
int32_t frac_log(int32_t a) {
Float_t f;
f.f = a;
int32_t r1 = (( & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
int32_t r3 = logt[ >> 15] << 10;
return r1 + r3;
int32_t frac_exp(int32_t a) {
int8_t s = (a >> 24) + 4;
uint8_t ei = a >> 16;
if (s >= 0)
return expt[ei] << s;
return expt[ei] >> (-s);
int32_t accum;
int i;
int32_t prev;
int32_t step;
int32_t lp;
int32_t HP, LP;
int32_t FD[BUFSIZE];
int32_t fd[BUFSIZE];
bool md;
int32_t tm;
bool ct;
int32_t rate;
int32_t phs;
accum = 0;
static int16_t _array[attr_poly][1 << attr_size]
array = &_array[parent->polyIndex][0];
int i;
writepos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
array[i] = 0;
arm_fir_init_q31(&f1, BUFSIZE, 0, &state1[0], BUFSIZE);
int32_t rel;
MTOF(-param_release - inlet_release, rel)
int32_t lfrq;
int32_t hfrq;
int32_t center = inlet_center + param_center;
int32_t width = inlet_width + param_width;
MTOF(center + width, lfrq)
MTOF(center - width, hfrq)
uint32_t delay = writepos - (__USAT(inlet_delay, 27) >> (27 - LENGTHPOW));
// int32_t mo=___SMMUL(inlet_modify<<3,inlet_modify<<2);
// mo=___SMMUL(mo<<3,mo<<2);
// mo=___SMMUL(mo<<3,mo<<2);
// int32_t it=___SMMUL(inlet_interupt<<3,inlet_interupt<<2);
// it=___SMMUL(it<<3,it<<2);
else if(mo<1){md=0;}
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_rate, rate)
if (inlet_modify > 0) {
phs += rate;
if (!md) {
md = 1;
phs = 1;
if (phs > 0) {
delay += inlet_timemod >> 27 - LENGTHPOW;
} else if (inlet_modify < 1) {
md = 0;
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
int32_t tmp = (array[((delay++) + 16) & LENGTHMASK] << 14);
HP += ___SMMUL(tmp - HP, hfrq) << 1;
tmp = HP - tmp;
LP += ___SMMUL(tmp - LP, lfrq) << 1;
fd[i] = -___SMMUL(inlet_feedback << 3, LP << 2);
f1.pCoeffs = (q31_t *)inlet_coefs;
arm_fir_fast_q31(&f1, (q31_t *)fd, FD, BUFSIZE);
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
int32_t in = inlet_in[i] + FD[i];
in = __SSAT(in + __SSAT(__SSAT(___SMMUL(in, param_gainIn) << 5, 24) << 4, 29),
in = in > 0 ? in : -in;
accum = in > accum ? in : (accum + (___SMMUL(in - accum, rel) >> 4));
int32_t inlog = frac_log(accum);
int32_t treshlog = frac_log(param_tresh);
int32_t over = inlog - treshlog;
int32_t gain;
if (over < 0) {
over = over > -4 << 26 ? over : -4 << 26;
int32_t tmp =
frac_exp(over + (___SMMUL(___SMMUL(over >> 1, over > 0 ? over : -over) -
(over >> 1),
<< 5))
<< 8;
tmp = (___SMMUL(tmp, -0x80000 + frac_exp(-___SMMUL(over, param_ratio) << 5))
<< 5);
gain = 0x80000 + (___SMMUL(tmp, param_expand) << 5);
} else {
gain = frac_exp(-___SMMUL(over, param_ratio) << 5);
gain = (gain << 8);
step = (gain - prev) >> 4;
int32_t D = prev;
prev = gain;
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
lp = D < lp ? D : (lp + (___SMMUL(D - lp, rel) >> 4));
int32_t in = inlet_in[i] + FD[i];
in = __SSAT(in + __SSAT(__SSAT(___SMMUL(in, param_gainIn) << 5, 24) << 4, 29),
outlet_out[i] = ___SMMUL(in, lp) << 5;
D += step;
writepos = (writepos + 1) & LENGTHMASK;
array[writepos] = __SSAT(___SMMUL(in, lp) >> 9, 16);