
complex dual sample player to use with the loadtrain modules
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/sampler/sampleplayer1.axo


frac32 sets the rate of the mix-envelope for mixing between sample 1 and 2

frac32 set pitch offset for sample 1

frac32 set pitch offset for sample 2

frac32 sets sample start when gate goes high (should be below both loopend and end)

frac32 sets sample loopstart when repeat is on (should be below the loopend)

frac32 sets sample loopend when repeat is on (should be higher then loopstart)

frac32 sets sample end where the sample will end if repeat is off

frac32 walkUp

frac32 walkDown

frac32buffer tilts the mix envelope. At left position starts with sample 1 and mixes to sample 2. At mid position both samples are preset equally

bool32 when high, plays sample and possible repeat while gate is high, else plays till sample end

bool32 swap index numbers for sample 1 and 2

bool32 when high, reverse the play position. Note, this reverses the read-position, not the actual phase-position itself, which will always run "forward"

bool32 when high, goes into "repeat-mode", using the loopstart and loopend positions

bool32 when high, the repeater will alternate between forward and backward play

int32 select sample 1 index (not repeated)

int32 select sample 2 index (repeatable)

int32 when not zero, this will select a different sample each time the repeat goes back to loopstart. Swalk sets the next sample-index-offset size for each trigger.

int32 sets the sample index where sample selection may start (eg. when samples 8 to 11 are all snares, set "first" to 8 )

int32 sets the amount of consecutive samples that can be selected (eg. when samples 8 to 11 are all snares, set "samples" to 4, as you'll load sample 8,9,10 and 11 = 4 samples)


frac32buffer audio out


objref this should refer to a 16bit table allocator (sdram)

objref this should refer to a 32bit table allocator

bool gate;
uint32_t pos1;
uint32_t pos2;
int32_t Env;
int32_t env;
int32_t v30 = 1 << 30;
int32_t v29 = 1 << 29;
int32_t P1;
int32_t P2;
int32_t S1;
int32_t S2;
bool reverse;
bool dir;
bool Dir;
int32_t ofs;
pos1 = 1 << 30;
pos2 = 1 << 30;
Env = 0;
S1 = 0;
S2 = 0;
Control Rate
uint32_t PS = __USAT(inlet_start, 27);
uint32_t PLS = __USAT(inlet_loopStart, 27);
uint32_t PLE = __USAT(inlet_loopEnd, 27);
uint32_t PE = __USAT(inlet_end, 27);
PS = PS << 4;
PLS = PLS << 4;
PLE = PLE << 4;
PE = PE << 4;

int sample1 = inlet_sample1;
int sample2 = inlet_sample2;
sample1 = sample1 - sample1 / inlet_samples * inlet_samples;
sample2 = sample2 - sample2 / inlet_samples * inlet_samples;
sample1 += sample1 < 0 ? inlet_samples : 0;
sample2 += sample2 < 0 ? inlet_samples : 0;
if ((inlet_gate > 0) && !gate) {
  P1 = 0;
  P2 = PS;
  gate = 1;
  Env = v30;

  if (inlet_swap > 0) {
    S1 = (sample2 + inlet_first) & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
    S2 = (sample1 + inlet_first) & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
  } else {
    S1 = (sample1 + inlet_first) & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
    S2 = (sample2 + inlet_first) & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
} else if (inlet_gate == 0) {
  gate = 0;
uint32_t sStart1 = S1 > 0 ? attr_starts.array[S1 - 1] : 0;
uint32_t width1 = (attr_starts.array[S1]) - sStart1;
uint32_t sStart2 = S1 > 0 ? attr_starts.array[S2 - 1] : 0;
uint32_t width2 = (attr_starts.array[S2]) - sStart2;
int32_t Erate;

MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_mixrate, Erate)
Erate = Erate >> 6;
int32_t frq1;
int32_t frq2;
float32_t r1;
uint32_t base;
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_pitch1, frq1)
MTOFEXTENDED(inlet_pitch2, frq2)
r1 = (float32_t)frq1 / base;
frq1 = ((int64_t)1 << 32) / width1 * r1;
r1 = (float32_t)frq2 / base;
frq2 = ((int64_t)1 << 32) / width2 * r1;
Audio Rate
/*uint32_t asat = __USAT(inlet_a,27);
    int index = asat>>(27-(attr_table.LENGTHPOW-param_size));
   int32_t y1 = attr_table.array[index]<<attr_table.GAIN;
   int32_t y2 =
attr_table.array[(index+1)&attr_table.LENGTHMASK]<<attr_table.GAIN; int frac =
(asat -
  int32_t rr;
  rr = ___SMMUL(y1,(1<<30)-frac);
  rr = ___SMMLA(y2,frac,rr);
outlet_o= rr<<2;

if (Env > 0) {
  Env -= Erate;
} else {
  Env = 0;

if (inlet_repeat && inlet_gate) {
  if ((P2 < 0) || (P2 > PLE)) {
    Dir = !Dir;
    PLS += (Dir > 0 ? inlet_walkUp : inlet_walkDown) << 2;
    S2 = (S2 + inlet_Swalk) - inlet_first;
    S2 = S2 - S2 / inlet_samples * inlet_samples;
    if (S2 < 0) {
      S2 += inlet_samples;
    S2 = (S2 + inlet_first) & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
    Env = v30;
    P2 = PLS;
    P1 = PLS;
    if (inlet_alternate > 0) {
      dir = !dir;
} else {
  P2 = P2 > PE ? -8 : P2;
  dir = 0;
P1 = P1 > PE ? -8 : P1;
env = Env - v29;
env = v29 + ___SMMUL(__SSAT(inlet_mixTilt, 28) << 4, env << 1);
pos1 = ___SMMUL(width1 << 1, P1);
pos2 = ___SMMUL(width2 << 1, P2);
outlet_out = 0;
if ((pos1 < width1) && (pos1 >= 0)) {
  outlet_out = ___SMMUL(attr_samples.array[((dir > 0 ? !reverse : reverse) > 0
                                                ? (width1 - pos1 - 1)
                                                : pos1) +
                            << 12,
               << 2;
  P1 += frq1;
  // pos1+=1;
if ((pos2 < width2) && (pos1 >= 0)) {
  outlet_out += ___SMMUL(attr_samples.array[((dir > 0 ? !reverse : reverse) > 0
                                                 ? (width2 - pos2 - 1)
                                                 : pos2) +
                             << 12,
                         v30 - env)
                << 2;
  P2 += frq2;
  // pos2+=1;


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