
this is a quad-delayline pitchshifter/delay with 6dB crossover filters. The low frequency region will be pitched up by a fifth, the high frequency region will be pitched down by an octave. The "crossover" parameter sets the crossover frequency for the input, to send low frequencies to the fifth-up and high frequencies to the octave-down delayline. After each delayline there is a seperate 6dB crossover filter that sends the feedback to either up/down delayline when the audio passes the cutoff frequency. This way a frequency band can be set between which the audio will be pitched up/down in the feedback path. The pitchshifter delaysize is set with the "window" attribute and parameter. The max-delaytime is set using the "size" attribute and time parameter. Mostly usable for drony stuff.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/delay/fifthShifter3.axo


frac32buffer wave input

frac32 crossover

frac32 highest

frac32 lowest

frac32 rate

frac32 window


frac32buffer outL

frac32buffer outR

Parameters sets "mid" crossover frequency. The pitchshifter/delay will mostly focus around this point highest lowest panRate window feed dry wet delay


combo size

combo window

static const uint32_t LENGTHPOW = (attr_window);
static const uint32_t LENGTH = (1 << attr_window);
static const uint32_t LENGTHMASK = ((1 << attr_window) - 1);
static const uint32_t LP = (attr_size);
static const uint32_t LH = (1 << attr_size);
static const uint32_t LM = ((1 << attr_size) - 1);
int16_t *arrayL;
int16_t *arrayH;
uint32_t writepos;
uint32_t WP;
int16_t *ArrayL;
int16_t *ArrayH;
uint32_t readL;
uint32_t readH;
int32_t low;
int32_t high;
int32_t feedL;
int32_t feedH;
int32_t lp1;
int32_t lp2;
int32_t v27 = 1 << 27;
int32_t v8 = 1 << 8;
uint32_t LFO;
static int16_t _arrayL[1 << attr_window] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
arrayL = &_arrayL[0];
static int16_t _arrayH[1 << attr_window] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
arrayH = &_arrayH[0];
static int16_t _ArrayL[1 << attr_size] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
ArrayL = &_ArrayL[0];
static int16_t _ArrayH[1 << attr_size] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
ArrayH = &_ArrayH[0];
int i;
writepos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
  arrayL[i] = 0;
  arrayH[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LH; i++) {
  ArrayL[i] = 0;
  ArrayH[i] = 0;
Control Rate
int32_t frq;
MTOF(param_crossover + inlet_crossover, frq)
int32_t LOW;
int32_t HIGH;
MTOF(param_highest + inlet_highest, LOW)
MTOF(param_lowest + inlet_lowest, HIGH)

int32_t rate;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_panRate + inlet_rate, rate)
rate = rate >> 5;
int32_t window =
    v8 + ___SMMUL(__USAT((param_window >> 4) + inlet_window, 27) << 4,
                  LENGTHMASK - v8 << 1);
uint32_t RD = param_delay >> 27 - LP;
Audio Rate
LFO += rate;
int32_t sine;
sine = (sine >> 3) + (1 << 29);
int32_t in = __SSAT(inlet_in, 28); //+___SMMUL(-feed<<1,param_feed)
low = ___SMMLA((in - low) << 1, frq, low);
high = in - low;
writepos = (writepos + 1) & LENGTHMASK;
WP = (WP + 1) & LM;
arrayL[writepos] = __SSAT(low + feedL >> 14, 16);
arrayH[writepos] = __SSAT(high + feedH >> 14, 16);
readL = (readL + 2);
readH = (readH + 1);
readL -= readL >= window ? window : 0;
readH -= readH >= window ? window : 0;
int32_t readbL = readL + (window >> 1);
int32_t readbH = readH + (window >> 1);
readbL -= readbL >= window ? window : 0;
readbH -= readbH >= window ? window : 0;
int32_t outLA = arrayL[(writepos + readL) & LENGTHMASK] << 14;
int32_t outLB = arrayL[(writepos + (readbL)) & LENGTHMASK] << 14;
int32_t outHA = arrayH[(writepos - (readH >> 1)) & LENGTHMASK] << 14;
int32_t outHB = arrayH[(writepos - (readbH >> 1)) & LENGTHMASK] << 14;
int32_t mixL = readL > (window >> 1) ? window - readL : readL;
mixL = ((int64_t)mixL << 31) / window;
int32_t mixH = readH > (window >> 1) ? window - readH : readH;
mixH = ((int64_t)mixH << 31) / window;
int32_t LW = (outLB + ___SMMUL(outLA - outLB << 2, mixL));
int32_t HG = (outHB + ___SMMUL(outHA - outHB << 2, mixH));
ArrayL[WP] = __SSAT(LW >> 14, 16);
ArrayH[WP] = __SSAT(HG >> 14, 16);
LW = ArrayL[(WP - RD) & LM] << 14;
HG = ArrayH[(WP - RD) & LM] << 14;
int32_t OUT = LW + HG;
int32_t dry = __SSAT(___SMMUL(inlet_in << 1, param_dry), 28);
outlet_outL = __SSAT(
    dry +
        __SSAT(___SMMUL(LW + ___SMMUL(HG - LW << 2, sine) << 1, param_wet) << 1,
outlet_outR = __SSAT(
    dry +
        __SSAT(___SMMUL(HG + ___SMMUL(LW - HG << 2, sine) << 1, param_wet) << 1,
lp1 = ___SMMLA((LW - lp1) << 1, LOW, lp1);
lp2 = ___SMMLA((HG - lp2) << 1, HIGH, lp2);
feedL = -___SMMUL(lp1 + lp2, param_feed) << 1;
feedH = -___SMMUL((HG - lp2) + (LW - lp1), param_feed) << 1;

// ArrayL[WP] = __SSAT(feedL>>14,16);
// ArrayH[WP] = __SSAT(feedH>>14,16);
// feedL=ArrayL[(WP-RD)&LM]<<14;
// feedH=ArrayH[(WP-RD)&LM]<<14;


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