
this is the module to use with the guitarTable module in a polyphonic synthesizer. The guitarTable module will create a complex waveform and this module is able to play that waveform. This was needed, otherwise, in a polyphonic setting, each module would create it's own table, filling up the available memory really quickly. -features pulsewidth, start-shift (start) and pick-up (mod) modulation, all extern controllable. (though these are all only approximations to the changes made by the "fixed settings", reshaping the wavetable)
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/guitarTableOsc.axo


frac32.bipolar pitch

frac32 pwm

frac32 mod

frac32 start

int32 preset


frac32buffer.bipolar sine wave

Parameters pitch pwm mod start preset


objref table

uint32_t phase;
int i;

float32_t A;
float32_t B;
uint32_t PM;
uint32_t Pm;
int32_t prev1;
int32_t prev2;
int32_t prev3;
float32_t prev4;
float32_t prev5;
int32_t step1;
int32_t step2;
int32_t step3;
float32_t step4;
float32_t step5;
int preset;
phase = 0;
Control Rate
int32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, freq)
PM = param_pwm + inlet_pwm;
PM = PM > 0 ? PM : -PM;
PM = PM & ((1 << 28) - 1);
PM = PM > (1 << 27) ? (2 << 27) - PM : PM;
PM = __USAT(PM + 1, 27) << 4;
A = ((float32_t)(1 << 31)) / ((float32_t)(PM << 1));
B = ((float32_t)(1 << 31)) / ((float32_t)(((1 << 31) - PM) << 1));
PM = PM << 1;
int32_t mod1 = param_mod + inlet_mod;
mod1 = mod1 > 0 ? mod1 : -mod1;
mod1 = mod1 & ((1 << 28) - 1);
mod1 = mod1 > (1 << 27) ? (2 << 27) - mod1 : mod1;
mod1 = mod1 << 4;
int32_t mod2;
mod2 = mod1 * 3;

int32_t Start = param_start + inlet_start;
Start = Start > 0 ? Start : -Start;
Start = Start & ((1 << 28) - 1);
Start = Start > (1 << 27) ? (2 << 27) - Start : Start;

step1 = ((((int32_t)(PM)) + (1 << 31)) - prev1) >> 4;
int32_t i1 = prev1;
prev1 = ((int32_t)(PM)) + (1 << 31);

step2 = (mod1 - prev2) >> 4;
int32_t i2 = prev2;
prev2 = mod1;

step3 = (Start - prev3) >> 4;
int32_t i3 = prev3;
prev3 = Start;

step4 = (A - prev4) / (float32_t)16;
float32_t i4 = prev4;

prev4 = A;

step5 = (B - prev5) / (float32_t)16;
float32_t i5 = prev5;
prev5 = B;

preset = param_preset + inlet_preset;
preset = ___SMMUL(preset << 3, attr_table.presets << 2);
preset = preset - (preset / attr_table.presets) * attr_table.presets;
preset = preset < 0 ? preset + attr_table.presets : preset;
preset = preset * attr_table.LENGTH;
Audio Rate
uint32_t Phase;
phase += freq;

uint32_t PHase = phase;
if (phase < (1 << 31)) {
  PHase = ___SMMUL(phase, i3 << 4) << 2;
} else {
  PHase = (___SMMUL(phase, ((1 << 27) - i3) << 4) << 2);

if (PHase < Pm) {
  Phase = (1 << 31) + ((int32_t)(PHase * i4)) + i2;
if (PHase >= Pm) {
  Phase = ((uint32_t)((PHase - Pm) * i5 - (1 << 31))) + i2 + (1 << 31);

outlet_wave =
        .array[((Phase >> 32 - attr_table.LENGTHPOW) & attr_table.LENGTHMASK) +

i1 += step1;
i2 += step2;
i3 += step3;
i4 += step4;
i5 += step5;

Pm = (uint32_t)(i1) + (1 << 31);


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