
Morphing granular train delay Internal oscillator controls the play-position and at the same time morphs from delay-tap to delay-tap using it's phase. Pitch controls the rate at which the recording is played (play position). Width sets the range of the play position. Offset sets a static offset to the play-position (delay) Morph adds a changing offset to the play position After each repeat of the play-position a new offset will be generated: Train sets how many different timing positions will be morphed-through by the play position. Step sets the stepsize of the time/tap-morph The internal delay-memory can be overwritten or updated by switching the "mode" switch. When "on", the "update" knob sets the rate at which the memory will follow the incoming signal. The effect is like a bit like a reverb. "feed" enables you to feed the delay-output back into the memory of the delay. (together with the update-mode). Mix sets the mix-amount between dry and completely wet. "demix" allows a quick connection for an envelope to duck the wetness of the signal-> only wet when there's no audio coming in, which generates interesting tails for short sounds. The module can be oversampled with the "OS" control. Though keep watch of your CPU use!
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/delay/granutrail.axo


frac32buffer wave input

frac32 pitch

frac32 demix

int32 train


frac32buffer out


int32 train

int32 step

int32 OS

bool32.tgl mode pitch update damp width morph feed offset mix demix


combo size

static const uint32_t LENGTHPOW = (attr_size);
static const uint32_t LENGTH = (1 << attr_size);
static const uint32_t LENGTHMASK = ((1 << attr_size) - 1);
int16_t *array;
uint32_t writepos;
uint32_t phase;
int32_t del;
int32_t read(uint32_t Time) {
  uint32_t tmp_d = Time & ((1 << 27) - 1);
  uint32_t tmp_di = writepos - (tmp_d >> (27 - LENGTHPOW)) - 1;
  uint32_t tmp_w1 = (tmp_d << (LENGTHPOW + 3)) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
  uint32_t tmp_w2 = (1 << 30) - tmp_w1;
  int32_t tmp_a1 = array[tmp_di & LENGTHMASK] << 16;
  int32_t tmp_a2 = array[(tmp_di + 1) & LENGTHMASK] << 16;
  del = ___SMMUL(tmp_a1, tmp_w1);
  del = ___SMMLA(tmp_a2, tmp_w2, del);
uint32_t prev1;
uint32_t prev2;
uint32_t cnt1;
uint32_t cnt2;
int dir1;
int dir2;
uint32_t C1;
uint32_t C2;
int32_t val;
int32_t out;
int32_t vol;
uint32_t T1;
uint32_t T2;
uint32_t morph;
int i;
static int16_t _array[attr_poly][1 << attr_size]
array = &_array[parent->polyIndex][0];
int i;
writepos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
  array[i] = 0;
cnt1 = 0;
dir1 = 1;
dir2 = 1;
Control Rate
int32_t f;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, f)
f = f / param_OS;

int32_t F;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_damp, F)
int32_t M;
// MTOFEXTENDED(param_morph,M)

int train = param_train + inlet_train;
M = param_morph;
M = ___SMMUL(M << 4, (M > 0 ? M : -M) << 4) / param_OS;
int32_t G;
MTOF(__SSAT(param_update + ___SMMUL(inlet_demix << 3, param_demix << 2), 28), G)
int32_t width1 = param_width >> attr_size - 8;
width1 = (width1) / (train);
int32_t width2 = width1 * (train + 1);
if (param_morph == 0) {
  morph = 0;
int32_t Mix;
Mix = param_mix;
Mix -= ___SMMUL(___SMMUL(inlet_demix << 3, param_demix << 2) << 3, Mix << 2);
Audio Rate
int32_t in = (inlet_in >> 15) + (___SMMUL(out << 3, param_feed << 2) >> 14);
writepos = (writepos + 1) & LENGTHMASK;
if (param_mode > 0) {
  array[writepos] = __SSAT(
      (in >> 1) + ___SMMLA(-(array[writepos]) << 2, G, array[writepos]), 16);
  array[(writepos - 1) & LENGTHMASK] =
      (array[(writepos - 1) & LENGTHMASK] >> 1) +
      ((array[(writepos - 2) & LENGTHMASK] >> 1) +
           (array[(writepos)&LENGTHMASK] >> 1) >>
} else {
  array[writepos] = __SSAT(in, 16);

outlet_out = 0;

for (i = 0; i < param_OS; i++) {
  phase += f;
  int32_t mix;
  SINE2TINTERP((phase >> 1) - (1 << 30), mix)
  mix = (mix >> 2) + (1 << 29);
  uint32_t p1 = phase;

  if (prev1 > p1) {
    T2 = C1;
    cnt1 = cnt1 >= train ? 0 : cnt1 + 1;
    C2 = cnt1 + 1;
    C2 = C2 * width1 * param_step;
    C1 = width1 * cnt1 * param_step;
    C1 = C1 - C1 / width2 * width2;
    C2 = C2 - C2 / width2 * width2;
  morph += (M >> 19);
  morph = morph & ((1 << 27) - 1);
  read(C1 + morph + param_offset);
  int32_t tmp = del;
  read(C2 + morph + param_offset);
  val = ___SMMLA(
      (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - mix, tmp << 2) + ___SMMUL(mix, del << 2) - val)
          << 1,
      F, val);
  out = val;
  vol += (out - vol) >> 10;
  out = out - vol;
  outlet_out += (___SMMUL(Mix << 3, out << 2) +
                 ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - Mix << 3, inlet_in << 2)) /

  prev1 = p1;


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