frac32buffer delay time (fraction of total delayline size)
bool32 when high, plays the selected splice till it ends or till repeat and gate go low
bool32 when high, will repeat the slice while gate is high
bool32 when high, reverses the play direction of the splice
int32 selects splice
int32 offsets the playrate in octaves
frac32 normal semitone control to control sample playrate
frac32buffer wave offsets the playrate of the splice (0=normal rate) when high, mixes out the dry signal when play goes high
objref this should refer to a 16bit table allocator (sdram)
objref this should refer to a 32bit table allocator
int splice;
int32_t phs;
bool play;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t frq;
uint32_t base;
float32_t r1;
int spls = attr_starts.array[0];
if (spls > 0) {
splice = inlet_splice;
splice = splice - splice / spls * spls;
splice += (splice < 0 ? spls : 0) + 1;
if ((inlet_play > 0) && !play) {
play = 1;
phs = 0;
} else if (inlet_play == 0) {
play = 0;
width = attr_starts.array[splice] -
(splice > 1 ? attr_starts.array[splice - 1] : 0)
<< 1;
offset = (splice > 1 ? attr_starts.array[splice - 1] : 0);
MTOFEXTENDED(param_pitch + inlet_pitch, frq)
r1 = (float32_t)frq / base;
frq = ((int64_t)1 << 32) / width * r1;
frq = inlet_octave > 0 ? frq << inlet_octave : frq >> -inlet_octave;
if (spls > 0) {
int32_t tmp_r = 0;
if ((inlet_play > 0) && (phs >= 0)) {
phs += frq;
uint32_t pos =
___SMMUL(inlet_reverse > 0 ? (1 << 31) - phs : phs, width) + offset;
tmp_r = attr_samples.array[pos & attr_samples.LENGTHMASK] << 14;
if (inlet_repeat > 0) {
phs = phs < 0 ? 0 : phs;
outlet_out =
inlet_in +
(___SMMUL(inlet_play << 30, tmp_r - ___SMMUL(inlet_in << 1, param_demix))
<< 2);
} else {
outlet_out = inlet_in;