
morphing wavetable oscillator loads wavetables created with the "TheCreator" module. mixes between the waveforms over 3 axes. X/Y/Z axis is controlled by mix1, mix2 and mix3 respectively. Range is unipolar fractional and negates the mix direction when over the min/max limits. step1, step2 and step3 control the stepsize between selected waveform-presets. quant1, quant2 and quant3 control how many waveforms will be played within the min/max range of the mix. This is multiplied by the steps1/2/3 to select the different waveforms. The set amount will also be send to the divide1/2/3 outputs to connect to the tempo-synced-LFO division-inputs. This keeps the rate of morph the same if you add more steps to the morph. Depending on the mix-position of all 3 axes, 1 up to 8 different waveforms can be mixed together. Controlling the mixes with tempo-synced LFO's or envelopes can create lots of different characters. Using triangle or sine shapes (as long as there's no jump in value) will create a continuous morph Using saw, pulse or fast envelopes (as long as there's a fast change or jump in value) will create continuous morphs with sudden changes happening rhytmically. When using the same step values as those that have been set in the waveform creator "TheCreator", enables you to morph through the waveforms, following the wavetable generation settings.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/osc/tableMorph.axo


frac32.bipolar pitch

frac32buffer frequency

frac32buffer expFM

frac32buffer phase

frac32buffer sync

int32 waveform

frac32 mixSine

frac32 mix1

frac32 mix2

frac32 mix3


frac32buffer.bipolar sine wave

int32 divide1

int32 divide2

int32 divide3

Parameters pitch LP

int32 octSine

int32 waveform

int32 step1

int32 quant1

int32 step2

int32 quant2

int32 step3

int32 quant3 mixSine mix1 mix2 mix3


objref table

uint32_t Phase;
int32_t mix[4];
int32_t ccomp;
int32_t read1;
int32_t read2;
int32_t P[6];
int i;
int Strig;
int32_t wave;
int32_t smooth;
int32_t mixSine;
int32_t F;
int32_t tableOsc(int32_t inst, int32_t Phs, int32_t preset1a, int32_t preset1b,
                 int32_t Mix, int32_t preset2) {
  read1 = attr_table.array[(((Phs)&1023) + ((preset1a + preset2) << 10)) &
  read2 = attr_table.array[(((Phs)&1023) + ((preset1b + preset2) << 10)) &
  ccomp = (1 << 27) - Mix;
  mix[inst] = ___SMMUL(ccomp << 3, read1 << 2) + ___SMMUL(Mix << 3, read2 << 2);
int32_t tablemix(int32_t inst, int32_t WaveA, int32_t WaveB, int32_t Mix) {
  mix[inst] = ___SMMUL(((1 << 27) - Mix) << 3, WaveA << 2) +
              ___SMMUL(Mix << 3, WaveB << 2);

uint64_t MIX1;
uint64_t MIX2;
uint64_t MIX3;
int32_t MX(int32_t T) {
  T = T > 0 ? T : -T;
  T = T & ((1 << 28) - 1);
  F = T > (1 << 27) ? (1 << 28) - T : T;
Phase = 0;
Control Rate
int16_t Preset = (param_waveform + inlet_waveform) & 1023;
int32_t f;
MTOF(param_LP, f)

MIX1 = param_mix1 + inlet_mix1;
MIX2 = param_mix2 + inlet_mix2;
MIX3 = param_mix3 + inlet_mix3;
MIX1 = F;
MIX2 = F;
MIX3 = F;
P[0] = (MIX1 * param_quant1) >> 27;
MIX1 = (MIX1 - (P[0] << 27) / param_quant1) * param_quant1;
P[0] = P[0] * param_step1;
P[1] = P[0] + param_step1;
P[2] = (MIX2 * param_quant2) >> 27;
MIX2 = (MIX2 - (P[2] << 27) / param_quant2) * param_quant2;
P[2] = P[2] * param_step2;
P[3] = P[2] + param_step2;
P[4] = (MIX3 * param_quant3) >> 27;
MIX3 = (MIX3 - (P[4] << 27) / param_quant3) * param_quant3;
P[4] = P[4] * param_step3;
P[5] = P[4] + param_step3;
outlet_divide1 = param_quant1;
outlet_divide2 = param_quant2;
outlet_divide3 = param_quant3;
Audio Rate
int32_t freq;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch + inlet_expFM, freq);
int32_t Freq = freq + ___SMMUL(inlet_linFM << 3, freq << 3);
if ((inlet_sync > 0) && !Strig) {
  Phase = 0;
  Strig = 1;
} else if (inlet_sync < 1) {
  Strig = 0;

mixSine = mixSine + (((param_mixSine + inlet_mixSine) - mixSine) >> 8);

Phase += Freq;
int32_t r;
int32_t p2 = Phase + inlet_phase;
SINE2TINTERP((p2) << param_octSine, r)
int32_t phase = p2 >> 22;

tableOsc(0, phase, P[0], P[1], MIX1, P[2] + P[4] + Preset);
tableOsc(1, phase, P[0], P[1], MIX1, P[3] + P[4] + Preset);
tableOsc(2, phase, P[0], P[1], MIX1, P[2] + P[5] + Preset);
tableOsc(3, phase, P[0], P[1], MIX1, P[3] + P[5] + Preset);
tablemix(0, mix[0], mix[1], MIX2);
tablemix(1, mix[2], mix[3], MIX2);
tablemix(0, mix[0], mix[1], MIX3);

wave = (___SMMUL(mixSine << 3, mix[0] << 2) + ___SMMUL(r, (1 << 27) - mixSine))
       << 1;
smooth = __SMMLA((wave - smooth) << 1, f, smooth);
outlet_wave = smooth;


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