
Dual Mode-morphing state-variable-filter. -Using a saw-wave LFO as input for the ModeX(1/2/A) creates a quadrature reading through: LP->BP->HP->Notch->LP ModeX1 and ModeX2 will control the modes of filters 1 and 2 respectively. ModeXA controls both modes at the same time. -depending in which input you send your audio, it will respond differently: -in1->normal response -in2->inversed filter response at filter 1, normal for filter 2 -in3->only send to filter 2 as inverse filter response -modeY1 controls the offset from the center, this control has an inversed response, meaning, a high input will force the mix to a centered mix of all filter modes. When above 64, it will inverse the filter responses, turning LP to HP, HP to LP, BP to Notch and Notch to BP. -SerialSel controls the amount of each audio input to be send to filter2 input when serial mode is mixed in. -SerPar mixes between serial and parallel mode for filter 1 and 2. -drive controls the drive over the resonance (BP filter part that influences the other filters)
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/filter/dualMorphSVF.axo


frac32buffer filter input

frac32buffer in2

frac32buffer in3

frac32 pitch1

frac32 pitch2

frac32 reso1

frac32 reso2

frac32 modeXA

frac32 modeX1

frac32 modeX2

frac32 modeY1

frac32 modeY2

frac32 SerialSel

frac32 SerPar


frac32buffer filter output


frac32.u.map.filterq reso1

frac32.u.map.filterq reso2

frac32.u.map mode1

frac32.u.map mode2

frac32.u.map SerialSel

frac32.u.map SerPar

frac32.u.map drive1

frac32.u.map drive2

frac32.s.map.pitch pitch1

frac32.s.map.pitch pitch2

int32_t low[2];
int32_t band[2];
int32_t OUT[2];
int32_t ModeA[2];
int32_t ModeB[2];
int32_t freq[2];
int32_t Damp[2];
int i;
int32_t config(int32_t pitch, int32_t reso, int32_t ModeX, int32_t ModeY,
               int Inst) {
  int32_t damp = (0x80 << 24) - (reso << 4);
  damp = ___SMMUL(damp, damp);
  Damp[Inst] = damp;
  int32_t alpha;
  MTOFEXTENDED(pitch, alpha);
  SINE2TINTERP(alpha, freq[Inst]);
  int32_t modeA = (ModeX) << 2;
  modeA = modeA & ((1 << 29) - 1);
  modeA = modeA > (1 << 28) ? (1 << 29) - modeA : modeA;
  modeA = __USAT(modeA - (1 << 26), 27);
  int32_t modeB = (ModeX + (1 << 25)) << 2;
  modeB = modeB & ((1 << 29) - 1);
  modeB = modeB > (1 << 28) ? (1 << 29) - modeB : modeB;
  modeB = __USAT(modeB - (1 << 26), 27);

  int32_t modeY = ModeY;
  modeY = modeY < 0 ? -modeY : modeY;
  int dir = modeY > (1 << 27) ? -1 : 1;
  modeY = modeY > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 28) - modeY : modeY;
  int32_t modeX = ((1 << 27) - modeY) * dir;

  ModeA[Inst] =
      ___SMMUL(modeX << 3, modeA << 2) + ___SMMUL(modeY << 3, (1 << 28));
  ModeB[Inst] =
      ___SMMUL(modeX << 3, modeB << 2) + ___SMMUL(modeY << 3, (1 << 28));

int32_t SVF(int32_t in1, int32_t in2, int32_t Freq, int32_t damp, int32_t modeA,
            int32_t modeB, int32_t drive, int32_t Inst) {
  int32_t temp = __SSAT(___SMMUL(band[Inst] << 2, drive << 2), 28);
  band[Inst] = __SSAT(
      band[Inst] -
          (___SMMUL(___SMMUL(temp << 3, temp << 2) << 3, temp << 2) << 2),
  band[Inst] += ___SMMUL(band[Inst] << 1, drive << 1);
  int32_t notch = in1 + in2 - __SSAT((___SMMUL(damp, band[Inst]) << 1), 27);
  low[Inst] = low[Inst] + __SSAT((___SMMUL(Freq, band[Inst]) << 1), 27);
  int32_t high = notch - low[Inst];

  band[Inst] = (___SMMUL(Freq, high) << 1) + __SSAT(band[Inst], 27);
  int32_t out1;
  out1 = ___SMMUL(modeA << 3, ___SMMUL(modeB << 3, low[Inst] << 2) << 2);
  out1 += ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - modeA << 3, ___SMMUL(modeB << 3, band[Inst] << 2)
                                               << 2);
  out1 +=
      ___SMMUL(modeA << 3, ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - modeB << 3, high << 2) << 2);
  out1 += ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - modeA << 3,
                   ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - modeB << 3, notch << 2) << 2);
  OUT[Inst] = out1 - in2;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  low[i] = 0;
  band[i] = 0;
Control Rate
config(inlet_pitch1 + param_pitch1, __USAT(param_reso1 + inlet_reso1, 27),
       param_mode1 + inlet_modeX1 + (1 << 25) + inlet_modeXA, inlet_modeY1, 0);
config(inlet_pitch2 + param_pitch2, __USAT(param_reso2 + inlet_reso2, 27),
       param_mode2 + inlet_modeX2 + (1 << 25) + inlet_modeXA, inlet_modeY2, 1);
int32_t SerPar1 = (param_SerialSel + inlet_SerialSel) & ((1 << 28) - 1);
SerPar1 = SerPar1 > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 28) - SerPar1 : SerPar1;
int32_t SerPar2 = (param_SerPar + inlet_SerPar) & ((1 << 28) - 1);
SerPar2 = SerPar2 > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 28) - SerPar2 : SerPar2;
Audio Rate
int32_t IN1 = inlet_in1;
int32_t IN2 = inlet_in2;
SVF(IN1, IN2, freq[0], Damp[0], ModeA[0], ModeB[0], param_drive1, 0);
int32_t mix1 = ___SMMUL(SerPar1 << 3, IN2 << 2) +
               ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - SerPar1 << 3, IN1 << 2);
mix1 = ___SMMUL(SerPar2 << 3, mix1 << 2) +
       ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - SerPar2 << 3, OUT[0] << 2);
SVF(mix1, inlet_in3, freq[1], Damp[1], ModeA[1], ModeB[1], param_drive2, 1);
outlet_out = (OUT[1] >> 1) + ___SMMUL(SerPar2 << 3, OUT[0] << 1) +
             ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - SerPar2 << 3, OUT[1] << 1);


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