
Control module for the 2facedFilter-module Connect several modulation sources and an internal randomisable modulation matrix will control the modulation-widths of all the modulation-inputs for each output. Level-controls are there for easy control over overall max-modulation-widths.
Author: Remco van de Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/filter/2facedCtrl.axo


frac32 connect to oscillator's pitch (for key-tracking)

frac32 connect to the velocity or volume envelope

frac32 connect to a dedicated filter-envelope

frac32 connect to a LFO

frac32 connect a pattern/CV generator

bool32 when high, glide is applied to the channels that have their glide selected(random)

int32 connect to pattern/CV generator to automate modulation-width-presets

int32 connect to the filter1 selector for automatic modulation-direction-adjustments for the different filter-types

int32 connect to the filter2 selector for automatic modulation-direction-adjustments for the different filter-types


frac32 t1

frac32 f1

frac32 t2

frac32 f2


int32 select which preset will be used for automation-width-control

bool32.mom only randomises modulation-widths of selected preset

bool32.mom randomises modulation-widths for alll presets

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of tracking the pitch

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of "fixed" spreading

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of vol-input

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of env-input

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of lfo-input

frac32.u.map.gain sets modulation width of mod-input

frac32.u.map.gain controls overall frequency-modulation width

frac32.u.map.gain controls overall time-modulation width

frac32.s.map main pitch-offset for both time and frequency

frac32.s.map.kdecaytime.exp sets glide-rate when glide is used


spinner presets

static const uint32_t LENGTH = (28 * attr_presets);
int32_t t[4];
int32_t T[4];
int16_t *array;
bool rnd;
int i;
bool all;
static int16_t _array[LENGTH] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
array = &_array[0];

for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
  array[i] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber());
Control Rate
int32_t glide;
MTOF(-param_glide, glide)
int32_t preset = param_preset + inlet_preset;
preset = preset - preset / attr_presets * attr_presets;
preset += preset < 0 ? attr_presets : 0;
preset = preset * 28;
int mode[2];
mode[0] = (inlet_filter1 & 3);
mode[1] = (inlet_filter2 & 3);
if ((param_rnd > 0) && !rnd) {
  rnd = 1;
  for (i = preset; i < (28 + preset); i++) {
    array[i] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber());
} else if (param_rnd < 1) {
  rnd = 0;

if ((param_allRnd > 0) && !all) {
  all = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
    array[i] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber());
} else if (param_allRnd < 1) {
  all = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  t[i] = param_pitch >> 16;
  int32_t r;
  int dir;
  // inlet_pitch
  r = array[preset + i];
  if (r > 0) {
    t[i] =
        __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(___SMMUL(r, inlet_pitch) << 1, param_track), 13);
  // inlet_vol
  r = array[preset + i + 4];
  if (r > 0) {

    if (((i == 1) || (i == 3)) && (mode[i >> 1] == 1)) {
      r = -r;
    } else {
      r -= (1 << 14);
    r = ___SMMUL(r, inlet_vol) << 1;
    t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(r, param_vol), 13);
  // inlet_env
  r = array[preset + i + 8];
  if (r > 0) {
    if ((i == 1) || (i == 3)) {
      if (mode[i >> 1] == 1) {
        r = -r;
      } else if (mode[i >> 1] > 1) {
        r -= (1 << 14);
    } else {
      r -= (1 << 14);
    r = ___SMMUL(r, inlet_env) << 1;
    t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(r, param_env), 13);
  // inlet_lfo
  r = array[preset + i + 12];
  if (r > 0) {
    int32_t lfo = inlet_lfo;
    if (((i == 1) || (i == 3)) &&
        ((mode[i >> 1] == 1) || (mode[i >> 1] == 3))) {
      lfo = -lfo;
    t[i] = __SSAT(
        t[i] + ___SMMUL(___SMMUL(r - (1 << 14), inlet_lfo) << 1, param_lfo),
  // inlet_mod
  r = array[preset + i + 16];
  if (r > 0) {
    if ((i == 1) || (i == 3)) {
      if (mode[i >> 1] == 1) {
        r = -r;
      } else if (mode[i >> 1] > 1) {
        r -= (1 << 14);
    } else {
      r -= (1 << 14);
    r = ___SMMUL(r, inlet_mod) << 1;
    t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(r, param_mod), 13);
  // spread
  r = array[preset + i + 20];

  if (r > 0) {
    if ((i == 0) || (i == 2)) {
      t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(r - (1 << 14), param_spread >> 3), 13);
    } else if (mode[i >> 1] == 1) {
      t[i] =
          __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL((r >> 1) - (1 << 15), param_spread >> 3), 13);
    } else if (mode[i >> 1] < 1) {
      t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL((r >> 1), param_spread >> 3), 13);
    } else if (mode[i >> 1] > 1) {
      t[i] = __SSAT(t[i] + ___SMMUL(r - (1 << 14), param_spread >> 3), 13);

  // glide
  if (array[preset + 24 + i] <= 0) {
    T[i] = (__SSAT(t[i], 13) << 16);
  } else if ((array[preset + 24 + i] > 0) && (inlet_glide > 0)) {
    T[i] = ___SMMLA(((__SSAT(t[i], 13) << 16) - T[i]) << 1, glide, T[i]);
outlet_t1 = ___SMMUL(T[0], param_TM) << 1;
outlet_f1 = ___SMMUL(T[1], param_FM) << 1;
outlet_t2 = ___SMMUL(T[2], param_TM) << 1;
outlet_f2 = ___SMMUL(T[3], param_FM) << 1;


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