
oscillator based on a S&H module and a random table for amplitudes and S&H times. Note though, that this oscillator is mostly usable for bass as a high pitch will make the S&H unstable. "Mix" mixes between two tables for amplitude and timing of the S&H and is a kind of complex pulsewidth modulation. "Timbre" controls the overall rate of the timing of the S&H (higher pitch->faster pulses->higher timbre) Features several kinds of sync that can be stacked up on each other. Instead of giving them all their own off/on inputs, these are externally controlled by an integer value in which each bit stands for it's own sync off/on. Use a "DAC" to convert bits to externally control the sync type or just a random value generator. 0/1=hardsync 0/2=softsync 0/4=reverse 0/8=swap 0/16=direction 0/32,64,96,128..etc=wave (0 up to 15, but multiplied by 32)
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/complexSH.axo


frac32 course

frac32 main rate of the S&H

int32 bitwise off/on of individual sync modes-> hardsync =1, softsync=2,reverse=4, swap=8,direction=16,wave=32+an offset for subdividing (64,96,128,160,192, etc.)

frac32buffer level input

frac32buffer use the smodes and sync options to select sync types

bool32 randomise S&H array


frac32buffer phase

frac32 pitch

frac32buffer.bipolar audio output

Parameters mix track timbre

bool32.tgl hardsync

bool32.tgl softsync

bool32.tgl reverse

bool32.tgl swap

bool32.tgl direction

int32 wave pitch rnd

static const int blepvoices = 16;
int16_t *oscp[blepvoices];
int32_t vgain[blepvoices];
uint32_t nextvoice;
uint32_t phase;
int32_t phs;
int32_t i0;
int32_t in0;
int32_t acc, hp;
int32_t cnt, ct, CT;
int32_t array[2][2][16];
int rnd, snc, dir, swp, dr, pos;
int i;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < blepvoices; j++)
  oscp[j] = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
nextvoice = 0;
i0 = 0;
in0 = 0;
acc = 0;
phase = 0;
cnt = 0;
ct = 0;
dir = 1;
swp = 1;
dr = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
    array[i][0][j] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber()) >> 4;
    int32_t tmp;
    MTOFEXTENDED((int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber()) >> 4, tmp)
    array[i][1][j] = tmp;
Control Rate
int16_t *lastblep = &blept[BLEPSIZE - 1];
int32_t frq;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, frq)
outlet_pitch = param_pitch + inlet_pitch;
int32_t ifrq;
MTOFEXTENDED((___SMMUL(param_track, param_pitch + inlet_pitch) << 5) +
                 param_timbre + inlet_timbre,

int ss, hs, rv, sp, DR, wv;
hs = param_hardsync || (inlet_smodes & 1);
ss = param_softsync || ((inlet_smodes >> 1) & 1);
rv = param_reverse || ((inlet_smodes >> 2) & 1);
sp = param_swap || ((inlet_smodes >> 3) & 1);
DR = param_direction || ((inlet_smodes >> 4) & 1);
wv = param_wave + ((inlet_smodes >> 5) & 15);
wv = wv & 1 ? wv : 0;

int RND = inlet_rnd || param_rnd;
if (RND && !rnd) {
  rnd = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
      array[i][0][j] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber()) >> 4;
      int32_t tmp;
      MTOFEXTENDED((int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber()) >> 4, tmp)
      array[i][1][j] = tmp;
} else if (!RND) {
  rnd = 0;
for (j = 0; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
  phs -= phs >> 7;
  int32_t mix = __USAT(param_mix + inlet_mix[j], 27) << 4;
  uint32_t p1 = phase + phs;
  phase += frq * dir;

  if ((inlet_sync[j] > 0) && !snc) {
    snc = 1;
    uint32_t tphs = phase;
    if (ss) {
      phs += (int32_t)(phase);
      phase = 0;
    if (hs) {
      phase -= tphs;
    if (rv) {
      dir = dir > 0 ? -1 : 1;
      phase += frq * dir << 1;
    } else {
      dir = 1;
    if (sp) {
      swp = swp > 0 ? -1 : 1;
    if (DR) {
      dr = dr > 0 ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
      dr = 1;
    if (wv) {
      ct = pos;
      if (CT < 1) {
        pos = (pos + 1) & 15;
      CT = (CT + 1) % wv;
  } else if (inlet_sync[j] < 0) {
    snc = 0;
  // int32_t p2=phase+phs;
  if ((phase + phs) < p1) {

    ct = wv > 0 ? pos : 0;

    int32_t tm = array[0][1][ct];
    tm += ___SMMUL(mix, array[1][1][ct] - tm) << 1;
    cnt = tm;
  cnt -= ifrq; //___SMMUL(frq,ifrq)<<1;
  int TRG = -1;
  if (cnt < 0) {
    ct = (ct + dr) & 15;
    int32_t tm = array[0][1][ct];
    tm += ___SMMUL(mix, array[1][1][ct] - tm) << 1;
    cnt = tm;
    TRG = 1;

  int i;
  int i1 = TRG << 21;
  int32_t pos = array[0][0][ct];
  pos += ___SMMUL(mix, array[1][0][ct] - pos) << 1;
  if ((i1 > 0) && !(i0 > 0)) { // dispatch
    nextvoice = (nextvoice + 1) & (blepvoices - 1);
    int32_t x = (i1 << 6) / (i1 - i0);
    oscp[nextvoice] = &blept[x];

    int32_t val = (((64 - x) * (pos >> 2)) + (x * (in0 >> 2))) >> 6;
    vgain[nextvoice] = (acc - val) << 2;
    acc = val;
  int32_t sum = 0;
  i0 = i1;
  in0 = pos;
  for (i = 0; i < blepvoices; i++) { // sample
    int16_t *t = oscp[i];
    sum = ___SMMLA((16384 - (*t)) << 16, vgain[i], sum);
    t += 64;
    if (t >= lastblep) {
      t = lastblep;
      vgain[i] = 0;
    oscp[i] = t;
  sum = ((sum + acc) << 1) * swp;
  hp += sum - hp >> 9;
  outlet_out[j] = sum - hp;
  outlet_phase[j] = ((uint32_t)phase) >> 5;


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