
4-voice "chord" oscillator with xy scanning between the 4 sine voices features PW control for exponential curving the phase *connect a non-bandlimited saw-LFO to morph through and update voices to incoming note value *connect an attenuated LFO to "swing" the morphing pairs really well with the 4RngCount2 module to provide note-inputs
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/polyScanner.axo


frac32.positive scan

frac32.bipolar offset

frac32.bipolar PW

frac32.bipolar x

frac32.bipolar y

frac32 note1

frac32 note2

frac32 note3

frac32 note4

bool32 active


frac32buffer out


frac32.s.map detune

frac32.s.map PW

int32 key

frac32.s.map.pitch pitch

uint32_t phase[8];
uint32_t phose[8];
uint32_t phise[8];
int32_t wave[8];
int32_t freq[8];
int i;
int32_t base[12] = {0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11};
int32_t sum[4];
int m1trig[4];
int m2trig[4];
int note[4];
int octave[4];
int32_t marph[4];
int32_t mirph[4];
int32_t morph[4];
int32_t LP1;
int32_t LP2;
int32_t HP;
int32_t PW;
int32_t pu;
int32_t x1;
int32_t x2;
int32_t y1;
int32_t y2;
int32_t mix1;
int32_t mix2;
int32_t mix3;
Control Rate
if (inlet_active > 0) {
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    int32_t a;
    a = (inlet_scan + i * inlet_offset) & ((1 << 27) - 1);
    morph[i] = a < (1 << 26) ? a << 1 : (1 << 27) - ((a - (1 << 26)) << 1);
    morph[i] = (morph[i] - (1 << 26)) * 8 / 6 + (1 << 26);
    marph[i] = marph[i] + ((morph[i] - marph[i]) >> 1);
    morph[i] = marph[i] < 0 ? 0 : marph[i];
    morph[i] = morph[i] > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 27) : morph[i];

  note[0] = (inlet_note1 + param_pitch) >> 21;
  note[1] = (inlet_note2 + param_pitch) >> 21;
  note[2] = (inlet_note3 + param_pitch) >> 21;
  note[3] = (inlet_note4 + param_pitch) >> 21;

  int key = (param_key * 7) - (param_key * 7) / 12 * 12;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    octave[i] = note[i] / 12;
    note[i] = note[i] - octave[i] * 12;
    note[i] = note[i] < 0 ? note[i] + 11 : note[i];

    if ((morph[i] == 0) && (!(m1trig[i]))) {
      MTOFEXTENDED((((base[note[i]] + octave[i] * 12)) << 21) + (key << 21) +
                       i * 53,
                   freq[i * 2])
      m1trig[i] = 1;
    } else if (!(morph[i] == 0)) {
      m1trig[i] = 0;

    if (!(morph[i] == (1 << 27)) && (!(m2trig[i]))) {
      MTOFEXTENDED((((base[note[i]] + octave[i] * 12)) << 21) + (key << 21) +
                       i * 47,
                   freq[i * 2 + 1])
      m2trig[i] = 1;
    } else if ((morph[i] == (1 << 27))) {
      m2trig[i] = 0;

  pu = ((param_PW + inlet_PW + (1 << 27)) & ((1 << 28) - 1)) - (1 << 27);

  x1 = (1 << 26) + (inlet_x >> 1);
  x2 = (1 << 27) - x1;
  y1 = (1 << 26) + (inlet_y >> 1);
  y2 = (1 << 27) - y1;
Audio Rate
if (inlet_active > 0) {
  PW = PW + ((pu - PW) >> 8);

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    mirph[i] = mirph[i] + ((marph[i] - mirph[i]) >> 8);
    morph[i] = mirph[i] < 0 ? 0 : mirph[i];
    morph[i] = morph[i] > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 27) : morph[i];
  for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    phase[i] += freq[i] + ((i * param_detune) >> 10);

    if (PW >= 0) {
      phose[i] = (___SMMUL(phase[i] >> 1, phase[i] >> 1) << 2);
    } else if (PW < 0) {
      phose[i] = ((1 << 32) - 1) - phase[i];
      phose[i] = ___SMMUL(phose[i] >> 1, phose[i] >> 1) << 2;
      phose[i] = (((1 << 32) - 1) - phose[i]);

    phise[i] =
        ((___SMMUL(phase[i] >> 2, ((1 << 27) - (PW >= 0 ? PW : -PW)) << 3)
          << 3) +
         ((___SMMUL(phose[i] >> 1, (PW > 0 ? PW : -PW) << 3) << 2)))
        << 1;

    SINE2TINTERP(phise[i], wave[i])

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    sum[i] = ___SMMUL(morph[i], wave[i * 2]) +
             ___SMMUL((1 << 27) - morph[i], wave[i * 2 + 1]);

  mix1 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, sum[0] << 3) + ___SMMUL(x2 << 2, sum[1] << 3);
  mix2 = ___SMMUL(x1 << 2, sum[2] << 3) + ___SMMUL(x2 << 2, sum[3] << 3);
  mix3 = ___SMMUL(y1 << 2, mix1 << 3) + ___SMMUL(y2 << 2, mix2);

  LP1 = LP1 + (((mix3)-LP1) >> 2);
  HP = HP + ((LP1 - HP) >> 12);
  outlet_out = LP1 - HP;
  // outlet_out=wave[0]>>5;


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