
Modified Saw wave oscillator Bandwith limited Added: A phase-input, though this is computed as a linear, not-thru-zero fm response freq=freq+(input-previous). A saw-wave multiplier, adding more saws-per-cycle. A sine-wave adder, AM-modulated by the phase. Internal or external sync: -when external sync is on, without an input-signal, it will un-couple the internal sync, making the saw "walk" during a cyle which will create a morphing saw. With an input signal, it will lock both internal phase-generators onto the incoming signal. -when external sync is off, the "sync" algorithm will use an internal phase generator as sync, creating a "fixed" waveform.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/blepmodsaw.axo


frac32buffer phase

frac32buffer sync, resets oscillator phase on rising zero-crossing

frac32.bipolar pitch


frac32buffer.bipolar saw wave, anti-aliased

frac32buffer phase

Parameters pitch morph tone string

bool32.tgl extsync

int32_t osc_p;
int32_t prv;
bool snc;
static const int blepvoices = 4;
int16_t *oscp[blepvoices];
int32_t vgain[blepvoices];
uint32_t nextvoice;
int32_t i0;
int32_t k0;
int32_t phs;
int32_t Phs;
int32_t s;
int32_t hp;
int p;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < blepvoices; j++)
  oscp[j] = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
nextvoice = 0;
i0 = 0;
Control Rate
int32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, freq);
int j;
int16_t *lastblep = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
  int i;
  phs += freq;
  if ((inlet_sync[j] > 0) && !snc) {
    snc = 1;
    phs = -0;
  } else if (inlet_sync[j] < 0) {
    snc = 0;

  SINE2TINTERP(___SMMUL((uint32_t)phs >> 1, param_tone) << 8, s)

  int32_t Freq;
  MTOFEXTENDED(__SSAT(param_pitch + inlet_pitch +
                          __SSAT(___SMMUL(param_string << 1, s), 28),

  int32_t frq =
      (int64_t)Freq +
      (___SMMUL((___SMMUL((uint32_t)phs >> 1, freq) << 1), param_morph) << 6) +
      (inlet_phase[j] - prv << 3);
  frq = frq > 0 ? frq : -frq;
  osc_p += frq;

  int i1 = param_extsync > 0 ? inlet_sync[j] >> 2 : (phs >> 6);

  if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0 > 0)) { // phase reset
    nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0 << 6) / (i1 - i0));
    oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
    vgain[nextvoice] = vgain[nextvoice] =
        (((x * (frq >> 7)) + (((uint32_t)p) >> 1))) >> 18;
    osc_p = x * (frq >> 6);
  else if ((k1>0)&&!(k0>0)){   // phase reset
    nextvoice = (nextvoice+1)&(blepvoices-1);
    int32_t x = 64-((-k0<<6)/(k1-k0));
    oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
    vgain[nextvoice] = vgain[nextvoice] = (((x * (frq>>7)) +
  (((uint32_t)p)>>1)))>>18; osc_p = x * (frq>>6);
  else if ((osc_p > 0) && !(p > 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = osc_p / (frq >> 6);
    oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
    vgain[nextvoice] = 1 << 13;
  i0 = i1;

  int32_t sum = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
    int16_t *t = oscp[i];
    sum += (16384 - (*t)) * vgain[i];
    t += 64;
    if (t >= lastblep)
      t = lastblep;
    oscp[i] = t;
  // sum = -sum;
  uint32_t g = osc_p;
  outlet_wave[j] = (g >> 5) + sum - (1 << 26);
  outlet_phase[j] = (phs >> 4);
  p = osc_p;
  prv = inlet_phase[j];


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