
High quality sample-table player. Each stage has it's own settings for: -sample -pitch -start of play-position -end of play-position between each stage, it also has a pitch-control as it will move from the last end-position to the new start position of the next stage. loopmode can be off/forward/reversed/alternating an additional granular effect is added with the "jump" and "size" inputs. Connect a "mutable" square-LFO to the "jump" input. Each time it goes high, it takes the time in-between triggers. The "size" parameter is combined with the current pitch and the sampled time. Each time "jump" goes high it will subtract/add the outcome from/to the current play-position. If "size" is set fully counter-clockwise, it will act as a retrigger. When size is positive, it will jump forward, skipping parts of the sample. This setting is not added to the controller module, as it's more of a real-time and continuously modded, additional control.
Author: Remco van der most
License: BSD
Github: sss/table/samplerPlayerHQ.axo


bool32 gate

bool32 jump

int32 Ssample

int32 Lsample

int32 loopmode

int32 Esample

int32 samplelength

frac32 Spitch

frac32 Sstart

frac32 Send

frac32 SLpitch

frac32 Lpitch

frac32 Lstart

frac32 Lend

frac32 LEpitch

frac32 Epitch

frac32 Estart

frac32 Eend

frac32 size

frac32buffer fm


frac32buffer table[a]

frac32 position

int32 stage


int32 Ssample

int32 Lsample

int32 Esample Spitch SLpitch Lpitch LEpitch Epitch Sstart Send Lstart Lend Estart Eend

int32.hradio loopmode


objref table

uint32_t count;
int gtrig;
int ntrig;
int play;
int stage;
int jtrig;
uint32_t caunt;
Control Rate
uint32_t LENGTHPOW = (inlet_samplelength);
uint32_t LENGTH = (1 << inlet_samplelength);
uint32_t LENGTHMASK = ((1 << inlet_samplelength) - 1);

caunt += 1;

int32_t sample[6];
sample[0] = ((param_Esample + inlet_Esample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;
sample[1] = ((param_Ssample + inlet_Ssample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;
sample[2] = ((param_Lsample + inlet_Lsample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;
sample[3] = ((param_Lsample + inlet_Lsample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;
sample[4] = ((param_Ssample + inlet_Ssample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;
sample[5] = ((param_Esample + inlet_Esample) & 127) << LENGTHPOW;

int loopmode = (param_loopmode + inlet_loopmode) & 3;
int32_t freq[6];
MTOFEXTENDED(param_Spitch + inlet_Spitch - (1 << 64), freq[1])
freq[1] = freq[1] >> 8 + LENGTHPOW - 15;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_Lpitch + inlet_Lpitch - (1 << 64), freq[2])
freq[2] = freq[2] >> 8 + LENGTHPOW - 15;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_Epitch + inlet_Epitch - (1 << 64), freq[0])
freq[0] = freq[0] >> 8 + LENGTHPOW - 15;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_SLpitch + inlet_SLpitch - (1 << 64), freq[4])
freq[4] = freq[4] >> 8 + LENGTHPOW - 15;
MTOFEXTENDED(param_LEpitch + inlet_LEpitch - (1 << 64), freq[5])
freq[5] = freq[5] >> 8 + LENGTHPOW - 15;

uint32_t Sstart = __USAT(param_Sstart + inlet_Sstart, 27);
Sstart = (___SMMUL((1 << 30), Sstart << 4) << 3);
uint32_t Send = __USAT(param_Send + inlet_Send, 27);
Send = (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - (1 << 20), Send << 4) << 3) + (1 << 19);
freq[1] = Send > Sstart ? freq[1] : -freq[1];

uint32_t Lstart = __USAT(param_Lstart + inlet_Lstart, 27);
Lstart = (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - (1 << 20), Lstart << 4) << 3) + (1 << 19);
uint32_t Lend = __USAT(param_Lend + inlet_Lend, 27);
Lend = (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - (1 << 20), Lend << 4) << 3) + (1 << 19);
freq[2] = Lend > Lstart ? freq[2] : -freq[2];
freq[3] = -freq[2];

uint32_t Estart = __USAT(param_Estart + inlet_Estart, 27);
Estart = (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - (1 << 20), Estart << 4) << 3) + (1 << 19);
uint32_t Eend = __USAT(param_Eend + inlet_Eend, 27);
Eend = (___SMMUL((1 << 30) - (1 << 20), Eend << 4) << 3) + (1 << 19);
freq[0] = Eend > Estart ? freq[0] : -freq[0];

int Shigh = Send > Sstart ? 0 : 1;
int Lhigh = Lend > Lstart ? 0 : 1;
int Ehigh = Eend > Estart ? 0 : 1;

outlet_position = count >> 5;
outlet_stage = stage;
Audio Rate
if ((inlet_jump > 0) && !jtrig) {
  jtrig = 1;
  int32_t position = caunt;
  caunt = 0;
  count += ___SMMUL((freq[stage] * (position << 6)), inlet_size << 2);
} else if (inlet_jump == 0) {
  jtrig = 0;

if ((inlet_gate > 0) && !gtrig) {
  play = 1;
  gtrig = 1;
  count = Sstart;
  stage = 1;
  ntrig = 0;
} else if (inlet_gate == 0) {
  gtrig = 0;

if ((inlet_gate == 0) && !ntrig) {
  ntrig = 1;
  stage = 5;

if (play > 0) {

  uint32_t asat = __USAT(count >> 5, 27);
  int index = asat >> (27 - LENGTHPOW);
  int32_t y1 = attr_table.array[(index & LENGTHMASK) + sample[stage]]
               << attr_table.GAIN;
  int32_t y2 = attr_table.array[((index + 1) & LENGTHMASK) + sample[stage]]
               << attr_table.GAIN;
  int frac = (asat - (index << (27 - LENGTHPOW))) << (LENGTHPOW + 3);
  int32_t rr;
  rr = ___SMMUL(y1, (1 << 30) - frac);
  rr = ___SMMLA(y2, frac, rr);
  outlet_o = rr << 2;

  if (stage < 4) {
    count += freq[stage] + ___SMMUL(freq[stage] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);

if (stage == 1) {
  if (Shigh == 0) {
    if (((count >> 1) + (freq[1] >> 1)) > (Send >> 1)) {
      if (loopmode == 0) {
        stage = 5;
      if (loopmode > 0) {
        stage = 4;

  if (Shigh == 1) {
    if (((count >> 1) + (freq[1] >> 1)) < (Send >> 1)) {
      if (loopmode == 0) {
        stage = 5;
      if (loopmode > 0) {
        stage = 4;

if (stage == 4) {
  if ((loopmode == 1) || (loopmode == 3)) {
    if (count > Lstart) {
      count -= freq[4] + ___SMMUL(freq[4] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
      if (count < Lstart) {
        stage = 2;

    if (count < Lstart) {
      count += freq[4] + ___SMMUL(freq[4] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
      if (count > Lstart) {
        stage = 2;
  if (loopmode == 2) {
    if (count > Lend) {
      count -= freq[4] + ___SMMUL(freq[4] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
      if (count < Lend) {
        stage = 3;

    if (count < Lend) {
      count += freq[4] + ___SMMUL(freq[4] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
      if (count > Lend) {
        stage = 3;

if (stage == 5) {
  if (count > Estart) {
    count -= freq[5] + ___SMMUL(freq[5] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
    if (count < Estart) {
      stage = 0;
  if (count < Estart) {
    count += freq[5] + ___SMMUL(freq[5] << 5, inlet_fm << 3);
    if (count > Estart) {
      stage = 0;
if (loopmode == 1) {
  if (stage == 2) {
    if (Lhigh == 0) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[2] >> 1)) > (Lend >> 1)) {
        count = Lstart;
    if (Lhigh == 1) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[2] >> 1)) < (Lend >> 1)) {
        count = Lstart;

if (loopmode == 2) {
  if (stage == 3) {
    if (Lhigh == 1) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[3] >> 1)) > (Lstart >> 1)) {
        count = Lend;
    if (Lhigh == 0) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[3] >> 1)) < (Lstart >> 1)) {
        count = Lend;

if (loopmode == 3) {
  if (stage == 2) {
    if (Lhigh == 0) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[2] >> 1)) > (Lend >> 1)) {
        stage = 3;
    if (Lhigh == 1) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[2] >> 1)) < (Lend >> 1)) {
        stage = 3;

  if (stage == 3) {
    if (Lhigh == 1) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[3] >> 1)) > (Lstart >> 1)) {
        stage = 2;

    if (Lhigh == 0) {
      if (((count >> 1) + (freq[3] >> 1)) < (Lstart >> 1)) {
        stage = 2;

if (stage == 0) {
  if (Ehigh == 0) {
    if (((count >> 1) + (freq[0] >> 1)) > (Eend >> 1)) {
      play = 0;
  if (Ehigh == 1) {
    if (((count >> 1) + (freq[0] >> 1)) < (Eend >> 1)) {
      play = 0;

if (play == 0) {
  outlet_o = 0;


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