
Dynamic envelope copy, RMS-based (only 8 samples to keep fast response) Apply the envelope of one signal (copy-input) to the envelope of the other (in-input) Set follow-rate with attack and decay and follow-amount with "ratio"
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/dyn/copycompRMS.axo


frac32buffer in

frac32buffer copy


frac32buffer out

Parameters ratio attack decay

int32_t frac_log(int32_t a) {
  Float_t f;
  f.f = a;
  int32_t r1 = (( & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
  int32_t r3 = logt[ >> 15] << 10;
  return r1 + r3;

int32_t frac_exp(int32_t a) {
  int8_t s = (a >> 24) + 4;
  uint8_t ei = a >> 16;
  if (s >= 0)
    return expt[ei] << s;
    return expt[ei] >> (-s);

int32_t accu;
int32_t prev;
int32_t IN;
int32_t val;
int32_t vel;
int i;
int64_t over1;
int64_t over2;
int32_t copy;
int write;
uint32_t CP[16];
uint32_t IP[16];
accu = 0;
Control Rate
int32_t attack;
int32_t decay;
MTOF((1 << 26) - (param_attack << 1), attack)
attack = attack >> 2;
MTOF(-(param_decay << 1), decay)
decay = decay >> 4;
Audio Rate
write = (write + 1) & 15;
int32_t iN = inlet_in;
iN = iN > 0 ? iN : -iN;

IP[write] = iN;
int32_t Copy = inlet_copy;
Copy = Copy > 0 ? Copy : -Copy;
CP[write] = Copy;
copy = 0;
IN = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  copy += CP[i];
  IN += IP[i];
copy = copy >> 3;
IN = IN >> 3;
if (IN > val) {
  val = IN;
} else {
  val = ___SMMLA((IN - val) << 1, decay, val);

if (copy > vel) {
  vel = ___SMMLA((copy - vel) << 1, attack, vel);
} else {
  vel = ___SMMLA((copy - vel) << 1, decay, vel);

int32_t TRESH = __USAT(vel + (1 << 17), 27);
int32_t Tresh = frac_log(TRESH);
float32_t ratio = (float32_t)(1 << 27) / Tresh;

int32_t inlog = frac_log(val > (1 << 21) ? val : (1 << 21));
over1 = (int64_t)(inlog > Tresh ? Tresh - inlog : Tresh - inlog >> 1);
int32_t gain;
gain = frac_exp((1 << 27) + (___SMMUL(over1, param_ratio) << 6));

int32_t out = ___SMMUL(inlet_in << 3, gain << 2);
outlet_out = __SSAT(out, 28);


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