bool32.tgl bypass
bool32.tgl solo
// always keep these the same names, as these are the "general in/out names"
int32_t outL, outR;
int32_t IL, IR;
bool bypass, solo;
// I often use names like "v30" to save powers of 2, saves up some calculation
// time.
uint32_t v30 = (uint32_t)1 << 30;
uint32_t v26 = (uint32_t)1 << 26;
uint32_t v27 = (uint32_t)1 << 27;
// this is the code for the effect
// Don't change the inL/inR, IL/IR outL/outR names!
int32_t FX(int32_t inL, int32_t inR, int32_t CV1, int32_t CV2) {
IL = inL; // this saves the left input so the effect can be bypassed
IR = inR; // this saves the right input so the effect can be bypassed
// enter code below:
// here you can enter your code. Use inL and inR to get the audio left&right
// input. the below code puts the calculated audio into "outL" and "outR" as
// output of the FX.
outL = inL; // this is the left output of the fx (puts inL into outL)
outR = inR; // this is the right output of the fx (puts inR into outR)
if (bypass > 0) {
outL = IL; // when bypass is on, sends IL to left output of effect function
outR = IR; // when bypass is on, sends IR to right output of effect function
bypass = param_bypass;
solo = param_solo;