
measures the time interval between triggers and converts them into several usable data
Author: Remco van der Most
License: BSD
Github: sss/timers/Clock2Timing.axo


int32.positive Set bits of max delay length (delay write module setting)

bool32.rising Timing calculation is based on incoming clock.


frac32 basedelay

frac32 maxdelay

int32 time interval in k-rate ticks (0.333ms)

int32 maxtimes

frac32.positive Seconds

frac32.positive Hz

frac32.positive Khz

int ntrig;
int rtrig;
int count;
int32_t trigstart;
int32_t trigstop;
int32_t tc;
int32_t tlatch;
int32_t s;
int32_t t;
count = 0;
ntrig = 0;
rtrig = 0;
trigstart = 0;
trigstop = 0;
tlatch = (1 << 31);
tc = (1 << 31);
t = 1;
s = tlatch;
Control Rate
int c;
c = 0;
if ((inlet_trig > 0) && !ntrig) {
  count += 1;
  if (count >= 2) {
    count = 0;
    c = 1;
  ntrig = 1;
} else if (!(inlet_trig > 0))
  ntrig = 0;

outlet_Seconds = ((tlatch << 13) / 48000) << 8;
outlet_Hz = 4398046500000.f / outlet_Seconds;
outlet_Khz = outlet_Hz / 1000;

outlet_Ksamples = tlatch;
int r;
r = ((unsigned int)(1 << inlet_samplelength)) / tlatch;
outlet_maxtimes = r;
outlet_maxdelay = ((r * tlatch * 64) / (1 << inlet_samplelength)) << 21;
outlet_basedelay = ((tlatch * (1 << 14)) / (1 << inlet_samplelength)) << 13;
if ((s * 2) < (1 << inlet_samplelength)) {
  t = t + 1;
s = tlatch * (1 << t);
if ((s) > (1 << inlet_samplelength)) {
  t = t - 1;
s = tlatch * (1 << t);
Audio Rate
if ((c > 0) && !trigstart) {
  tc = 0;
  trigstart = 1;
} else if (!(c > 0)) {
  trigstart = 0;
if ((count > 0) && !trigstop) {
  tlatch = tc;
  trigstop = 1;
} else if (!(count > 0)) {
  trigstop = 0;



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