
46-scale scaling and 137-temperaments module, but with a 1-key per note response like the factory harmony module This module contains 4 scalers in one to be able to control 4 oscillators at the same time in the same scaling, saves up a bit of memory and tidies up the patch. Add the "scale7bank" module to provide the module the scale-list. (Before first use, add the scale7generator once to create the list and auto-save it to the SD-card, the scale7bank then uses this file. If you don't have a SD-card, you can use the generator module and refer to that module)
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/harmony/scaleTemp7.axo


frac32 stretch

bool32 track

int32 p1

int32 p2

int32 p3

int32 p4

int32 key

int32 scale

int32 temper


frac32 n1

frac32 n2

frac32 n3

frac32 n4


objref scale

int32_t out;
int key;
int scale;
int32_t STR;
int32_t temper;
int32_t N[4];
int32_t scalar(int NT) {
  int32_t pitch = NT + 64;
  int32_t octave = pitch / 7;
  int semitone = pitch - octave * 7;
  int32_t note = (attr_scale.note[semitone + scale] + octave * 12) - 112 + key
                 << 21;

  int mn = (note + (1 << 20) >> 21) + 8;
  int32_t stretch = mn / 12;
  stretch = stretch * (STR / 1000);
  int oct = mn / 12 * 12;
  oct = note < 0 ? oct - 12 : oct;
  mn = mn - oct;
  int tmpr = temper;
  tmpr = tmpr - tmpr / 137 * 137;
  tmpr += tmpr < 0 ? 137 : 0;
  tmpr = tmpr * 12;
  return out = attr_scale.TMPR[mn + tmpr] * 0 + note + stretch;
N[0] = 0;
N[1] = 0;
N[2] = 0;
N[3] = 0;
Control Rate
scale = inlet_scale;
scale = scale - scale / 46 * 46;
scale = scale < 0 ? scale + 46 : scale;
scale = scale * 7;

key = (inlet_key)*5 - 4;
key = key - (key / 12) * 12;
key = key < 0 ? key + 12 : key;
temper = inlet_temper;
STR = inlet_stretch;
if (inlet_track > 0) {
  N[0] = scalar(inlet_p1);
  N[1] = scalar(inlet_p2);
  N[2] = scalar(inlet_p3);
  N[3] = scalar(inlet_p4);

outlet_n1 = N[0];
outlet_n2 = N[1];
outlet_n3 = N[2];
outlet_n4 = N[3];


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