
16 output modulation recorder uses single inputs for: -counting position for all 16 recorders/readers -value record and modulation select when rectrig is high, it records the value on input_v into the selected modulation sequencer. to randomise the selected channel, press "rndChnl" to randomise all the channels together, press "rndAll" recorded patterns can be saved an later recalled, just connect a string/indexed, provide a name and hit "save" to save your patterns.
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/table/mod16RecV2.axo


bool32 clear

bool32 rndChnl

bool32 rndAll

bool32 load

charptr32 filename

int32.positive index (integer, not fraction)

frac32 value

int32 sel

bool32.rising trigger


frac32 01

frac32 02

frac32 03

frac32 04

frac32 05

frac32 06

frac32 07

frac32 08

frac32 09

frac32 10

frac32 11

frac32 12

frac32 13

frac32 14

frac32 15

frac32 16


bool32.tgl SaveOn load save


spinner size

static const uint32_t LENGTH = attr_size;

int32_t *array;
int i;
int ntrig;
int ctrig;
int rtrig;
int Rtrig;
int mtrig;
int ltrig;
int strig;
int load;
int ntrig = 0;
static int32_t _array[LENGTH << 4] __attribute__((section(".sdram")));
array = &_array[0];
Control Rate
int load = param_load + inlet_load;
if ((param_save > 0) && !strig && param_SaveOn) {
  strig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_written;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*array) * (LENGTH << 4);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&array[0]) + offset, sizeof(fbuff));
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_written);
      rem_sz -= sizeof(fbuff);
      offset += sizeof(fbuff);
    } else {
      memcpy((char *)fbuff, (char *)(&array[0]) + offset, rem_sz);
      err = f_write(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_written);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK)
    report_fatfs_error(err, "inlet_filename");
} else if (!(param_save > 0)) {
  strig = 0;

if ((load > 0) && !ltrig) {
  ltrig = 1;
  FIL FileObject;
  FRESULT err;
  UINT bytes_read;
  err = f_open(&FileObject, inlet_filename, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  int rem_sz = sizeof(*array) * (LENGTH << 4);
  int offset = 0;
  while (rem_sz > 0) {
    if (rem_sz > sizeof(fbuff)) {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, sizeof(fbuff), &bytes_read);
      if (bytes_read == 0)
      memcpy((char *)(&array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz -= bytes_read;
      offset += bytes_read;
    } else {
      err = f_read(&FileObject, fbuff, rem_sz, &bytes_read);
      memcpy((char *)(&array[0]) + offset, (char *)fbuff, bytes_read);
      rem_sz = 0;
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
  err = f_close(&FileObject);
  if (err != FR_OK) {
    report_fatfs_error(err, inlet_filename);
} else if (!(load > 0)) {
  ltrig = 0;

int32_t write;
write = inlet_pos;
write = write - (write / LENGTH) * LENGTH;
int32_t sel = inlet_sel & 15;
if ((inlet_rectrig > 0) && !ntrig) {
  ntrig = 1;
  array[write + sel * LENGTH] = __SSAT(inlet_v, 29);
if (!(inlet_rectrig > 0))
  ntrig = 0;
if ((inlet_clear > 0) && !ctrig) {
  ctrig = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < (LENGTH << 4); i++) {
    array[i] = 0;
} else if (inlet_clear <= 0) {
  ctrig = 0;

if ((inlet_rndAll > 0) && !rtrig) {
  rtrig = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < (LENGTH << 4); i++) {
    array[i] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber() >> 5);
} else if (inlet_rndAll <= 0) {
  rtrig = 0;

if ((inlet_rndChnl > 0) && !Rtrig) {
  Rtrig = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
    array[i + sel * LENGTH] = (int32_t)(GenerateRandomNumber() >> 5);
} else if (inlet_rndChnl <= 0) {
  Rtrig = 0;

outlet_01 = array[write];
outlet_02 = array[write + LENGTH];
outlet_03 = array[write + LENGTH * 2];
outlet_04 = array[write + LENGTH * 3];
outlet_05 = array[write + LENGTH * 4];
outlet_06 = array[write + LENGTH * 5];
outlet_07 = array[write + LENGTH * 6];
outlet_08 = array[write + LENGTH * 7];
outlet_09 = array[write + LENGTH * 8];
outlet_10 = array[write + LENGTH * 9];
outlet_11 = array[write + LENGTH * 10];
outlet_12 = array[write + LENGTH * 11];
outlet_13 = array[write + LENGTH * 12];
outlet_14 = array[write + LENGTH * 13];
outlet_15 = array[write + LENGTH * 14];
outlet_16 = array[write + LENGTH * 15];


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