
audio compressor on request of axoman I added a modulation that enables a curved response of the attack/release stages.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/dyn/axoComp.axo


frac32buffer input wave

frac32.positive adds gain to input audio

frac32.positive level treshold (with auto make-up gain)

frac32.positive sets the ratio of the compression

frac32.positive Goal Volume

frac32.positive Open to turn Compressor into expander (glitches when both threshold and expander values are high, causing a fat, harsh distortion. Awesome for bassdrums!)

frac32.bipolar attack

frac32.bipolar mods the attack rate to create a curved attack. Negative values will make the attack-rate start faster and positive values will make it start slower(allowing more "punch")

frac32.bipolar ACrvRate

frac32.bipolar release

frac32.bipolar mods the decay rate in the same way as the attack-curve. These values are added to the attack/rise times when switching between rise/fall and then faded back to zero.

frac32.bipolar RCrvRate

bool32 adds gain in respect to the treshold, the lower the treshold, the more post-gain is added.


frac32buffer out

Parameters smooths out the decay of the initial rectifier/envelope follower.

int32_t out1;
int32_t out2;
int32_t out3;
int32_t smth;
int32_t val;
int32_t aofs;
int32_t dofs;
int32_t trg;
Control Rate
int32_t Arate;
MTOF(inlet_ACrvRate, Arate)
int32_t Rrate;
MTOF(inlet_RCrvRate, Rrate)
int32_t arate;
int32_t drate;
Audio Rate
int32_t in;
in = ___SMMUL(inlet_in << 3, ((1 << 27) + (inlet_gainAdd)) << 2);

int sabs;
sabs = (in >= 0) ? in : -in;
smth = sabs > smth ? sabs : ___SMMLA((sabs - smth) << 1, param_smooth, smth);
sabs = smth;
aofs -= ___SMMUL(aofs, Arate) << 1;
dofs -= ___SMMUL(dofs, Rrate) << 1;
if ((sabs > val) && !trg) {
  trg = 1;
  aofs = inlet_Acrv << 1;
} else if ((val > sabs) && trg) {
  trg = 0;
  dofs = inlet_Rcrv << 1;
MTOF(-inlet_attack - aofs, arate)
MTOF(-inlet_release - dofs, drate)
if (sabs > val)
  val = ___SMMLA(sabs - val << 1, arate, val);
  val = ___SMMLA(sabs - val << 1, drate, val);
out1 = val;

int32_t thresa = (inlet_treshold >= (1 << 18)) ? inlet_treshold : (1 << 18);
Float_t f;
f.f = (thresa);
int32_t r1 = (( & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
int32_t r2 = logt[ >> 15] << 10;
int32_t thresh = r1 + r2;
int32_t thresb;
thresb = ___SMMUL(out1 << 2, inlet_expander << 3) +
         ___SMMUL(thresa << 3, ((1 << 27) - inlet_expander) << 2);

f.f = (thresb > out1)
          ? (thresb)
          : ___SMMUL((out1 - thresb) << 3, inlet_ratio << 2) + thresb;
r1 = (( & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
r2 = logt[ >> 15] << 10;
int32_t audioIn = r1 + r2;

int32_t slog = (thresh - audioIn);

f.f = (1 << 27);
r1 = (( & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
r2 = logt[ >> 15] << 10;
int32_t normal = r1 + r2;

int32_t normat = (normal - thresh);

int8_t s = (slog >> 24) + 12;
uint8_t ei = slog >> 16;
int32_t audioOut;
if (s >= 0)
  audioOut = (expt[ei] << s);
  audioOut = (expt[ei] >> (-s));

s = (normat >> 24) + 6;
ei = normat >> 16;
int32_t norman;
if (s >= 0)
  norman = (expt[ei] << s);
  norman = (expt[ei] >> (-s));

int32_t outa = ___SMMUL(audioOut << 2, in << 3);
int32_t outb = (outa >> 3) * (norman >> 18);
if (inlet_AutoGain > 0) {
  outlet_out = ___SMMUL(outb << 3, inlet_goal << 2);

else {
  outlet_out = ___SMMUL(outa << 3, inlet_goal << 2);


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