
3x 2-pole resonant filters (SVF) 1 LP and 1 HP to create a band-width-controllable BP filter and a 3rd filter in BP mode which is added as an extra peak inside the set band ("center" cutoff range is normalised to bandwidth of LP and HP filters).
Author: Remco van der most
License: BSD
Github: sss/filter/bppSVF.axo


frac32buffer in

frac32 cutoff

frac32 reso

frac32 center

frac32 width


frac32buffer out


frac32.s.map.pitch cutoff

frac32.s.map center

frac32.s.map peak

frac32.u.map width

frac32.u.map.filterq resoHP

frac32.u.map.filterq resoLP

frac32.u.map.filterq resoPeak

int32_t out;
int32_t low[3];
int32_t band[3];
int32_t notch;
int32_t high;
int32_t freq[3];
int32_t res[3];
int32_t COEF(int32_t F, int32_t R, int I) {
  res[I] = (0x80 << 24) - (R << 4);
  res[I] = ___SMMUL(res[I], res[I]);
  int32_t alpha;
  SINE2TINTERP(alpha, freq[I]);

int32_t SVF(int32_t IN, int I) {
  band[I] -= ___SMMUL(___SMMUL(band[I] << 2, band[I] << 2), band[I] << 2);
  notch = IN - (___SMMUL(res[I], band[I]) << 1);
  low[I] = low[I] + (___SMMUL(freq[I], band[I]) << 1);
  high = notch - low[I];
  band[I] = (___SMMUL(freq[I], high) << 1) + band[I];

int32_t SOFT(int32_t in) {
  int32_t ts = __SSAT(in, 28);
  int32_t tsq31 = ts << 3;
  int32_t tsq31p3 = ___SMMUL(tsq31, ___SMMUL(tsq31, tsq31));
  return out = ts + (ts >> 1) - (tsq31p3);
Control Rate
int32_t width = __SSAT(inlet_width + param_width, 28);
int32_t cutoff = param_cutoff + inlet_cutoff;
COEF(__SSAT(cutoff +
                (___SMMUL(__SSAT(param_center + inlet_center, 28), width) << 5),
     param_resoPeak, 0);
COEF(__SSAT(cutoff + width, 28), param_resoLP, 1);
COEF(__SSAT(cutoff - width, 28), param_resoHP, 2);
Audio Rate
SVF(inlet_in >> 1, 0);
SVF(SOFT((inlet_in >> 1) + (___SMMUL(band[0], param_peak << 4) << 1)), 1);
SVF(SOFT(low[1]), 2);
outlet_out = SOFT(high);


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