
Complex Resonator filter Filter can be used for formant creation, allpass effects, frequency-resonator, plucked string (using dirac module), percussion, etc.. pitch control is in semitones (0=440hz, this is changable to other values if you want, just embed the module and change the "440" of the "f0=440*power;" in the k-rate code to the required base-frequency). resonance sets resonation length (the higher the tone, the shorter it will be->logarithmic response). When fed a dirac pulse it will make a sine that quickly fades out. gain and max controls are from the "fatbasterd" distortion, to saveguard the output and enabling a nasty resonating distortion. Max sets max-output value (where the amplitude will be dampened at a max level) Gain sets the rate at which the output goes to the max, respectively to the input.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/filter/resonatorP.axo


frac32buffer audio in

frac32.bipolar semitone control over pitch

frac32.positive resonance length control


frac32buffer out


bool32.tgl mode pitch resonance gain max

int32_t real;
int32_t imaginary;
float32_t f0;
float32_t sinw0;
float32_t cosw0;
float32_t pi;
float32_t Fs;
float32_t f1;
int32_t out;
pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445;
Fs = 48000;
imaginary = 0;
real = 0;
Control Rate
int32_t frq;
int32_t pitch = __SSAT(inlet_pitch + param_pitch, 28) - (12 << 21);
float32_t power = powf(2, ((float)(pitch)) / (12 << 21));
f0 = 440 * power;
int32_t res = __USAT(param_resonance + inlet_resonance, 27);
res = res;
float32_t ras = ((float)res) / (1 << 27);
float r =
    0.0001 * power + 1 - (1 - ((float)res + (1 << 30)) / (9 << 27)) / power;
// f1=-((float)110)/f0;
// float r=1.000+(ras*f1);

float32_t w0 = 2 * pi * f0 / Fs;
sinw0 = sinf(w0) * r;
cosw0 = cosf(w0) * r;
Audio Rate
imaginary = real * sinw0 + imaginary * cosw0;
real = (inlet_in >> 4) + real * cosw0 - imaginary * sinw0;
outlet_out = imaginary;
if (param_mode == 0) {
  out = imaginary;
} else {
  out = real;
int dir = out > 0 ? 1 : -1;
int32_t in = out > 0 ? out : -out;
int32_t gian = ___SMMUL(param_gain << 3, param_gain << 2);
float32_t gain = ___SMMUL((gian + (1 << 17)) << 2, in << 3);
gain = 1 + gain / (1 << 19);
outlet_out = ((param_max) - ((param_max)-in) / gain) * dir;


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