frac32 pitch for sample 1
frac32 pitch for sample 2
frac32 pitch for sample 3
frac32 pitch for sample 4
int32 sample 1 select
int32 sample 2 select
int32 sample 3 select
int32 sample 4 select
int32 first
int32 samples
bool32 trigger for sample 1
bool32 trigger for sample 2
bool32 trigger for sample3
bool32 trigger for sample4
frac32buffer table[a] offsets the pitch for all samplers
objref this should refer to a 16bit table allocator (sdram)
objref this should refer to a 32bit table allocator
bool gate[4];
uint32_t pos[4];
int32_t frq[4];
int32_t G[4];
int i;
int32_t v30 = 1 << 30;
int32_t v29 = 1 << 29;
int32_t P[4];
int32_t p[4];
int16_t S[4];
int16_t IS[4];
uint32_t width[4];
uint32_t sStart[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pos[i] = -1 << 30;
S[i] = 0;
G[0] = inlet_gate1;
G[1] = inlet_gate2;
G[2] = inlet_gate3;
G[3] = inlet_gate4;
IS[0] = inlet_sample1;
IS[1] = inlet_sample2;
IS[2] = inlet_sample3;
IS[3] = inlet_sample4;
p[0] = inlet_pitch1 + param_pitch;
p[1] = inlet_pitch2 + param_pitch;
p[2] = inlet_pitch3 + param_pitch;
p[3] = inlet_pitch4 + param_pitch;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((G[i] > 0) && !gate[i]) {
gate[i] = 1;
P[i] = 0;
S[i] = IS[i] - IS[i] / inlet_samples * inlet_samples;
S[i] += ((S[i] < 0 ? inlet_samples : 0) + inlet_first);
S[i] = S[i] & attr_starts.LENGTHMASK;
} else if (G[i] == 0) {
gate[i] = 0;
sStart[i] = attr_starts.array[S[i]];
width[i] = (attr_starts.array[S[i] + 1]) - sStart[i];
uint32_t base;
float32_t r1;
MTOFEXTENDED(p[i], frq[i])
r1 = (float32_t)frq[i] / base;
frq[i] = ((int64_t)1 << 32) / width[i] * r1;
// P1=P1>PE?-8:P1;
outlet_out = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pos[i] = ___SMMUL(width[i] << 1, P[i]);
if ((pos[i] < width[i]) && (pos[i] >= 0)) {
outlet_out += attr_samples.array[pos[i] + sStart[i]] << 12;
P[i] += frq[i];