
Scales incoming notes to major C-scale+key offset (key-offset is multiplied by fifths, thus 1 semitone higher will add one "#" to the scale and one lower will add a "b" to the scale). Unlike the native scaler, this one will leave the keyboard-layout intact! When the incoming note isn't in the scale, it's either shifted up or down 1 semitone (each time it happens, it inverses the shift). When "bend" is "on", incoming notes, not belonging to the scale, will automatically switch on glide-mode. outlets: -scaled: outputs the scaled notes. -gateScale: outputs a trigger when scaled output changes. -Skipped: outputs the note that has been skipped. (might be used to trigger extra functions) -Gateskip: outputs a trigger when Skipped output changes.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/harmony/scalar.axo


int32 note

int32 key


frac32 Scaled

bool32 GateScale

bool32 GateSkip

int32 Skipped

Parameters Glide

bool32.tgl Bend

int8_t _scale[12];
int32_t note;
int32_t octave;
int32_t skipped;
int32_t key;
int32_t oldnote;
int32_t Scaled;
int32_t val;
int32_t Bend;
int a;
int trg;
_scale[0] = 0;
_scale[1] = 0;
_scale[2] = 2;
_scale[3] = 2;
_scale[4] = 4;
_scale[5] = 5;
_scale[6] = 5;
_scale[7] = 7;
_scale[8] = 7;
_scale[9] = 9;
_scale[10] = 9;
_scale[11] = 11;
a = 1;
Control Rate
key = (inlet_key * 7);
key = key - ((key / 12) * 12);

octave = (((inlet_note - key) / 12) * 12);
note = inlet_note - key - octave;
octave = note > 0 ? octave : octave - 12;
note = note > 0 ? note : note + 12;
Scaled = _scale[note] + octave + key;
outlet_Scaled = (Scaled << 21) + (val);
outlet_GateScale = ((Scaled) != oldnote);
outlet_GateSkip = inlet_note != Scaled;

if (outlet_GateSkip) {
  skipped = inlet_note;
  if (param_Bend) {
    Bend = (Scaled - outlet_Skipped) + a;
    val = ___SMMLA(val - (Bend << 21), (-1 << 26) + (param_Glide >> 1), val);
  if (trg != 1) {
    a = -a;
  trg = 1;
} else {
  Bend = 0;
  val = 0;
  trg = 0;

outlet_Skipped = skipped;
oldnote = Scaled;


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