BPM clock module with lots of extra goodies to sync other modules to the clock or pitchbend depending on BPM change
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/lfo/BPMXT.axo


int32 BPMbase

int32 BPMctrl

bool32 reset


int32 BPMctrl

int32 count

frac32.bipolar pitchbend

frac32 pitchbase

frac32 phase

frac32 ratebase

frac32 delaybase

bool32 trigger

bool32 rst

bool32 straight


bool32.mom reset

int32 BPMbase

int32 BPMctrl

int32 measureDenom

int32 sync

int32 measureSwing

int32 phsMul

int32 phsDiv

bool32.tgl link

bool32.tgl 16fpp24

frac32.s.map swing

frac32.s.map stretch

frac32.s.map deviate

frac32.s.map mash


bool32 d1

uint32_t phs;
int32_t PHS;
int cnt;
int CNT;
int count;
bool trg;
int32_t Phase;
bool r;
int rate1 = 3;
int rate2 = 4;
uint32_t frq;
int32_t swing;
int32_t Swing;
int32_t out;
int32_t vi27 = (1 << 27) - 1;
int snc;
int32_t LOG(int32_t in) {
  Float_t f;
  f.f = in;
  int32_t r1 = ((f.parts.exponent & 0x7F) - 18) << 24;
  int32_t r3 = logt[f.parts.mantissa >> 15] << 10;
  out = r1 + r3;

int32_t FTOM(int32_t freq) {
  int32_t ptch;
  int32_t mid;
  mid = out;

  int32_t to;
  to = out;
  return ptch = (to - mid >> 1) * 3;
cnt = 0;
swing = 0;
snc = 0;
count = 0;
Phase = 0;
Control Rate
// int32_t pitch;
int BPMbase = param_BPMbase + inlet_BPMbase;
int BPMctrl = param_BPMctrl + inlet_BPMctrl;
outlet_rst = 0;
int32_t freq;
if ((BPMbase > 0) && (BPMctrl > 0)) {
  float32_t ratio;
  ratio = (float32_t)BPMctrl / BPMbase;
  if (param_link < 1) {
    freq = freq * ratio;
  } else {
                       param_BPMctrl, 0xFFFD);
    BPMbase = BPMctrl;
  bool reset = param_reset || inlet_reset;
  if (reset && r) {
    outlet_rst = 1;
    Phase = 0;
    snc = 0;
    cnt = 0;
    swing = 0;
    count = 0;
    r = 0;
    PHS = 0;
  } else {
    if (!reset)
      r = 1;
    frq = (uint32_t)(1 << 30) / (22500 / BPMctrl);
    Phase += frq >> 2;
    PHS = Phase * param_measureDenom;
  if ((uint32_t)Phase < phs) {
    count += 1;
    count = count >= param_phsDiv ? 0 : count;
    snc += 1;
    if (snc >= param_sync) {
      cnt = -1;
      snc = 0;

  if ((PHS > swing) && !trg) {
    trg = 1;
    CNT = (CNT + 1);
    cnt = cnt >= (param_measureSwing * param_sync) ? 0 : cnt;
    cnt = CNT / param_measureSwing;

    int32_t deviate = ((int32_t)(param_deviate * 0.999) << 2);
    int32_t mash = ((int32_t)(param_mash * 0.999) << 2);
    int32_t stretch = ((int32_t)(param_stretch * 0.999) << 2);
    bool sel = ((cnt >> 1) & 1);
    sel = ((cnt / (4 - param_16fpp24)) & 1) > 0 ? !sel : sel;
    sel = sel && (cnt & 1);
    swing = ((((int32_t)(-param_swing * 0.999) << 4) * (cnt & 1)) +
             (((cnt >> 1) & 1) > 0 ? -deviate : deviate) +
             (((cnt & 3) - 1) * stretch + (sel > 0 ? mash : -mash))) *
  } else if ((PHS <= Swing) && trg) {
    trg = 0;
    Swing = swing;

  disp_d1 = outlet_trigger = trg;
  outlet_pitchbend = FTOM(freq);
  outlet_pitchbase = FTOM(frq) + outlet_pitchbend;
  outlet_BPMctrl = param_BPMctrl;
  outlet_count = cnt;
  outlet_phase = (((phs >> 5) / param_phsDiv + ((count << 27) / param_phsDiv)) *
                  param_phsMul) &
  outlet_straight = Phase > 0 ? 1 : 0;
} else {
  outlet_pitchbend = FTOM(1);
  outlet_pitchbase = FTOM(1);
  outlet_BPMctrl = 0;
  outlet_trigger = 0;
  outlet_count = cnt;
  outlet_straight = 0;
phs = (uint32_t)Phase;
outlet_delaybase = (uint64_t)(1 << 30) * (1 << 17) / frq;
outlet_ratebase = frq >> 2;


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