
Basic drumpattern generator containing 2913 different drum patterns of 8 channels each. THIS TABLE-FILE HAS TO BE DOWNLOADED FIRST! For file, go to: Each drumchannel or the voice channel can select it's own sequence channel and pattern preset, but in normal use the channel-selection is expected to be ordered index 0-7 for chn1 to chn8. p1 to p8 select the preset for the respective channel chn1 to chn8 selects which channel of that preset is used to generate gates Each of the outputs can be muted with a high-gate on the respective mute inputs.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/seq/baseq.axo


int32 Needs a counter going from 0 to 95. You can use maths to change the way of counting

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for respective channel output

int32 sets preset for voice channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for respective channel output

int32 selects one of the 8 channels in the preset to use as gate-info for voice channel output

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel

bool32 mute channel


frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude

frac32 outputs a short trigger with velocity as amplitude


combo sets loading mode when axoloti board is powered up or going live

static const uint32_t LENGTH = ((96 * 3007) << 3);
int8_t *array;
int chnl = 0;
int count, cnt[9], i;
// 0=kick
// 1=basskick
// 2=toms
// 3=snare
// 4=openHH
// 5=closedHH
// 6=cymbal
// 7=perc

int prv;
int32_t max96(int32_t in) {
  in = in - in / 96 * 96;
  in += in < 0 ? 96 : 0;
  return in;
static int8_t _Array[LENGTH] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
array = &_Array[0];
  int i;
  if (attr_mode > 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++)
      array[i] = 0;
Control Rate
count = max96(inlet_clock);

for generating count offsets
int32_t count[9];
int32_t ofs[9]=0;

generate some count offsets here by adjusting the value in
"ofs[..indexnumber..]"-> 12 or 24 steps per beat, depending on how you use the



for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
  cnt[i] = count;

int32_t pV = cnt[8] - 768 + (((inlet_chnV & 7) + (inlet_pV << 3)) * 96);
int32_t p1 = cnt[0] - 768 + (inlet_p1 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p2 = cnt[1] - 768 + (inlet_p2 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p3 = cnt[2] - 768 + (inlet_p3 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p4 = cnt[3] - 768 + (inlet_p4 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p5 = cnt[4] - 768 + (inlet_p5 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p6 = cnt[5] - 768 + (inlet_p6 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p7 = cnt[6] - 768 + (inlet_p7 * 96 << 3);
int32_t p8 = cnt[7] - 768 + (inlet_p8 * 96 << 3);

int32_t c1 = (inlet_chn1 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c2 = (inlet_chn2 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c3 = (inlet_chn3 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c4 = (inlet_chn4 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c5 = (inlet_chn5 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c6 = (inlet_chn6 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c7 = (inlet_chn7 & 7) * 96;
int32_t c8 = (inlet_chn8 & 7) * 96;

pV = pV < 0 ? 0 : pV;
p1 = p1 < 0 ? 0 : p1;
p2 = p2 < 0 ? 0 : p2;
p3 = p3 < 0 ? 0 : p3;
p4 = p4 < 0 ? 0 : p4;
p5 = p5 < 0 ? 0 : p5;
p6 = p6 < 0 ? 0 : p6;
p7 = p7 < 0 ? 0 : p7;
p8 = p8 < 0 ? 0 : p8;
bool trg = 0;
if (!(inlet_clock == prv)) {
  trg = 1;
outlet_kick = inlet_muteKick < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p1 + c1] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_basskick =
    inlet_muteBasskick < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p2 + c2] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_toms = inlet_muteToms < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p3 + c3] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_snares =
    inlet_muteSnares < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p4 + c4] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_openHH =
    inlet_muteOpenHH < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p5 + c5] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_closedHH =
    inlet_muteClosedHH < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p6 + c6] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_cymbals =
    inlet_muteCymbals < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p7 + c7] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_percussions =
    inlet_mutePercussions < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[p8 + c8] << 20) : 0) : 0;
outlet_voice = inlet_muteVoice < 1 ? (trg == 1 ? (array[pV] << 20) : 0) : 0;
prv = inlet_clock;


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