int32 selects waveform
frac32 pitch
frac32 self
frac32.bipolar use frequency (note) offset to add to root pitch
frac32.bipolar beatrate
frac32buffer external mod width
frac32buffer.bipolar triangle wave, anti-aliased
int32 index2wave
int32 note2wave pitch Poffset
bool32.tgl PoffsetOn
bool32.tgl LFO
bool32.tgl negative
bool32.tgl sync self mod
int32.hradio wave
uint32_t osc_p;
int32_t Osc_p;
bool trg;
int32_t preset;
int wave;
int k;
int32_t Offset;
int32_t beat;
static const int blepvoices = 8;
const int16_t *oscp[blepvoices];
int16_t *Oscp[blepvoices];
int16_t amp[blepvoices];
uint32_t nextvoice;
int32_t vgain[blepvoices];
int32_t i0;
int32_t sync;
int32_t max;
int32_t val;
int32_t dval1;
int32_t dval2;
int32_t in[attr_poly][BUFSIZE];
int32_t out[attr_poly][BUFSIZE];
int i;
int32_t SIN(int32_t pitch, int32_t fm, int32_t self) {
uint32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(pitch, freq);
freq += Offset + beat;
int32_t FM;
int32_t fM = ___SMMUL(fm << 4, freq) << 3;
int32_t Fm = ___SMMUL(self << 2, freq);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
FM = ___SMMUL(in[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, fM) +
___SMMUL(out[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, Fm << 2)
<< 3;
int32_t tfreq = freq + FM;
if (((in[parent->polyIndex][j] > 0) && !trg) && sync) {
trg = 1;
osc_p = 0;
} else if (in[parent->polyIndex][j] <= 0) {
trg = 0;
osc_p += tfreq;
int32_t sine;
SINE2TINTERP(osc_p, sine)
int32_t tmp = sine >> 5;
val += (tmp - val) >> 10;
out[parent->polyIndex][j] = tmp - val;
int32_t TRI(int32_t pitch, int32_t fm, int32_t self) {
uint32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(pitch, freq);
freq += Offset + beat;
int32_t FM;
int32_t fM = ___SMMUL(fm << 4, freq) << 3;
int32_t Fm = ___SMMUL(self << 2, freq);
int j;
const int16_t *lastblep = &blt[BLEPSIZE - 1];
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
FM = ___SMMUL(in[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, fM) +
___SMMUL(out[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, Fm << 2)
<< 3;
int32_t tfreq = freq + FM;
// tfreq=tfreq>0?tfreq:-tfreq+1;
int i;
uint32_t p;
p = osc_p;
int32_t p3 = p - 2 * tfreq;
int32_t tri;
if (p3 > 0) {
tri = ((1 << 30) - (p3)) >> 4;
} else {
tri = (p3 + (1 << 30)) >> 4;
osc_p = p + tfreq;
int i1 = sync > 0 ? in[parent->polyIndex][j] >> 2 : 0;
if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0 > 0)) { // phase reset
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0 << 6) / (i1 - i0));
oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
vgain[nextvoice] = vgain[nextvoice] =
(((x * (tfreq >> 7)) + (((uint32_t)p) >> 1))) >> 18;
osc_p = x * (tfreq >> 6);
} else if ((osc_p > 0) && !(p > 0)) { // dispatch
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = osc_p / (tfreq >> 6);
oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
vgain[nextvoice] = 1 << 13;
i0 = i1;
if ((((int32_t)osc_p) > 0) ^ (((int32_t)p) > 0)) { // dispatch
if ((freq >> 6) > 0) {
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = (osc_p & 0x7FFFFFFF) / (((uint32_t)tfreq) >> 6);
oscp[nextvoice] = &blt[x];
amp[nextvoice] = (((int32_t)osc_p) < 0) ? tfreq >> 16 : -(tfreq >> 16);
int32_t sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
const int16_t *t = oscp[i];
sum += (*t) * amp[i];
t += 64;
if (t >= lastblep)
t = lastblep;
oscp[i] = t;
int32_t tmp = tri + (sum >> 3);
val += (tmp - val) >> 10;
out[parent->polyIndex][j] = tmp - val;
int32_t SQR(int32_t pitch, int32_t fm, int32_t self) {
int32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(pitch, freq);
freq += Offset + beat;
int32_t FM;
int32_t fM = ___SMMUL(fm << 4, freq) << 3;
int32_t Fm = ___SMMUL(self << 2, freq);
int j;
int16_t *lastblep = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
FM = ___SMMUL(in[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, fM) +
___SMMUL(out[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, Fm << 2)
<< 3;
int32_t tfreq = freq + FM;
tfreq = tfreq > 0 ? tfreq : -tfreq + 1;
int i;
int p;
p = Osc_p;
Osc_p = p + (tfreq << 1);
int32_t sum = 0;
int i1 = sync > 0 ? in[parent->polyIndex][j] >> 2 : 0;
if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0 > 0)) { // phase reset
int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0 << 6) / (i1 - i0));
Osc_p = x * (tfreq >> 6);
if (nextvoice & 1) {
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
} else if ((Osc_p > 0) && !(p > 0)) { // dispatch
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = Osc_p / (tfreq >> 5);
Oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
i0 = i1;
for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
int16_t *t = Oscp[i];
if (i & 1)
sum += *t;
sum -= *t;
t += 64;
if (t >= lastblep)
t = lastblep;
Oscp[i] = t;
sum -= ((((nextvoice + 1) & 1) << 1) - 1) << 13;
int32_t tmp = sum << 13;
val += (tmp - val) >> 10;
out[parent->polyIndex][j] = tmp - val;
int32_t SAW(int32_t pitch, int32_t fm, int32_t self, int dir) {
int32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(pitch, freq);
freq += Offset + beat;
int32_t FM;
int32_t fM = ___SMMUL(fm << 4, freq) << 3;
int32_t Fm = ___SMMUL(self << 2, freq);
int j;
int16_t *lastblep = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
int i;
int p;
FM = ___SMMUL(in[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, fM) +
___SMMUL(out[parent->polyIndex][j] << 3, Fm << 2)
<< 3;
int32_t tfreq = freq + FM;
tfreq = tfreq > 0 ? tfreq : -tfreq + 1;
p = Osc_p;
Osc_p = p + tfreq;
int32_t sum = 0;
int i1 = sync > 0 ? in[parent->polyIndex][j] >> 2 : 0;
if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0 > 0)) { // phase reset
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0 << 6) / (i1 - i0));
Oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
vgain[nextvoice] = vgain[nextvoice] =
(((x * (tfreq >> 7)) + (((uint32_t)p) >> 1))) >> 18;
Osc_p = x * (tfreq >> 6);
} else if ((Osc_p > 0) && !(p > 0)) { // dispatch
nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
int32_t x = Osc_p / (tfreq >> 6);
Oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];
vgain[nextvoice] = 1 << 13;
i0 = i1;
for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
int16_t *t = Oscp[i];
sum += (16384 - (*t)) * vgain[i];
t += 64;
if (t >= lastblep)
t = lastblep;
Oscp[i] = t;
// sum = -sum;
uint32_t g = Osc_p;
int32_t tmp = ((g >> 5) + sum - (1 << 26)) * dir;
val += (tmp - val) >> 10;
out[parent->polyIndex][j] = tmp - val;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < blepvoices; j++) {
oscp[j] = &blt[BLEPSIZE - 1];
Oscp[j] = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
amp[j] = 0;
i0 = 0;
nextvoice = 0;
sync = param_sync;
int32_t offset = (parent->polyIndex) * param_index2wave;
beat = inlet_beatrate >> 4;
preset = (param_wave + offset + inlet_wave);
wave = preset - preset / 5 * 5;
wave += wave < 0 ? 5 : 0;
int32_t Pitch = param_pitch + inlet_pitch;
// int32_t Not=(Pitch>>21)&255;
Offset = 0;
if (param_PoffsetOn > 0) {
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_Poffset + param_Poffset, Offset)
if (param_LFO > 0) {
Offset = Offset >> 10;
if (param_negative > 0) {
Offset = -Offset;
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
in[parent->polyIndex][i] = inlet_mod[i];
int32_t P2 = Pitch + ((39 << 21) / 100);
int32_t Self = param_self + inlet_self << 1;
if (wave == 0) {
SIN(Pitch, param_mod, Self);
if (wave == 1) {
TRI(Pitch, param_mod, Self);
if (wave == 2) {
SAW(Pitch, param_mod, Self, 1);
if (wave == 3) {
SAW(Pitch, param_mod, Self, -1);
if (wave == 4) {
SQR(Pitch, param_mod, Self);
for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
outlet_wave[i] = out[parent->polyIndex][i];