
Heavy distortion unit Just completely mashes up the waveform
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/dist/corruptor.axo


frac32 dPP

frac32 dPN

frac32 dNP

frac32 dNN

frac32 tP

frac32 tN

frac32 dChg

frac32buffer i1


frac32buffer o1

Parameters damprate when signal is above treshPos and has a positive direction damprate when signal is above treshPos and has a negative direction damprate when signal is below treshNeg and has a negative direction damprate when signal is below treshNeg and has a positive direction up-trigger treshold for comparator down-trigger treshold for comparator changerate dampening of the internal filter feeds back the output to the input (into self oscillation with lots of glitches and frequency folding)

bool32.tgl log/lin response

bool32.tgl log/lin response

bool32.tgl log/lin response

bool32.tgl log/lin response

bool32.tgl sets positive/negative direction to use for comparator when signal is positive

bool32.tgl sets negative/ positive direction to use for comparator when signal is negative add gain for post wrapper

int32_t val;
bool up;
bool dn;
int32_t TO;
int32_t To;
int32_t v27 = (1 << 27);
int32_t prev;
int32_t rate;
int32_t to;
int32_t pv;
int32_t out;
int32_t COMPARE(int32_t in, int32_t gain) {
  int32_t A;
  int32_t B;
  int32_t max;
  in += ___SMMUL(gain, __SSAT(in, 28) << 3) << 4;

  max = in > 0 ? in : -in;
  while (max > v27) {
    A = __SSAT(in, 28);
    B = A - (in - A);
    in = B;
    max = B > 0 ? B : -B;

  return out = in;
Control Rate
int32_t dampPP;
MTOF(param_dampPP + inlet_dPP, dampPP)
int32_t dampNP;
MTOF(param_dampNP + inlet_dNP, dampNP)
int32_t dampPN;
MTOF(param_dampPN + inlet_dPN, dampPN)
int32_t dampNN;
MTOF(param_dampNN + inlet_dNN, dampNN)
int32_t d1;

MTOF(param_dampChange + inlet_dChg, d1)
int32_t tP = param_treshPos + (inlet_tP >> 3);
int32_t tN = param_treshNeg + (inlet_tN >> 3);
Audio Rate
int32_t in = inlet_i1 + ___SMMUL(param_feed << 3, out);
int dir = in - prev > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if ((in > tP) && (!up) && (param_dir1 > 0 ? !dir : dir)) { //
  up = 1;
  dn = 0;
  To = v27;

if ((in < tN) && (!dn) && (param_dir2 > 0 ? dir : !dir)) { //
  up = 0;
  dn = 1;
  To = -v27;

to = __SSAT(To + in >> 1, 28);

rate = ___SMMLA(((to - TO) - rate) << 1, d1, rate);
rate -= rate >> 9;
TO += rate;

if ((TO >= val) && dir) {
  if (param_m1 == 0) {
    val = ___SMMLA((TO - val) << 1, dampPP, val);
  if (param_m1 == 1) {
    val += dampPP >> 4;
    val = val > TO ? TO : val;
if ((TO >= val) && !dir) {
  if (param_m2 == 0) {
    val = ___SMMLA((TO - val) << 1, dampPN, val);
  if (param_m2 == 1) {
    val += dampPN >> 4;
    val = val > TO ? TO : val;
if ((TO < val) && dir) {
  if (param_m4 == 0) {
    val = ___SMMLA((TO - val) << 1, dampNP, val);
  if (param_m4 == 1) {
    val -= dampNP >> 4;
    val = val < TO ? TO : val;
if ((TO < val) && !dir) {
  if (param_m3 == 0) {
    val = ___SMMLA((TO - val) << 1, dampNN, val);
  if (param_m3 == 1) {
    val -= dampNN >> 4;
    val = val < TO ? TO : val;
if (!((val - __SSAT(val, 28)) == 0)) {
  // val-=___SMMUL(val,val>0?val:-val);
  // val-=___SMMUL(val,val>0?val:-val);

outlet_o1 = COMPARE(val, param_gain) + pv >> 1;
pv = out;
// outlet_o1=val>>1;
prev = in;


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