
Hihat/Cymbal/Percussion module using a wavetable to provide multiple timbres easy (use waveformGenerator module for creating waveforms), Uses 2 internal cross-modulated oscillators and has 3 different trigger inputs for closed/half-open/open hihats or any other percussion. Oscillator 2 has a soft-sync function, reversing it's frequency. The "open" trigger's soft-sync can be set independently from the closed and half-open triggers. Oscillator 1 only has a selector to select a wave from the wavetable. Oscillator 2 can morph through the wavetable. This is done by the "mix" parameter/input as well as the "modmix"-amount that adds the envelope to the "mix". "quant" sets the amount of waveforms that will be present between a mix of 0 and 64. "start" offsets the selected waveforms, so you can cover different parts when using the "mix". This is also adding to the input of the stepsize: "step" sets the jumpsize from one waveform-index to the next waveform-index, putting different waveforms next to each other. Pairs very well with the qRnd8Morph module!
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/edrum/DRcym.axo


bool32 closed

bool32 half

bool32 open

frac32 vel

frac32 pitch1

frac32 pitch2

frac32 FMW1

frac32 FMW2

frac32 mix

frac32 mixmod

frac32 noise

int32 waveform


frac32buffer out

int32 div


frac32.s.map.pitch pitch1

frac32.s.map.pitch pitch2

frac32.s.map.pitch HP

bool32.tgl SS

bool32.tgl 2open

frac32.u.map noise

frac32.u.map mix2

frac32.s.map FMW1

frac32.s.map FMW2

frac32.s.map mixmod

int32 W1

int32 W2

int32 quant2

int32 start2

int32 step2

frac32.u.map.kdecaytime Dclosed

frac32.u.map.kdecaytime Dhalf

frac32.u.map.kdecaytime Dopen


objref table

int32_t i;
int strig;
int Strig;
int STrig;
int gtrig;
int32_t env;
uint32_t phase1;
uint32_t phase2;
int trig;
int dir;
uint32_t cnt;
int32_t MIX1a;
int32_t MIX1b;
int32_t MIX2a;
int32_t MIX2b;
int32_t smooth1;
int32_t smooth2;
uint32_t W[2];
uint32_t w1;
int32_t F;
int32_t mix[2];
int32_t MX(int32_t T) {
  T = T > 0 ? T : -T;
  T = T & ((1 << 28) - 1);
  F = T > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 28) - T : T;
int32_t decay;
int32_t tablemix(int32_t inst, int32_t WaveA, int32_t WaveB, int32_t Mix) {
  mix[inst] = ___SMMUL(((1 << 27) - Mix) << 3, WaveA << 2) +
              ___SMMUL(Mix << 3, WaveB << 2);
int32_t M1step;
int32_t M1prv;
int32_t M2step;
int32_t M2prv;
int32_t val1;
int32_t val2;
int32_t val3;
int32_t prev1;
int32_t prev2;
int32_t PREV;
uint32_t Phase2;
int32_t offset;
prev1 = 0;
prev2 = 0;
dir = 1;
Control Rate
int SS;

if (inlet_open > 0) {
  MTOF(-param_Dopen, decay);
  SS = param_SS && param_2open > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (inlet_half > 0) {
  MTOF(-param_Dhalf, decay);
  SS = param_SS;
if (inlet_closed > 0) {
  MTOF(-param_Dclosed, decay);
  SS = param_SS;
int trig = inlet_open + inlet_half + inlet_closed;
if ((trig > 0) && !gtrig) {
  gtrig = 1;
  env = (1 << 27);
} else if (trig == 0) {
  gtrig = 0;
env = ___SMMLA(-env << 1, decay << 1, env);

int32_t freq1;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch1 + inlet_pitch1, freq1)
int32_t FMW1 =
    ___SMMUL(freq1 << 5,
             ___SMMUL(param_FMW1 + inlet_FMW1 << 3, (1 << 27) - env << 2) << 3);
FMW1 = ___SMMUL(FMW1 << 2, inlet_vel << 2) + (FMW1 >> 1);
int32_t freq2;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch2 + inlet_pitch2 + ((1 << 21) * 1.57568723347), freq2)
int32_t HP;
MTOF(param_HP, HP)
int32_t FMW2 =
    ___SMMUL(freq2 << 5,
             ___SMMUL(param_FMW2 + inlet_FMW2 << 3, (1 << 27) - env << 2) << 3);
FMW2 = ___SMMUL(FMW2 << 2, inlet_vel << 2) + (FMW2 >> 1);
int32_t MiX1 =
    param_mix2 + inlet_mix +
    ___SMMUL((param_mixmod + inlet_mixmod) / param_quant2 << 4, env << 2);
MiX1 = F;
smooth1 += (MiX1 - smooth1) >> 4;
MiX1 = smooth1;
int32_t Noise = param_noise + inlet_noise;
int32_t step1 = param_step2;
float32_t ratio = (float32_t)(attr_table.maxLvl) / 64;
MIX1a = MiX1;
W[0] = ((MIX1a >> 4) * param_quant2) >> 23;
MIX1a = (MIX1a - (W[0] << 27) / param_quant2) * param_quant2;
W[0] = W[0] * step1 + param_start2 + param_W2 + inlet_waveform;
W[1] = W[0] + step1;

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  W[i] = W[i] < 0 ? -W[i] : W[i];
  W[i] = (W[i] - (W[i] / attr_table.Waveforms) * attr_table.Waveforms);
  W[i] = W[i] * attr_table.LENGTH;
outlet_div = param_quant2;
int32_t W2 = param_W1 + inlet_waveform;
W2 = W2 - W2 / attr_table.Waveforms * attr_table.Waveforms;
W2 = W2 << attr_table.LENGTHPOW;
Audio Rate
int32_t noise;
if ((phase1 < (1 << 31)) && !STrig) {
  STrig = 1;
  if (SS > 0) {
    dir = -dir;
  noise = ___SMMUL((int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber() >> 2), Noise << 3);
} else if ((phase1 > (1 << 31)) && STrig) {
  STrig = 0;

phase1 += freq1 + ___SMMUL(FMW1 << 3, mix[1] << 2);
uint32_t p1 = (phase1 >> 32 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
uint32_t Mit = ((phase1 << attr_table.LENGTHPOW) >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
phase2 += (freq2 + ___SMMUL(FMW2 << 3, mix[0] << 2)) * dir;
uint32_t p2 = (phase2 >> 32 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW);
uint32_t MiT = ((phase2 << attr_table.LENGTHPOW) >> 2) & 0x3FFFFFFF;
int32_t out1;
int32_t out2;
int32_t out3;
out1 = ___SMMUL(attr_table.array[p1 + W[0]] << 2, (1 << 30) - Mit);
out1 += ___SMMUL(
    attr_table.array[((p1 + 1) & attr_table.LENGTHMASK) + W[0]] << 2, Mit);
out2 = ___SMMUL(attr_table.array[p1 + W[1]] << 2, (1 << 30) - Mit);
out2 += ___SMMUL(
    attr_table.array[((p1 + 1) & attr_table.LENGTHMASK) + W[1]] << 2, Mit);
out3 = ___SMMUL(attr_table.array[p2 + W2] << 2, (1 << 30) - MiT);
out3 += ___SMMUL(attr_table.array[((p2 + 1) & attr_table.LENGTHMASK) + W2] << 2,
tablemix(0, out1, out2, MIX1a);

mix[1] = out3 + noise;
mix[0] = ___SMMUL(mix[0] << 2, mix[1] << 2);
val1 = ___SMMLA((mix[0] - val1) << 1, HP, val1);
mix[0] = (mix[0]) - val1;
outlet_out = ___SMMUL(mix[0] << 3, env << 3);


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