
weighted random gate generator with 4 channels each channel has 4 sequences: -rnd chance per step (when slider is at max, it will always generate a trigger on that step) -play length per step (gatelength->also max length for fill) -retrigger per step (for fills) -delay per step (for swing) -rnd chance for any gate anywhere -rnd chance for changing the current gatelength -width for random gatelength->adds to step gatelength value -rnd chance for random retrigger -width for random retrigger->adds to step retrigger value -rnd chance for random delay -width for rnd chance random delay->adds to step delay -maximum count length for the 4 sequencers (wraps back to step 0 when reaching maximum count) -maximum "main" count length for the internal counter.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/patt/weightedSeqQuneo.axo


bool32 trig

bool32 rst

bool32 load

charptr32 filename


bool32 o1

bool32 o2

bool32 o3

bool32 o4

bool32 trig

int32 cnt

int32 repeat1


bool32.tgl o1

bool32.tgl o2

bool32.tgl p1

bool32.tgl p2

bool32.tgl save

bool32.tgl load

frac32.u.map Gchance

frac32.u.map Pchance

frac32.u.map Pwidth

frac32.u.map Rchance

frac32.u.map Rwidth

frac32.u.map Dchance

frac32.u.map Dwidth

int32 mainlength


bool32 chance

bool32 gatelength

bool32 retrigger

bool32 delay

static const uint32_t LENGTHPOW = (10);
static const uint32_t LENGTH = (1024);
static const uint32_t LENGTHMASK = (1023);
int32_t *Array;
int8_t *array;
int count;
int ttrig;
int strig;
int ltrig;
int rtrig;
int ctrig;
int i;
int gate[4];
int32_t val[4];
int32_t CNT[4];
int32_t repeat[4];
int32_t Rep[4];
int32_t Wid[4];
int32_t Rat[4];
int Gate[4];
int32_t pulsewidth[4];
int32_t delay[4];
int rGate[4];

uint32_t cnt;
int32_t Time;
uint32_t write;
int Para;
int32_t select;
int Output;
uint32_t writepos;
int32_t prev;
int Rtrig;
int trig1;
static int8_t _array[1 << (LENGTHPOW << 2)] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
static int32_t _Array[272] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
array = &_array[0];
Array = &_Array[0];
int i;
writepos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < (LENGTH << 2); i++)
  array[i] = 0;
strig = 0;
ltrig = 0;
rtrig = 0;
ctrig = 0;
Control Rate
write += 1;
write = write & 1023;
cnt += 1;
Output = param_o1 + (param_o2 << 1);
Para = param_p1 + (param_p2 << 1);
select = Para * 16 + Output * 64;
if ((param_save > 0) && !strig) {
  strig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_written;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*Array) * (272);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&Array[0]) + offset, sizeof(fbuff));
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_written);
      rem_sz -= sizeof(fbuff);
      offset += sizeof(fbuff);
    } else {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&Array[0]) + offset, rem_sz);
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_written);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
} else if (!(param_save > 0)) {
  strig = 0;
int load = param_load + inlet_load;
if ((load > 0) && !ltrig) {
  ltrig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_read;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*Array) * (272);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_read);
      if (bytes_read == 0)
      memcpy((char *)(&Array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz -= bytes_read;
      offset += bytes_read;
    } else {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_read);
      memcpy((char *)(&Array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
} else if (!(load > 0)) {
  ltrig = 0;

if (!(prev == (select + param_load))) {
                     Array[256 + Output], 0xFFFD);
                     Array[260 + Output], 0xFFFD);
                     Array[264 + Output], 0xFFFD);
                     Array[268 + Output], 0xFFFD);
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE, 11,
            __USAT(Array[260 + Output] >> 20, 7));
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE, 10,
            __USAT(Array[256 + Output] >> 20, 7));
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE, 9,
            __USAT(Array[268 + Output] >> 20, 7));
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE, 8,
            __USAT(Array[264 + Output] >> 20, 7));

  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    if (Array[i + select] > 0) {
      MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_NOTE_ON + 1,
                ((i + 8) & 15) * 2 + 97, 64);
    if (Array[i + select] == 0) {
      MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_NOTE_OFF + 1,
                ((i + 8) & 15) * 2 + 97, 64);

if ((inlet_rst) && !Rtrig) {
  Rtrig = 1;
  count = -1;
} else if (inlet_rst == 0) {
  Rtrig = 0;
disp_chance = 0;
disp_gatelength = 0;
disp_retrigger = 0;
disp_delay = 0;

if (Para == 0) {
  disp_chance = 1;
if (Para == 1) {
  disp_gatelength = 1;
if (Para == 2) {
  disp_retrigger = 1;
if (Para == 3) {
  disp_delay = 1;

Array[256 + Output] = param_Rchance; // Rep[Output]
Array[260 + Output] = param_Gchance; // Gate[Output]
Array[264 + Output] = param_Dwidth;  // Wid[Output]
Array[268 + Output] = param_Rwidth;  // Rat[Output]
if ((inlet_trig > 0) && !ttrig) {
  Time = cnt;
  cnt = 0;
  ttrig = 1;
  count += 1;
  count = count - (count / param_mainlength) * param_mainlength;
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_NOTE_ON + 1,
            ((count + 8) & 15) * 2 + 96, 64);
  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    val[i] = (int32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber() >> 5));
    gate[i] = Array[count + i * 64] > val[i] ? 1 : 0;
    repeat[i] = (((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber()))) >> 5) < (Array[256 + i])
                    ? 1
                    : 0;
    if (repeat[i] > 0) {
      repeat[i] = ___SMMUL(((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber())) >> 24),
                           Array[268 + i]);
    delay[i] =
        (((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber()))) >> 5) < (param_Dchance) ? 1 : 0;
    if (delay[i] > 0) {
      delay[i] = ___SMMUL(((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber())) >> 5),
                          param_Dwidth << 4);
    pulsewidth[i] =
        (((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber()))) >> 5) < (param_Pchance) ? 1 : 0;
    if (pulsewidth[i] > 0) {
      pulsewidth[i] = ___SMMUL(
          ___SMMUL(((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber())) >> 5), Time << 5) << 3,
          Array[264 + i] << 2);
    rGate[i] = (((uint32_t)((GenerateRandomNumber()))) >> 5) < (Array[260 + i])
                   ? 1
                   : 0;
} else if ((inlet_trig <= 0) && ttrig) {
  ttrig = 0;
  MidiSend3((midi_device_t)MIDI_DEVICE_USB_HOST, 1, MIDI_NOTE_OFF + 1,
            ((count + 8) & 15) * 2 + 96, 64);

array[(write + ___SMMUL(delay[0] << 3, Time << 2) +
       ___SMMUL(Array[count + 48] << 3, Time << 2)) &
      1023] =
    (gate[0] + rGate[0]) &&
    ((___SMMUL(Array[count + 16] << 3, Time << 2) + pulsewidth[0]) >= cnt - 5
         ? 1
         : 0) &&
array[((write + ___SMMUL(delay[1] << 3, Time << 2) +
        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 48 + 64] << 3, Time << 2)) &
       1023) +
      1024] = (gate[1] + rGate[1]) &&
              ((___SMMUL(Array[count + 16 + 64] << 3, Time << 2) +
                pulsewidth[1]) >= cnt - 5
                   ? 1
                   : 0) &&
array[((write + ___SMMUL(delay[2] << 3, Time << 2) +
        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 48 + 128] << 3, Time << 2)) &
       1023) +
      2048] = (gate[2] + rGate[2]) &&
              ((___SMMUL(Array[count + 16 + 128] << 3, Time << 2) +
                pulsewidth[2]) >= cnt - 5
                   ? 1
                   : 0) &&
array[((write + ___SMMUL(delay[3] << 3, Time << 2) +
        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 48 + 192] << 3, Time << 2)) &
       1023) +
      3072] = (gate[3] + rGate[3]) &&
              ((___SMMUL(Array[count + 16 + 192] << 3, Time << 2) +
                pulsewidth[3]) >= cnt - 5
                   ? 1
                   : 0) &&

outlet_o1 = array[write];
outlet_o2 = array[write + 1024];
outlet_o3 = array[write + 2048];
outlet_o4 = array[write + 3072];
outlet_cnt = count & 15;
prev = select + param_load;

CNT[0] = (cnt - (cnt / (Time / (1 + repeat[0] / 2 +
                                ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32], 7 << 5)))) *
                    (Time / (1 + repeat[0] / 2 +
                             ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32], 7 << 5)))) < Time / 8
             ? 1
             : 0;
CNT[1] =
    (cnt - (cnt / (Time / (1 + repeat[1] / 2 +
                           ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 64], 7 << 5)))) *
               (Time / (1 + repeat[1] / 2 +
                        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 64], 7 << 5)))) < Time / 8
        ? 1
        : 0;
CNT[2] =
    (cnt - (cnt / (Time / (1 + repeat[2] / 2 +
                           ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 128], 7 << 5)))) *
               (Time / (1 + repeat[2] / 2 +
                        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 128], 7 << 5)))) < Time / 8
        ? 1
        : 0;
CNT[3] =
    (cnt - (cnt / (Time / (1 + repeat[3] / 2 +
                           ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 192], 7 << 5)))) *
               (Time / (1 + repeat[3] / 2 +
                        ___SMMUL(Array[count + 32 + 192], 7 << 5)))) < Time / 8
        ? 1
        : 0;
outlet_repeat1 = 1 + repeat[0];

outlet_trig = (count & 15) == 0;
Midi Handler
if ((status == 1 + MIDI_CONTROL_CHANGE) && (data1 > 0) && (data1 < 17)) {
  Array[data1 - 1 + select] = data2 << 20;


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