
Frame animation module. Module records values into an array and from there builds a smoothed out table from the added/available points. Features a save/load system to be able to save the internal table into the table-allocator. Use the table save/load module to save this table after you're finished editting!
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/lfo/animator.axo


frac32.positive position

bool32.rising load

int32 preset


frac32 1

Parameters clicking this will put the value into the array at the selected position clicking this will delete the currently selected position (see "used" display if it is in use) clicking this will delete ALL the data in the internal memory, cleaning up the animation load will load a selected preset to the internal memory Don't forget to hit "save" for the table-save module!!

int32 selects the preset to which you want to save (this will be another 64 points extra in the table-allocator for each new preset!)

bool32.tgl switches frames' control over to external input internal position designator and readout if external input is not selected this value will be put into the frame when you hit "add"


objref table


bool32 used

int32_t array[64];
int8_t used[64];
int32_t draw[64];
int32_t mapped[65];
int32_t position;
int atrig;
int dtrig;
int etrig;
int utrig;
int saved;
int count;
int i;
int j;
int keep;
int s;
int load;
int lave;
Control Rate
saved = 0;

int Load;
int Save;
Load = param_load + inlet_load;
Save = param_save;
int32_t preset;
preset = param_preset + inlet_preset;
if (((Load) > 0) && !load) {
  load = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
    (array[i]) = attr_table.array[i + (preset)*128] << attr_table.GAIN;
    (used[i]) = attr_table.array[i + 64 + (preset)*128] << attr_table.GAIN;
} else if (!(Load > 0)) {
  load = 0;

if (((Save) > 0) && !lave) {
  lave = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
    (attr_table.array[i + (preset)*128] = array[i] >> attr_table.GAIN);
    (attr_table.array[i + 64 + (preset)*128] = used[i] >> attr_table.GAIN);
} else if (!(Save > 0)) {
  lave = 0;

if ((param_add > 0) && !atrig) {
  array[param_position >> 21] = param_value;
  used[param_position >> 21] = 1;
  atrig = 1;
} else if (!(param_add > 0)) {
  atrig = 0;

if ((param_delete > 0) && !dtrig) {
  array[param_position >> 21] = 0;
  used[param_position >> 21] = 0;
  dtrig = 1;
} else if (!(param_add > 0)) {
  dtrig = 0;

if ((param_delALL > 0) && !etrig) {

  for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
    array[j] = 0;
    used[j] = 0;
    draw[j] = 0;
  etrig = 1;
} else if (!(param_delALL > 0)) {
  etrig = 0;

if ((param_add || param_delete) || (param_delALL || Load)) {
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
    saved += used[i];
    if (used[i] == 1) {
      draw[saved - 1] = i;
    if (i == 63) {
      keep = saved;
  for (i = 0; i <= keep; i++) {
    // s=(i+1)-(((i+1)/(keep+1))*(keep+1));
    for (j = draw[i]; j < draw[i + 1]; j++)
      mapped[j] = array[draw[i]] + (array[draw[s]] - array[draw[i]]) /
                                       (draw[s] - draw[i]) * (j - draw[i]);

if (param_ext > 0) {
  position = (inlet_position - ((inlet_position >> 21) << 21)) << 6;
  int32_t ccomp = (1 << 27) - position;
  outlet_1 =
      ___SMMUL(ccomp << 2, mapped[((inlet_position >> 21) - 1) & 63] << 2) +
      ___SMMUL(position << 2, mapped[((inlet_position >> 21) + 1) & 63] << 2) +
      (mapped[(inlet_position >> 21)] >> 1);
} else {
  position = (param_position - ((param_position >> 21) << 21)) << 6;
  int32_t ccomp = (1 << 27) - position;
  outlet_1 =
      ___SMMUL(ccomp << 2, mapped[((param_position >> 21) - 1) & 63] << 2) +
      ___SMMUL(position << 2, mapped[((param_position >> 21) + 1) & 63] << 2) +
      (mapped[(param_position >> 21)] >> 1);

disp_used = used[param_position >> 21];


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