
Module to provide a tempo-synced and controlled trigger. To be used with the "polycountMan" module to make polyrythmic trigger sequences. Triggers are generated by an internal LFO, host-synced through the "timing" input->connect this to the "sss/midi/clock" module's "time" output or use the "timing/clock2timing" module together with an LFO to provide the time. For the amount of triggers per stage (set by the amount of measures), you can use the "Mselect" switch to switch between the internal array (off) (edited with the "arrayEdit" module) and the "measures" input(on). When "on" the trigger-rate will follow the stage-length even if the internal array is set to another value, result is that the rate stays the same for each stage, no matter the measures-length. When "off", the "select" input selects from the internal table the amount of triggers to be generated within the time that the current amount of measures will take (measureInput*timing/triggers=triggerTiming). Lastly, the triggerTiming can be further divided by the "rate" input. This is useful for creating quick fills. The "rst" input resets the internal LFO and should be connected to the "c" output of the polyCount module (stage trigger). The "active" input should be connected to either the "active" output on the polyCount module or a toggle-button to switch it on manually.
Author: Remco van der most
License: BSD
Github: sss/lfo/polyRyTrig.axo


bool32 rst

bool32 active

bool32 save

bool32 load

charptr32 filename

int32 timing

int32 measures

int32 select

int32 rate


bool32 trig

int32 rate


bool32.tgl Mselect

frac32.u.map pattern

bool32.mom save

bool32.mom load


spinner maxstages

spinner patterns

static const uint32_t LENGTH = attr_maxstages;
static const int patt = attr_patterns;
uint8_t *array;
int32_t count;
int rtrig;
int strig;
int ltrig;
int length;
static uint8_t _array[LENGTH * patt] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
array = &_array[0];
Control Rate
int save = param_save + inlet_save;
int load = param_load + inlet_load;

if ((save > 0) && !strig) {
  strig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_written;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*array) * (LENGTH * patt);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&array[0]) + offset, sizeof(fbuff));
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_written);
      rem_sz -= sizeof(fbuff);
      offset += sizeof(fbuff);
    } else {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&array[0]) + offset, rem_sz);
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_written);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
} else if (!(save > 0))
  strig = 0;

if ((load > 0) && !ltrig) {
  ltrig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_read;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*array) * (LENGTH * patt);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_read);
      if (bytes_read == 0)
      memcpy((char *)(&array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz -= bytes_read;
      offset += bytes_read;
    } else {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_read);
      memcpy((char *)(&array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
} else if (!(load > 0))
  ltrig = 0;

int32_t Patt = ___SMMUL(__USAT(param_pattern, 27) << 2, patt - 1 << 3);
Patt = Patt - Patt / patt * patt;
Patt = Patt * LENGTH;

int rate = inlet_select;
rate = rate - rate / length * length;
int32_t timing = inlet_timing * inlet_measures /
                 (param_Mselect > 0 ? inlet_measures : array[rate + Patt]) /
                 (inlet_rate > 0 ? inlet_rate : 1);
if ((inlet_rst) && !rtrig) {
  rtrig = 1;
  count = -1;
} else if (inlet_rst == 0) {
  rtrig = 0;
count += 1;
count = count >= timing ? 0 : count;
outlet_trig = (count < (timing >> 1)) && inlet_active;
outlet_rate = param_Mselect > 0 ? inlet_measures : array[rate + Patt];


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