
Complex oscillator based on the "inf" distortion module -at the base is a thru-zero sine oscillator with a soft&hard sync function -root can be modulated to a saw-type thanks to internal self FM -sub-harmonic generator can be forced to stay in a low-frequency region, no matter the input frequency -2x pulsewidth generators and the option to send the sub to the pw-generators as offset -a mixer to mix all the 4 types together -a soft distortion at the end to limit between -64 and 64
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/complex.axo


frac32 pitch

frac32 subrate

frac32 pw1

frac32 pw2

frac32 sofs

frac32 sawizer

frac32buffer fm

frac32buffer sync


frac32buffer.bipolar audio output

Parameters fm turns root sine into a saw-like shape by internal self-FM offsets the trigger point of the sub pulse width 1 pulse width 2 root level sub level pulse1 level pulse2 level

int32 sub-divides the sub in integers using a counter adds the sub generator to the root before sending to pulse

bool32.tgl fully rectify before pulse2 root pitch sub-divides the sub based on a timer that has to have ended before it can trigger again softsync

static const int blepvoices = 8;
static const int max = 4;
int i, j, snc, cnt, sync, SNC;
int16_t *oscp[max][blepvoices];
uint32_t nextvoice[max];
int32_t i0[max];
int32_t phase, timer, Ofs;
int32_t v21 = 1 << 21;
int32_t hp, saw, HP, LP, Hp;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < blepvoices; j++) {
    oscp[i][j] = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
  nextvoice[i] = 0;
  i0[i] = 0;
Control Rate
int j;
int16_t *lastblep = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
uint32_t freq, ss;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, freq)
MTOFEXTENDED(param_softsync, ss)
if (param_softsync == (1 << 27)) {
  ss = (1 << 31) - 1;
if (param_softsync == -(1 << 27)) {
  ss = 0;
int32_t ofs1 = inlet_pw1 + param_pw1;
int32_t ofs2 = inlet_pw2 + param_pw2;
int32_t sofs = inlet_sofs + param_sofs;
int32_t rate;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_subrate + inlet_subrate, rate)
rate = rate >> 2;
int32_t FM = ___SMMUL(freq, param_sawizer + inlet_sawizer) << 5;
int32_t fm = ___SMMUL(freq, param_fm) << 5;
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
  sync -= ___SMMUL(ss, sync);
  timer = __USAT(timer - rate, 30);
  saw = (___SMMUL(FM, saw) << 8);
  saw += (___SMMUL(fm, inlet_fm[j]) << 8);
  HP += saw - HP >> 8;
  saw -= HP;
  LP += saw - LP >> 1;
  saw = LP;
  phase += freq + saw;

  if ((inlet_sync[j] > 0) && !SNC && (ss > 0)) {
    SNC = 1;
    sync += phase;
    phase = 0;
    cnt = (cnt + 1) % (param_subhrm);
    if (timer < 1) {
      if (cnt == 0) {

        Ofs = Ofs > 0 ? -v21 : v21;
        timer = (1 << 30);
  } else if (inlet_sync[j] < 0) {
    SNC = 0;
  int32_t out;
  int32_t p1 = phase + sync;
  int32_t r;
  SINE2TINTERP(p1 + (1 << 30), saw)
  saw = saw >> 4;

  r = r >> 4;


  int32_t in = r + sofs;
  if ((in > 0) && !snc) {
    snc = 1;

    cnt = (cnt + 1) % (param_subhrm);
    if (timer < 1) {
      if (cnt == 0) {
        Ofs = Ofs > 0 ? -v21 : v21;
        timer = (1 << 30);
  } else if (in < 0) {
    snc = 0;

  int32_t i1 = Ofs;
  int32_t sum = 0;
  if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0[2] > 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[2] = (nextvoice[2] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0[2] << 6) / (i1 - i0[2]));
    oscp[2][(nextvoice[2])] = &blept[x];
  } else if ((i1 < 0) && !(i0[2] < 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[2] = (nextvoice[1] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((i0[2] << 6) / (i0[2] - i1));
    oscp[2][(nextvoice[2])] = &blept[x];
  i0[2] = i1;
  for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
    int16_t *t = oscp[2][i];
    if (i & 1)
      sum += *t;
      sum -= *t;
    t += 64;
    if (t >= lastblep)
      t = lastblep;
    oscp[2][i] = t;
  sum -= ((((nextvoice[2] + 1) & 1) << 1) - 1) << 13;
  sum = sum << 13;
  out = ___SMMUL(sum, param_sub) << 5;
  int32_t smod = ___SMMUL(-param_submod, sum) << 5;

  i1 = r + ofs1 + smod >> 2;
  sum = 0;
  if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0[0] > 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[0] = (nextvoice[0] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0[0] << 6) / (i1 - i0[0]));
    oscp[0][(nextvoice[0])] = &blept[x];
  } else if ((i1 < 0) && !(i0[0] < 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[0] = (nextvoice[0] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((i0[0] << 6) / (i0[0] - i1));
    oscp[0][(nextvoice[0])] = &blept[x];
  i0[0] = i1;
  for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
    int16_t *t = oscp[0][i];
    if (i & 1)
      sum += *t;
      sum -= *t;
    t += 64;
    if (t >= lastblep)
      t = lastblep;
    oscp[0][i] = t;
  sum -= ((((nextvoice[0] + 1) & 1) << 1) - 1) << 13;

  ///////////add root and pulse1
  out += ___SMMUL(sum << 13, param_pulse1) + ___SMMUL(r, param_root) << 5;

  i1 = r + ofs2 + smod >> 2;
  if (param_double) {
    i1 = i1 > 0 ? i1 : -i1;
    hp += i1 - hp >> 9;
    i1 -= hp;
  sum = 0;
  if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0[1] > 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[1] = (nextvoice[1] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((-i0[1] << 6) / (i1 - i0[1]));
    oscp[1][(nextvoice[1])] = &blept[x];
  } else if ((i1 < 0) && !(i0[1] < 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice[1] = (nextvoice[1] + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = 64 - ((i0[1] << 6) / (i0[1] - i1));
    oscp[1][(nextvoice[1])] = &blept[x];
  i0[1] = i1;
  for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
    int16_t *t = oscp[1][i];
    if (i & 1)
      sum += *t;
      sum -= *t;
    t += 64;
    if (t >= lastblep)
      t = lastblep;
    oscp[1][i] = t;
  sum -= ((((nextvoice[1] + 1) & 1) << 1) - 1) << 13;

  out += ___SMMUL(sum << 13, param_pulse2) << 5;

  Hp += out - Hp >> 10;
  out -= Hp;

  int32_t ts = __SSAT(out, 28);
  int32_t tsq31 = ts << 3;
  int32_t tsq31p3 = ___SMMUL(tsq31, ___SMMUL(tsq31, tsq31));
  out = ts + (ts >> 1) - (tsq31p3);
  outlet_out[j] = out;


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